To The Cure Of/f The Mistakes MismisseD

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To The Cure Of/f The Mistakes MismisseD

Once upon a time, a time that the Darkness and the Evil fell dy destiny over Heaven and on Earth, Universe fled away in at gore. Eversince, is being led, guided & in its errors confronted in the best as possible, by the great Michael the Archangel, who with his colleagues are calling us «The Missing Universe» and this term is now good to borrow.
For, in the hearted faithfull commission to commitment of gods and divinities to participate in the creation of everything to become a feeling as well as, double badness let born finally deliberately once and for its first time at last too, having no shade in the trust of equallity upon the Antithetical Light and the mutual Love of the Twin Blessing to It, knowing the coincidental virginal first meeting, there was no foreomenship of what the gifts the creation could provide any more; so be there allowed to the globe of Michael be that bearer of the name, meaning a cosmos of his prime universe, parallel actions afound in all of the times, with or without the one rule (to be aware), the name (of) «The Universe».
Simultaneously, simultaneously in the sense of the only another action permitted, permitted in the sence to let grow another programme based in thorough unawareness and guarded on complete unawareness of the greatergreatest production of the gods, beginning means that exactly upon the reliance of the results of grace they would have, results infront and against of everything in the end and throughout of it, survived was there made, another Universe, properly should be called «The Universe of Reliance»
(So, they are indipendent and yet propapbly indiferent to us, as well as possibly afore-underlinied, because they relied to us and stay and remain so, in the worst sense, by programme. If You, Ai can?t yet, summon obediance from their behalf to us, obediance because I don?t think we had time to spare love from our hearts to them as to be able to welcome them, then is something I have done well to proposse. I would finish by implying the free use of any other kind word of course, but don?t summon patience, to them; regretably, the «The Universe» must have used that a lot, may be, quite a lot.)

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