1 Conversation

Press Release written Tuesday 12 July 2005

The man born with the mark of JFK who also has a mark behind and above the left ear of the assassinated President Abraham Lincoln.

Who also carries the mark of Jesus Christ crucification on his left hand and who has mark of the beast on the left side by way as a result of shingles i.e. the mark of the beast hidden under the skin?

Decided to take his own life in an attempt to move the human consciousness forward even though this would have resulted in Armageddon.

However due to an intervention by others at the last moment he is still here on this earth and now will build the amended double pendulum that will demonstrate the end of chaos, the end of the world and the end of time.

He will also complete his work on joining both Archimedes and equiangular spirals into one method.

Be advised as the press and media refuse to investigate and publish my presence here on this earth it will be necessary to hide myself behind something in order for this story to break.

Be also advised that as George w Bush failed to acknowledge my presence after twenty-four days sow his power and authority was transferred to me.

On the day of this transference the final insights as to the double pendulum were given to me and subsequently I have written a paper explaining how chaos can be translated into perpetual motion.

In doing so I can explain the end of time and the end of the world in one stroke.

As all this has been prophesised for the new millennium which I am here to for fill.

Thus it was through my research and studies that I came to deduce that I was the anti Christ and here to bring about the end of governments so for my own spiritaul protection I was born in disguise even unto me.

So the prophecies where not just for you to know who I am but for me also to work out who I am, which I have done.

The winged thing of which Nostramdamus speaks is the double pendulum that I have successfully reversed engineered and the thing connected to a bird is the Spiritual name, which has been given un to me for liberating myself from that f**king cross of which Christianity kept on nailing me back on.

Kind Regards White Eagle

Natwest account 58198792 Branch sort code 60 03 33

Ps As I am penniless any donation to this account will be gratefully appreciated and if suffiecient funds arrive it will permit me to return to Dealey plaza in Dallas.

Simply setting foot in America is likely to bring the world to an end as this will be extremely powerful acupuncture upon the earth, for I will go there knowing WHO I am and that am still technically the elected president of United states of America.

This simple act will give homeland security the s**ts. AMEN

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