A Conversation for MY ROTURN

Peer Review: A4441088 - MY ROTURN

Post 1


Entry: MY ROTURN - A4441088
Author: iamallthatiam - U1704830

This is for real

A4441088 - MY ROTURN

Post 2

Smij - Formerly Jimster

Real it may be, but it has nothing to do with our <./>writing-guidelines</.>, so I'm afraid it's getting removed from this forum.

A4441088 - MY ROTURN

Post 3

Felonious Monk - h2g2s very own Bogeyman

"crucification"? "given un to me"??

Perhaps it is George W Bush?

Peer Review: A4441088 - MY ROTURN

Post 4

Phred Firecloud

My wire transfer was returned. Please double check the account number!

smiley - fish

Peer Review: A4441088 - MY ROTURN

Post 5

The GR Manoeuvre --- a posting a day keeps the reaper away

If this isn't already in the Bus Shelter, it jolly well ought to be

Peer Review: A4441088 - MY ROTURN

Post 6

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Nice to see the old boy back smiley - whistle

Peer Review: A4441088 - MY ROTURN

Post 7

Mu Beta

I'm still trying to work out what a 'roturn' is. smiley - huh


Peer Review: A4441088 - MY ROTURN

Post 8

Ivan the Terribly Average

Some sort of urn, presumably. smiley - winkeye

Peer Review: A4441088 - MY ROTURN

Post 9

Dea.. - call me Mrs B!

It's a....it's a...Its one of them thingy things, you know, with the bit on the top that goes round and you have it in the garden. With the thingy bits sticking out......

I thinksmiley - erm

Peer Review: A4441088 - MY ROTURN

Post 10

Mu Beta

It's not one of those things you cook chickens on, is it?


Peer Review: A4441088 - MY ROTURN

Post 11

Dea.. - call me Mrs B!

Nah, thats a cooker!

Peer Review: A4441088 - MY ROTURN

Post 12

Felonious Monk - h2g2s very own Bogeyman

I propose a move to the smiley - bus Shelter. Any seconders?

Peer Review: A4441088 - MY ROTURN

Post 13


Oh yes, long time since the Shelter has had any new blood.


Peer Review: A4441088 - MY ROTURN

Post 14

Felonious Monk - h2g2s very own Bogeyman

It's in there now....

Peer Review: A4441088 - MY ROTURN

Post 15


The person who wrote this entry needs some kind of medical intervention!

He/she also appears to be committing an illegal act, canvassing for money to be placed into his/her account! Not to mention the reference to 'Homeland Security' in the U.S. being given the 'runs'!

Some phrases come to mind: 'pots for rags!' 'eleven to the dozen' 'crackers!'
Neither is it funny in the ha ha sense. But it might just be in the other!

By the way, as a newby of about 9 months, it's the first I've heard about the 'bus-shelter'. I take it that's where all the h2g2 detritus, or graffiti is deposited (?)

f. smiley - run

Peer Review: A4441088 - MY ROTURN

Post 16

Felonious Monk - h2g2s very own Bogeyman

It's a makeshift refuge for the Terminally Bewildered and Hard of Thinking: A938225

Peer Review: A4441088 - MY ROTURN

Post 17


Thanks for that link Anonymous Bosch. Just had a quick read, it looks vaguely interesting. I'll go back after making this reply to read it more closely. I must admit to being a little ignorant of some of the terms and allusions therein!

f.smiley - magicsmiley - run

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