NaJoPoMo 2017: Pics from a Small Planet, by the h2g2 Post
Created | Updated Sep 27, 2018

November is NaJoPoMo around here. It involves posting a journal entry every day. You can read all about it at Create's NaJoPoMo Project.
This month-long journal is called 'Pics from a Small Planet'. It's based on photos sent in by readers of the h2g2 Post. We hope you enjoy them.
h2g2ers live all around Earth: north and south of the Equator, in Europe, Africa, the Americas, Asia, wherever Australia and New Zealand are. . . you get the idea. We see a lot of different weather, a lot of different animals, and many different people.
h2g2ers live in cities, out in the country, in small towns, and in suburbs. They inhabit different climates. One even lives on the Isle of Wight! (He won't shut up about it.) They travel a lot, too. And wherever they go, they keep a weather eye out for the unusual. They snap pictures. That's because they know that if they don't, the Post Editor will fuss and post more cat photos.
If you have a photo to contribute, send it to the h2g2 Post. If we don't manage to get it into this journal, we'll feature it in an upcoming Post issue.
November 2017 – Pics from a Small Planet | |
1 | You Have Minions, Don't You? |
2 | Dawn at the Mersey Tunnel |
3 | Glastonbury Tor at Night |
4 | What Charlotte Wore |
5 | Silhouette on the Beach |
6 | Ruined Beauty |
7 | Sign of Relief |
8 | The Isle of Wight Really Exists! We Have Proof! |
9 | Mission Interior |
10 | Heads and Tails |
11 | Effects of Shadow |
12 | Ruined Abbey |
13 | Camouflaged Duck |
14 | Here Today, Gone Tomorrow |
15 | Zen Thoughts |
16 | Nyala |
17 | Ten Floors and Nine Lanes Away |
18 | Stained Glass Light and Shadow |
19 | Autumn Landscape |
20 | Botanic Garden |
21 | In the Sculpture Garden |
22 | Shoreline |
23 | Chipmunk in Action |
24 | Meet the Miss Limbo |
25 | Fairy Tree |
26 | Lime Street Station |
27 | A Moat Full of Poppies |
28 | Cuppa Coffee |
29 | The Great Globe Itself |
30 | Let the Games Begin! |