#13: Camouflaged Duck
Created | Updated Nov 13, 2017
This photo comes from the h2g2 Post's collection of submissions to Create's November project. We'll be posting a photo a day for the month of November.
Camouflaged Duck

Florida Sailor writes:
These are pictures from my planter taken today (11/11/2017). The duck is sitting on a nest of about a dozen eggs.
Although it is late autumn in the north, and spring in South Africa, here in Florida, life just goes on.
I know it is a dark duck against a dark background, I suspect she chose it for camouflage, we are a few blocks from the nearest pond.
Most of the ducklings will probably fall prey to the hawks and other predators, but such is the cycle of life.
Thought you might find this of use, or at least interesting.
We find this very interesting, indeed!