Create November 2017 Challenge: Go NaJo!
Created | Updated Oct 29, 2017
November 2017 Create Challenge: NaJoPoMo, The Challenge That Will Not Die

It's that time again. NaJoPoMo. To review the history of this august h2g2 feature, we quote from last year's challenge:
In case you're new to this game, here's the story: back in 2011, Create got us all started in the endurance-writing business. Yes, there's something called NaNoWriMo, which stands for 'National Novel Writing Month'. But we didn't want to write novels, so h2g2 does journals. Hence NaJoPoMo. 'What's the 'Na' stand for?' you shout. 'What Nation are we?' Shut up in the back. We're h2g2 Nation, of course: renowned in the galaxy for our creativity, weirdness, and dedication to the proposition that if we write it, somebody will read it and make another bad pun.
Nobody likes change, right? So, after six years of doing this, we're going to do it again, exactly the way we've been doing it.
- We will explain the rules.
- Many of you will ignore the rules.
- We will ignore the ones who ignore the rules, and feature only the cooperative writers in the h2g2 Post.
So here's how it works:
- If you only want your closest friends to read your journal – the one you're going to write every day for the month of November – then do what you usually do: write in your journal. The Post will not feature these journals, because it is technically impossible to link to them. People who don't want to see a junky convo list will unsubscribe. End of story.
- If you do want other people to read what you wrote, make an A-space. That's a separate Entry page. Post the A-number in the handy thread below so that we can tell everyone about your new writing venture. Then either add your daily posts as threads at the bottom of your A-page, or do like we do and add links to the A-page itself. The advantage to this method is that you end up with a beautiful archive of your month's work, and it becomes searchable on h2g2 – in other words, it's actually published. You can't get better than that.
This year, the Post Editor is going to float a new and original NaJo idea. We know how dangerous this is, but fools rush in. If you send an original photo to postteamhg-at-gmail-dot-com, the Editor will upload it and include it in the Post Team's November NaJo, titled Pics from a Small Planet. We'll give you credit. Remember to include your usernumber, to keep the Editor from using unseemly language, and a brief description of the photo and anything you might want to say about it. Do not assume the Editor can tell what he's looking at: the Editor is a space alien and an idiot.
So get busy and write, already! Post your links in the thread below.