A Conversation for #13: Camouflaged Duck
Clever duck!
cactuscafe Started conversation Nov 17, 2017
She is a very clever duck to find a place to be so camouflaged.
Does she know she is camouflaged? Is it an instinct?
Did she just turn up in your planter? Imagine all the little ducklings hatching. Imagine if they made it, and got to the pond. Do you think they could?
Great pics, FS. I like the different colours, top picture she's a brown duck, lower pic more like black, different time of day?
What kind of duck is she?
Clever duck!
Florida Sailor All is well with the world Posted Nov 18, 2017
I believe she is a Muscovy, we also have Mallards here, but they are more colorful. They will probably make it to the pond, but not a lot farther. They are considered to be an invasive species (not native to to the area) and they have no protection. The two pictures were taken a few minutes apart, but from different angles. The change in coloring is due to the position of a low evening sun. To answer your first question we just came out one morning and the nest was being built.
If you look closely around the top of the nest it is covered with a small layer of white down feathers (have you ever heard the expression 'A bird feathering her nest'?) I suspect it is for more insulation.
These ducks do not migrate, but live here year 'round.
I am glad you found this interesting!
Clever duck!
cactuscafe Posted Nov 18, 2017
Ah interesting! Thanks FS.
I enlarged the pic, and could see the white downy feathers!
Oh yes, (checks) to feather one's own nest, to make one's dwelling comfortable. And the origin is from birds lining their nests with feathers to make them warm and comfortable!
So thankyou for the inspiration, little Muscovy! might get that new blanket for my bed that I've been thinking about.
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Clever duck!
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