#26: Lime Street Station

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This photo comes from the h2g2 Post's collection of submissions to Create's November project. We'll be posting a photo a day for the month of November.

Lime Street Station

Lime Street by SashaQ.

This photograph was taken by SashaQ of Liverpool Lime Street Railway Station. W*k*pedia says it was opened in 1836, and is the oldest grand terminus railway station still in use in the world. Liverpool's an interesting place, as FWR keeps making us aware. I notice on the internet that the station's been upgraded recently.

I found a poem about this station by Thomas Edward Brown (1830-1897). He was from the Isle of Man. Apparently, he had to use the Lime Street Station a lot to transfer between the Isle of Man packet and his train to someplace called Clifton. All this geography is fascinating. I'm guessing he wasn't too impressed with the railway station.

Even now your flesh is soft and full, defaced

Although it be, and bruised.

Unblenched your eyes

Meet mine, as misinterpreting their call,

Then sink, reluctant, forced to recognise

That there are men whose look is not unchaste –

O God! the pain! the horror of it all!

'Lime Street'
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