#2: Dawn at the Mersey Tunnel

2 Conversations

This photo comes from the h2g2 Post's collection of submissions to Create's November project. We'll be posting a photo a day for the month of November.

Dawn at the Mersey Tunnel

Dawn at the Mersey Tunnel

This breathtaking photo is an artistic look at the Mersey Tunnel. That's near Liverpool, even the Editor knows that. (References in folk songs, duh.)

Editor's thoughts: There's something magic about this one. I think it's the way the photo makes you look up from under to see that magnificent sky. The light is special, too.

From a 'Mersey Sound' poem:

Tonight at noon

Pigeons will hunt cats through city backyards

Hitler will tell us to fight on the beaches and on the landing fields

A tunnel full of water will be built under Liverpool

Pigs will be sighted flying in formation over Woolton

Adrian Henri, Tonight at Noon
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Dmitri Gheorgheni

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