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smiley -

I have to admit, I never really enjoyed typing up introductions about myself, nor was I ever exceptionally good at it. But here we are, and here it is, so there you go. Cheers *.

Keeper of Hermetic Philosophy and the Hitchhiker Blues

As well as the...

Incredibly Hoopy Side-burned and Bowler-hatted Pirate Cannoneer on board the "The Blood of the Zaphodistas"

1 + 5 + 37 + 4 - 5 = 42


Why is Suz so great?

Is it her smashing good looks, her refreshingly hilarious humor, her caring spirit, or her witty intellect? Visit Suz, and go find out what it is about her that makes you love her to death.

YP and the Hoopy Hoopsters

. Are you one hip, swinging, cat? One hell of a hoopy frood? A jazz lover by any chance? Then go visit The Jazz Cellar, where you'll find that great jazz band, YP and the Hoopy Hoopsters playing the best jazz 'till the crack of dawn. The band consists of Pierce the Pirate who plays the bouzouki, Solnushka who plays the bass, The Mystical Fish who plays the piano, clarinet, and guitar, Bumblebee who plays the woolen sock filled saxophone, One-eye who can 'sing,' ox who can sing so long as the lighting allows only her sillouhette to be seen, and Me on drums. And with a name like YP and the Hoopy Hoopsters, it's got to be good, right? Right. So come to The Jazz Cellar. You won't regret a moment of it. Trust me.


Musicians Guild Member
I'm a MuG, a member of the h2g2 Musicians Guild.
If you're a musician of any kind, feel free to stop by at the Guild page. It's quite a froody place.

Drums and Beatnik Poetry

I am a jazz, funk, and blues drummer, and I currently play with two jazz quartets, the school jazz band, a blues band, three funk bands, and a couple completely insane Latin (Brazilian, really) bands. I also play timpani with the Concert Band and Orchestra which is great because timpani are by far the most superior percussive instruments around...

Although, the more I think about it, I can't help but remember Blue Man Group's drumbone. Now that thing rocks....


In an attempt to become more musical I've taken up the bass as well. It's been about five months of lessons, and my instructor (I've known him my entire life, oddly enough) has pushed me quite hard. I think it's payed off. I'm not sounding that bad. Not bad at all...

The Noise Made by People

My all-time favorite composer is Bach (I've got a bit of a Baroque fetish), but I really dig the stuff Wendy Carlos has synthesized over the years as well. The most musical band I've ever heard is the Beatles, so they're up there on the list of my favorite bands. Also on that list: Led Zeppelin, the Jimi Hendrix Experience (Mitch Mitchell is the man), and Cream...I'm into that bluesy-rock sound.


Northeastern Woodlands

I have been known to live an unusually odd lifestyle involving the mass consumption of sugar, staying awake for days on end and then painting my hallucinations on large canvases, and other various recreational activities, bicycle polo being one. The strangest part about it, though, is that it never got weird enough. When I do incredibly weird things, it may be amusing, but in my mind it's just normal, leaving me to search for weirder things that I have yet to find. Pity.

Outlook for the Quonth

I sometimes contribute to The Post and so do a lot of other great and hoopy people such as Ormondroyd, whose amazing pic (drawn by none other than the famed Amy the Ant) is the one I shamefully swiped and placed to the left of this passage. Read their stuff and admire their illustrations. I'm sure you wouldn't help doing so anyway...

*twiddling thumbs*

If you need me I'll be boozing away at the Table. Speaking of which...


If I'm not listening and dancing to music played at an unreasonably loud volume in the privacy of my wonderfully large, and brand new home equipped with Central Air-Conditioning (is there any other way to live?), at school, a party, in a recording studio, or on a stage, then you will most definately find me at The Ferret and Forelegs (don't worry, I'm just trying it on for size). I'll be the one sitting at the Maverick Table, wearing a bowler hat, quoting Umberto Eco's, Foucault's Pendulum, at the top of my lungs, and occasionally (and rather unsuccessfully) trying to spark some form of conversation with female researchers in a long and seemingly, utterly hopeless attempt to find The One. Whenever I'm there, drinks are on me, so don't be afraid to drop by, say hello, and share a drink. And if I'm not there then you can find me at The Café, enjoying a hot cup of blue java or Irish tea.

Viva Zaphoda!

Sick of uneccessary moderation?! So am I! Go fight for greater freedom in the world of h2g2 by joining the Zaphodista Army of Cybernautic Liberation.

Choose a revolutionary
Subcomandante Insurgent DeidzoebswivFat MammothMarcAverage JoeKasiaAmy the Revolting AntMunchkinGarius LupusArhuaineShea the SarcasticOttoxAnne of a Thousand DaysNYC StudentGreyDeskOrmondroydLinusSantragenius VJk the unwisePheroneousRocket RodThe Corrupt OneBagpussGalaxy BabeMother of God, Empress of the Universe:X [formerly The High Duke of Mars]ZebZorpheusEtherZevEternityImaldrismagratWumbeevilTowelMasterEvil OneTitaniaRaverOrcusPierce the PirateInannaTefkatThe NitpickersoeasilyamusedArdzil MkIIBig Mad Mr TeatsmiceComrade RumbleAndroyd Acest. broelanSporkulious EglonGwennieLady KshazzPRMETaleisinZmrzlinaEllyMr K H JordanWowbaggerGo-Go GirlLittle MischiefKheldarDrGoofLithiumBaldrickthe other omylouseBobGranny WeatherwaxAfgncaap5AndyProfessor Christopher TonksThe Unmentionable Marauding Pillowcase Mark TwoGTBacchusMelinda the BasketcaseYossarian PrefectBumblebeeHatifnatOne-eyeSoapylou, Logic SkipperFreaky CheezePasteyAnonYowuzupmanKTGoshoogoshoogoshAruthaSchrEck Inc.YK's Entire CompanySpaceCadetteJane Muse of Bad Girls'netteringoSergeant Mushroom and CleoPsybrorangerjusticeZero Reali-Tea Entitymari-raea girl called jackGeorge (the babbling) BrookeiopgodMagnolia ThunderpussyKierkegaardvarkIceravenEeyoreVHelium BanditTIMELORDEarthmanTwinkleFrizzychickBoring GuyMetal ChickenJeremy FS JBBWeatherwaxXercesThe Toxin AvengerEngländer, Tschörmen and E´s Alter EgoWolfmanJeffMandarbCourtneyMattKristina, the Flamenco DancerContemplationGinTonyxNiwtDr. Kareem El Kandossy ZivanaTabitcaDastardlyZarniroopIorethSuzZedKumabearFreedomSt. TrinSakkiRed DogwizardNetterNotquiteallhereJamieTerriRedFishStellaSylviaBosselSiguyThe Oppressed Pipe of Great MagnitudePeetBurnE_G_MelMickey Thomas' Right FootplaguesvilleCaptain KebabBabelJoe aka Arniasome bloke who tried to think of a short, catchy, pithy nameAlmighty RobJimmy the Evil ScarMadMunk?¿the phantom of the web (part time)PandoraArgon0

Birthdays, Contacts, and such...

My birthday is on January 16th.

When the time comes, feel free to wish me a happy one.

My h2g2 anniversary is on September 20th.

When the time comes, feel free to share some celebration champagne and cake with me.

I recommended my very first entry to be included in the edited guide at exactly 4:00 P.M. Eastern US time, on Wednesday, September 19, 2001.

This among other things, is an event in my h2g2 life worth celebrating, so when the time comes, please do.

My email address is [email protected].

Feel free to email me anytime.


h2g2 Friends, Friendly Acquaintances, Pirates, Dominatrixes, Musicians, Artists, Drinkers, Book Readers, and Other Incredibly Hoopy People. Whatever it is that they may be, they are all still worth mentioning in my eyes...

Ah, yes... and the names are in absolutely no particular order, so don't feel bad or whatnot if you see yours on the lower half of the list. If you want to know the truth, though, that just means I love you more even though it really doesn't since I don't like to pick favorites. None of you probably give a s**t anyway, so just dismiss this paragraph as a useless ramble smiley -

Updation in T minus two weeks

Suz. If you suffer from obliviousness then you probably haven't realized how much Suz means to me. She's beautiful. And brilliant. And hilarious. And I love her. So mess with Suz and you're going to have to feel the wrath of Remis...I mean...a big, naked, side-burned, and bowler-hatted, built, pirate that isn't afraid to get his enemies drunk then drag them out onto the sidewalk so that they can wake up to some bum peeing on their heads in the morning.*

The Semiotics Lecturing Shed




Venus In Cornflowers





The Mystical Fish


St Hatifnat. She's my guardian angel, a great friend, and my best coffee mate. And she's my angel! And she's cool! And she's my angel! Did I mention that I was lucky enough to get someone as cool as Hati to be my guardian angel? I did? Well, I'll say it again: She's my angel! Yay!!!

Pierce the Pirate


The Ever-Gorgeous Mina

also known as...

The Ever-Gorgeous Linda

Shea the Sarcastic

Amy the Ant


A Girl Called Ben. My soul-twin.







Paper Lady

Marv the Grate

Anne Robinson


the new Sam Wolf

God's Gift to Women

Her Royal Highness, Queen Almasy


Have you always dreamed of working for Starlight Lines and being an employee on board the Starship Titanic?

If so, then go visit the Starship Titanic Construction Intranet.

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