Hi-oh there!

The Rainbow FlagA map of Canada

Sam Wolf

A Witch

Let me just say now that I'm not exectly what you'd call computer savvy. In fact, I am what my friends call 'computer illiterate', so that might explain some of the stupid things I'm bound to do. I am not compleatly new to h2g2. For a short time I was known as SamWolf before I forgot my login password and couldn't get back in.

Pentagram in a circle, two candlesI love to read, watch movies and listen to music although I don't hold much store for television. I love the Harry Potter books as well as just about anything by Stephen King. I've seen so many movies that it's hard to pick a favorite, but one of the best and certainly the best cartoon I've ever seen is Shrek. I love music from Aerosmith to Enya and all in between although my favorite band is Modabo and my favorite non-Modabo song is Born To Be Wild by Steppenwolf (I love the name).Wolf framed by a guitar

I love to travel and every summer I go to Newfoundland to climb mountains and kyayk alongside iceburgs.

Right now I have a job selling fish at farmers markets. It's good work, and my boss is cool, although it doesn't make much.

My pholosephy is to take life as it comes, change the s**t if you can, ignore it if you can't, never stop beleiving in magic,and at all costs, enjoy every moment.A wizard

My favorite quote is "Reality can take a flying f**k at a rolling donut" which was said by Stephen King. My favorite profanities are "God's Holy Trousers!" and "Fubar" which is an acronym for "F****d up beyond all recognition". I beleive in magic and it is my lifes goal to run off with Padfoot from Harry Potter, or, failing that, be named a major diety of joustice and things that go 'beep!'

AurorasI play guitar, though rather poorly, and I write. My guitar's name is Sebastiean and my notebooks' names are Milo, Cal, Rhoda, Bruce, Ethel, Simon and Amos. I am, in case you were wondering, a woman. I'm sorry if my name has in any way misled you.

A green dragonA red dragon

I also like dragons.


Now let me tell you a bit about ob. Ob is a smiley face who really doesn't do much. He can't talk but he can write short sentences. He needs a wheelchair because he was in a tragic accident wich is terribly complicated but involves a phychotic lower-case "i". Since the accedent, ob has had a deathly fear of lower case "i"s.

Occasionally ob will surface inside me and take control. You will know when you're speaking to ob because he doesn't use punctuation and he's just generally odd. Also, he speaks mostly in badly spelled quotes.

Chris Hellard

There is another person here named Hellard, but he spends most of his time sitting in the corner mumbling to himself and doesn't use computers.Hellard is a poet, a philosopher, and, some would claim, a genious. He enjoys proving very complex and intricate theories by examining the texture uf a sock.On the rare occasion in wich you are speaking to Hellard, he will probably make little to no sense and, well... You'll knowhim when you hear him

A man carrying a child wrapped in a blanketThere is no real reason for me to have this picture on my page except that I like it. It touched me

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Er, Aug 7, 2001
Hay Jun 17, 2001


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the new Sam Wolf keeper of 1 aardvark, and ob the smiley face (please read my journal)

Researcher U179464


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the new Sam Wolf keeper of 1 aardvark, and ob the smiley face (please read my journal) has no Friends

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