h2g2 Post 14.03.02

2 Conversations

Posted: 14th March 2002


Today is officially π day!

According to a very mathematically-minded radio programme it is, anyway. Presumably this is because, if written the US way, the date is 3/14 - the first three digits of the solution to the age-old division of 22 by 7. We shall all have a very long wait until the true 'birthday', however, as this won't happen until 3/14/2857. Somehow I don't expect to reach this landmark occasion!

Mentioning 7 of 22 I can't help but let my mind wander to '7 of 9' and from thence to an interesting site I was directed to by TowelMaster. If you have ever toyed with the idea of creating a 'borg' of your own, then check out The Teddy Borg site to see how a group of students put an innocent teddy bear through his 'assimilation'.

The good news in this edition is that Ormondroyd is back and survived his landmark 42nd birthday. Greebo, however, appears to have been catnapped by those dogs at Crufts (did you think that powder-puff poodle deserved to win?) and will return next week with her second report and Horror Scope.

Also missing is Abi, who has sneaked off to enjoy The Cheltenham Festival, but you can still catch her 'pick of the week' over at Abi's Community Activities page.




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