A Conversation for The Beta RPG – A Massively Mini-Player Online Role-Playing Game

Tavaron's birthday holiday

Post 81

Otus Nycteus

* Eli takes the pipe as Kyra hands it to him and has a drag. Slowly, he lets the smoke escape from his lungs and butters a few slices of bread, handing them round. He eats a few himself, downing them with a swig of wine, leaning back against the tree, enjoying the last of the sunlight, the taste of the food and wine, and the weight of Lucy against his shoulder. *

Tavaron's birthday holiday

Post 82


*Kyra laughs suddenly*

Okay, so, being a part-time criminal I might just be paranoid, but isn't this illegal?

Tavaron's birthday holiday

Post 83

Otus Nycteus

* Eli and Lucy chuckle. Eli opens his eyes and smiles at Kyra. *

Let's see. One, we're not on a Confederation planet. It's probably not even inhabited, so who would outlaw it? Two, diplomatic immunity. And three, how would anyone find out? Besides, who cares? We're on holiday.

Tavaron's birthday holiday

Post 84


*Kyra giggles*

I like diplomatic immunity.

Tavaron's birthday holiday

Post 85

Otus Nycteus

* Eli and Lucy chuckle. Eli answers while Lucy lets one hand play with the curls on Frankie's head. *

Who doesn't? But it's not protection from everything, though.

* He yawns and reluctantly gets up. They've managed to finish the wine and the bread in what seems record time. He empties the ash from the pipe and picks up the basket and the rest of their things, except for the glasses, as Lucy has just gathered those up. The two of them smile at Kyra. *

We're going to bed. Sleep well.

* Eli bows down to give Frankie a pet, and so does Lucy. They give Kyra another smile, and leasurely make their way back to the tardis and their luxurious room. *

Tavaron's birthday holiday

Post 86


*Kyra lies on the beach for a little while longer, then gets up and goes to have a bath in her bathroom. She wishes she could have a house like this. She watches the sun set before she goes to sleep with Frankie lying against her knees*

Tavaron's birthday holiday

Post 87


*Kyra falls out of bed*

Everything's better with monkeys </>

*She rolls over and lies under the bed without waking up*

Give me your spines </>

Tavaron's birthday holiday

Post 88

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

*Tavaron and Paul slowly wake up and after about half an hour even manage to get out of the bed. They go to the bathroom to brush their teeth and then get dressed.*


*Both put on their lockets - although they'll have to take them off for swimming later - and go to the kitchen/loggia to see wether they will get breakfast today.*


*When they enter there is a small buffet set up on a table. They grin at each other and help themselves to some food, tea and orange juice.*


Tavaron's birthday holiday

Post 89


*Jack wakes up and tries to decide whether he wants to do anything today. He watches Anezka sleep instead*

Tavaron's birthday holiday

Post 90

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

*Anezka turns towards Jack in her sleep*

Jack, honey...</>

*the rest is not understandable*

Tavaron's birthday holiday

Post 91


*Jack smiles*

Hey sweetie </>

Tavaron's birthday holiday

Post 92

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

*Anezka drifts awake, smiling*


*she cuddles closer*

I want a bed like that in my quarters.

Tavaron's birthday holiday

Post 93


*Jack smiles at Anezka sleepily. He's a little envious of Tavaron. He could never give Anezka a life like this*

Me too.

Tavaron's birthday holiday

Post 94

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

*Anezka smiles and takes Jack's hand*

Maybe we'll get one some day.

*she kisses Jack's hand*

Stay where you are, I'll be back in a minute.

*she climbs over Jack and out of the bed. She puts in her contaclenses, puts on a dressing gown and walks to the door, smiling at Jack over her shoulder before she leaves.*

Tavaron's birthday holiday

Post 95


*Jack burrows into the covers and almost falls asleep again*

Tavaron's birthday holiday

Post 96

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

*Anezka walks to the kitchen. She greets Tavaron and Paul and then asks for a tray. Tavaron gets two and they prepare two breakfasts with something of all the things on the buffet.
Tavaron and Anezka carrie the trays to the room of Jack and Anezka and enter after Anezka took a look into the room.
Tavaron smiles at Jack*

Morning. Room service is here. Enjoy.

*she sets down the tray and leaves while Anezka also sets down her tray and climbs back into the bed.*

Did I forget anything?

*she smiles at Jack*

Tavaron's birthday holiday

Post 97


*Jack nods seriously*

One thing.

*He kisses her and turns to the food*

That's everything.

Tavaron's birthday holiday

Post 98

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

*Tavaron and Anezka have left their boyfriends on the beach and go for a walk in the forest.*


*after a while they sit down on a rock, get water and sandwiches out of a bag Tavaron brought with her and have lunch.
Tavaron decides to be nosy.*

Nice here, isn't it? And how is it going with Jack?

*Anezka shrugs but smiles*

Fine. I guess.

*Tavaron nods and takes a bite from her sandwich*

Any plans for the future already?

*Anezka shakes her head*

Too early for that, isn't it?

*Tavaron shrugs*

Why? If you fit together...

*Anezka smiles but doesn't answer*

And you and Paul? Plans? For how long are you together?

*Tavaron smiles, too and stares at a point somewhere on the next tree*

Seven months if you count like starfleet.

*she shakes her head*

No idea how much future there is for us. Certainly too little.

*Anezka gives her a questioning look*

You don't want to stay together? I thought your parents...

*Tavaron sighs and again shakes her head*

I can't do that to him. And if we find out after thousand years that we don't like each other anymore...

*Anezka nods*

I see. But your father took the risk.

*Tavaron thinks about that for a while*

He was older. No idea how he could be sure. And mum wasn't his first girlfriend.

*Anezka is surprised*

He is your first... but... you are 55, I mean...

*Tavaron nods*

I know. It's not like I didn't get any offers before but...

*Anezka gets more interested*

Noone interesting in 54 years?

*Tavaron shrugs*

For others maybe. I'm sure many girls would have been delighted. Some right guys who thought they'd get even more rich and important with a Gheorgheni as girlfriend - I would have been a good trophy I guess. A few drunks who didn't dare to talk to me while I was sober. Some very good looking men with no brains, some with both who just weren't my type. Well, and then I wasn't really searching for someone, you know?

*Anezka raises her eyeborws*

Wow. Quite a list.

*Tavaron chuckles*

Yes. But they didn't have much fun with me. They just weren't right, you see?

*Anezka looks at her questioningly*

And Paul *is* right, the first one in 55 years, and you still aren't sure whether you could stay with him - or he with you?

*Tavaron shakes her head*

You don't understand.

*Anezka shrugs*

No, I don't.

Tavaron's birthday holiday

Post 99

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

*slowly Tavaron and Anezka walk back to the beach.
Anezka thinks for a while and the turns to Tavaron again*

Do you want to have children?

*Tavaron nods*

Some day. Yes. You?

*Anezka nods*

Same with me. And Paul?

*Tavaron shrugs*

We didn't talk about it. But I think if I'd be human it would be no question for him.

*they come back to the beach and go to their boyfriends. Tavaron finds Paul dozing on a sunbed. She smiles, lies down on a towel next to Paul's sunbed. She also closes her eyes and nearly dozes off, too. When she feels Paul's finger running along the outlines of her body - at least as far as he can reach with out standing up - she has to smile. Paul sighs happily and leans down to gives his girlfriend a kiss.*

Tavaron's birthday holiday

Post 100

Otus Nycteus

* Eli and Lucy are having breakfast in the kitchen. To Eli's delight, Escoffier has served them fresh croissants and a familiar looking and -smelling cheese. *


* Eli smiles broadly at the chef. *

You are too good for us, maître. The Colonel? How...

* Escoffier smiles at them. *

La Contesse has allowed me to bring a few supplies, monsieur. I thought you were one to appreciate a good cheese, and I see I'm not mistaken.

* Lucy gives him a questioning look, and Escoffier explains: *

This is Livarot, madame, a red-mould cheese. It's sometimes called "the Colonel" because of the five bands of reed wrapped around it. Bon appetit.

* He pours them both a cup of fragrant tea and withdraws to the stove. Eli and Lucy eat leasurely and with relish. (Fortunately, Lucy is not lactose-intolerant.) They finish their meal with some cherries and leave the kitchen after thanking Escoffier. *

* A little later they're at the beach, carrying the flippers, diving goggles and snorkels that were in their room when they arrived. They see Tavaron and Paul and wave at them. *

Good morning. How are you?

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