A Conversation for The Beta RPG – A Massively Mini-Player Online Role-Playing Game

Tavaron's birthday holiday

Post 1

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

*We are on the planet Caph V on a beautiful island*


*Tavaron's tardis is a big house at the beach with luxurious bedrooms and a variation of terraces to laze around in the sun.*


*George Auguste Escoffier and the waiter Charles will see that our heroes get enough food and drinks. All is prepared for some relaxing days on the beach.*

*Everyone is still sleeping while the sun dutifully climbes up into the sky. What will the next days bring? We will see...*


Tavaron's birthday holiday

Post 2


*Kyra dreams of meeting a girl. Leanna. She's nineteen. When she was ten her parents were killed in a war, and she was hurt. When she was found by Peacekeeping soldiers she wouldn't leave the ditch she had lain in for the past week, and she wouldn't speak or eat. She lost ten kilograms before they got her proper medical attention. It was only then they discovered that she was deaf*

*Nine years later Kyra meets her as she is about to be interviewed. During the interview Leanna finds out that the only person she trusted after her parents died had been killed in the same war, just after she had been shipped out*

*The dream stops making sense soon after that, and Kyra wakes up unseasonably early. She tries to get back to sleep, but the dream haunts her. She gets up and dresses*


*She leaves the tardis and goes for a run on the beach, barefoot*

*Frankie runs behind happily*


*Kyra returns to the tardis feeling more awake and peaceful*

Tavaron's birthday holiday

Post 3

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

*Anezka wakes up. She stays in bed, cuddled to Jack, a bit longer and then quietly gets up. She doesn't want to wake Jack. He probably needs the sleep after the long shifts he had to do in the last week.
After a shower she uses sunscreen, takes her pills, gets dressed and puts in her contact lenses.*


*she leaves the room to see wether she can get breakfast somewhere - it smells like it.*

Tavaron's birthday holiday

Post 4


*Kyra is raiding Tavaron's kitchen, in search of some coke. She grins as she finds some, then looks for something she can make without burning the place down. She decides to try her luck with bacon and eggs, and gets creative half-way through. Okay, she breaks the eggs too hard and decides to scramble them instead. She cooks some muffins and decides to call the end-product a culinary masterpiece*


Tavaron's birthday holiday

Post 5

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

*Anezka also enters the kitchen. She has a look at the sea from the new loggia*


*then she goes to see who is in the 'real' kitchen to see who is cooking... well, probably the cook. She smiles when she sees Kyra*

Hi... um... good morning. Tavaron wouldn't mind if I get something, too, would she?

Tavaron's birthday holiday

Post 6


*Kyra smiles and passes Anezka a plate*

Here, plenty to go around. You're not a vegetarian are you?

*She takes a plate for herself and leaves the dishes to soak*

*She takes the plate and glass of coke with her and sits on the loggia, looking out to the ocean with her back against a pillar*

Tavaron's birthday holiday

Post 7

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

*Anezka takes the plate, gets herself some food and a glass of orange juice and joins Kyra*

Thanks. No, I'm no vegetarian... ma'am.

*she sits down at the table on a place where she can see Kyra and the sea*

Beautiful view, isn't it?

Tavaron's birthday holiday

Post 8


*Kyra nods*

Yeah, 'tis.

*She looks at Anezka*

Please don't call me ma'am. I'm Kyra.

*She'd offer her hand, but can't be bothered getting up, so she just casually salutes and turns back to the view*

I never wanted to be an officer.

Tavaron's birthday holiday

Post 9

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

*Anezka smiles and salutes back at Kyra*

I'm Anezka.

*she starts eating while glancing at Kyra*

Um... and... why did you become one then if I may ask?

Tavaron's birthday holiday

Post 10


*Kyra grins*

It's a very long story.

So, what do you do on the Mariposa?

Tavaron's birthday holiday

Post 11

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

*Anezka nods, understanding that Kyra doesn't want to tell her*

I work in supply. With Corporal Kindred.

Tavaron's birthday holiday

Post 12


*Kyra grins*

Yeah? I used to work there.

Dull as ditchwater, that job. Did have its perks though </>

You like it?

Tavaron's birthday holiday

Post 13

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

*Anezka nods*

It's nice. Not much to do. Sometimes boring, but I now always take something to read with me.

*she chuckles*

Tavaron's birthday holiday

Post 14

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

*Paul meanwhile has a walk on the beach with Senta. He let Tavaron sleep - although she of course gave him a short sleepy smile when he tried to sneak out of the bed.
He walks on the sand, throws sticks for the dog and watches the waves running over his feet.*


*Paul smiles to himself and takes a deep breath of the salty air*

Isn't it nice here, Senta? Well, I guess you'd rather like to be with Brunhild, hm? But I like it. I mean, what else do I need? Sun, beach, good food, friends and Tavaron... although I couldn't stay here forever. Just for a while. And maybe come back some day.

*Paul and Senta run back to the tardis, it is a kind of race - although Paul has lost from the start of course*

Tavaron's birthday holiday

Post 15


*Kyra leaves some of her breakfast for Frankie, then moves so she is lying on her back on the ledge, keeping herself balanced with one hand on the supports beneath her*

*She yawns*

I used to take a nap on the mattresses. But I heard they did a serious revamp. Pity. There were some cool things hidden in there.

Tavaron's birthday holiday

Post 16

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

*Anezka is surprised*

You worked there? And... um... what do you work now?

Tavaron's birthday holiday

Post 17


*Kyra laughs*

Yeah, I worked there.

Must be too early in the morning </>

I work for the DIA now. I'm a diplomatic aide.

Tavaron's birthday holiday

Post 18

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

*Aneza grins*

Ah! Cool! So that's you? Tavaron told me about you. She said I'd have to meet you.

Tavaron's birthday holiday

Post 19


*Kyra looks at Anezka, grinning*


What'd she say?

Tavaron's birthday holiday

Post 20

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

*Anezka shrugs*

Not much. That you are friends and that we should maybe go to the gym together some day.

*she smiles*

*Paul and Senta enter the kitchen*

Good morning, ladies. Tavaron isn't up yet?

*he looks around*

And the cook neither?

*he chuckles*

Well, yesterday was maybe a bit much for him. With time travelling and all. But who cooked then?

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