A Conversation for The Beta RPG – A Massively Mini-Player Online Role-Playing Game
Tavaron's birthday holiday
Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor Posted Jul 31, 2006
*Tavaron, Paul and Senta follow Eli and Frankie*
Tavaron's birthday holiday
Kyra Posted Jul 31, 2006
*Kyra hears Eli and the others coming long before they get close, but she doesn't open her eyes until they approach*
Tavaron's birthday holiday
Otus Nycteus Posted Jul 31, 2006
* Eli chuckles. *
Good morning, sleepyhead. Couldn't resist living rough, eh? Is everything okay?
* He ruffles Frankie's head while he speaks. Lucy reaches them and greets Kyra, too. She also gives Frankie a pet or two. *
Tavaron's birthday holiday
Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor Posted Jul 31, 2006
*Tavaron also greet Kyra*
And aren't you hungry? Did you come back to have something for lunch?
Tavaron's birthday holiday
Kyra Posted Jul 31, 2006
*Kyra smiles at Tavaron*
No, I haven't had anything yet.
*She sits up after deciding she is hungry*
Tavaron's birthday holiday
Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor Posted Jul 31, 2006
*Tavaron nods, then yawns*
Shall we go back to the tardis? For Paul and me it's late anyhow.
*Paul takes a look at his chronometer and nods*
We'd be well in third watch on the Mariposa.
Tavaron's birthday holiday
Kyra Posted Jul 31, 2006
*Kyra gets up, full of energy again*
I never know what time it is anymore.
*She plays with Frankie, and to a lesser extent, Senta, on the way back to the tardis*
Tavaron's birthday holiday
Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor Posted Jul 31, 2006
*Tavaron and Paul walk a bit behind the others. They are holding hands and sometimes Paul also throws a stick for Senta.
Back in the tardis they go to the kitchen with the others and just quickly have a sandwich - Senta has some dog food.*
*even before the others have their food they stand up and say good night. They go to their room, wash and go to bed. Both are rather sleepy, they aren't used to all the swimming and walking around.*
*after some kisses and murmured good nights they soon fall asleep, cuddled up to each other while Senta quietly snores on her blanket.*
Tavaron's birthday holiday
Otus Nycteus Posted Aug 1, 2006
* Eli and Lucy have something to eat, too - not much, though, as it's quite warm on the island -, and drink several glasses of fruit juice and water to replenish their fluids. They're now alone in the kitchen with Kyra and Frankie. Eli grins at the two women and gets up to go to their room. When he gets back, he shows Lucy and Kyra one of the silver boxes Prince Mowgli gave him. *
How about getting ourselves a bottle of wine and some glasses, and have a little party on the beach or one of the terraces?
Tavaron's birthday holiday
Kyra Posted Aug 1, 2006
*Kyra grins*
I *love* working for you!
*She laughs and rummages through a cupboard for three wine glasses*
Tavaron's birthday holiday
Otus Nycteus Posted Aug 1, 2006
* Eli chuckles. *
Stricyly speaking we're on holiday, without anyone even knowing or noticing, but thanks.
* Lucy laughs softly. *
Just imagine, at this very moment we're back on Llanfair again. We're at two places at the same time.
* She takes a bottle of red wine from the drinks counter and grins at Eli and Kyra. *
Ready when you are.
* Eli has gathered some French bread and garlic butter in a small basket, with a knife and a couple of napkins. *
I'm ready. Kyra?
Tavaron's birthday holiday
Otus Nycteus Posted Aug 1, 2006
* Lucy smiles at Kyra, grabbing some dog snacks for Frankie on the way out. *
You pick a spot.
* Eli slides his free arm around Lucy's waist and the two of them wait for Kyra to lead the way. *
Tavaron's birthday holiday
Kyra Posted Aug 1, 2006
*They go down to the beach*
*Frankie runs into the ocean, then runs back out again. She repeats this several times, grinning like a loon, then runs to Eli and Lucy and shakes herself vigorously*
*Kyra goes down to the water and lets the waves cover her feet with sand*
Tavaron's birthday holiday
Otus Nycteus Posted Aug 1, 2006
* Eli and Lucy laugh as Frankie shakes herself dry right next to them. They pick a spot a little away from the floodline and sit down below one of the trees. Eli lures Frankie over and gives her one of the dog treats while Lucy opens the bottle of wine. She calls softly towards Kyra: *
Where do you want your wine, over there or here?
Tavaron's birthday holiday
Kyra Posted Aug 1, 2006
*Kyra turns and joins them under a tree*
Oh, I think I can stand your company.
*She laughs*
Tavaron's birthday holiday
Otus Nycteus Posted Aug 1, 2006
* Eli laughs. *
How touching.
* He takes a small, wooden pipe out of his inside jacket pocket and fills it with weed from the little silver box. *
* He hands it to Lucy, who lights it, takes a drag and hands it to Kyra while slowly exhaling. *
Tavaron's birthday holiday
Kyra Posted Aug 1, 2006
*Kyra leans back lazily with her wine, and takes a long drag from the pipe*
You know me ... I'm just ... that kinda person.
*The wine and pot have almost instantly gone to her head*
Key: Complain about this post
Tavaron's birthday holiday
- 61: Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor (Jul 31, 2006)
- 62: Otus Nycteus (Jul 31, 2006)
- 63: Kyra (Jul 31, 2006)
- 64: Otus Nycteus (Jul 31, 2006)
- 65: Kyra (Jul 31, 2006)
- 66: Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor (Jul 31, 2006)
- 67: Kyra (Jul 31, 2006)
- 68: Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor (Jul 31, 2006)
- 69: Kyra (Jul 31, 2006)
- 70: Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor (Jul 31, 2006)
- 71: Otus Nycteus (Aug 1, 2006)
- 72: Kyra (Aug 1, 2006)
- 73: Otus Nycteus (Aug 1, 2006)
- 74: Kyra (Aug 1, 2006)
- 75: Otus Nycteus (Aug 1, 2006)
- 76: Kyra (Aug 1, 2006)
- 77: Otus Nycteus (Aug 1, 2006)
- 78: Kyra (Aug 1, 2006)
- 79: Otus Nycteus (Aug 1, 2006)
- 80: Kyra (Aug 1, 2006)
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