A Conversation for The Beta RPG – A Massively Mini-Player Online Role-Playing Game

Tavaron's birthday holiday

Post 21


*Kyra sits up when Paul enters, and goes into the kitchen to clean up the mess she's made. She makes a lot of mess cooking, as unused as she is to it*

That was me. I didn't want to wake anyone.

Tavaron's birthday holiday

Post 22

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

*Paul follows Kyra into the kitchen and stops at the door, pretending to be shocked*

Yes, seems like you cooked.

*he chuckles*

You don't have to clean that, Kyra. You cooked already. I'll do that later... if there's something left for me, that is.

*he winks*

Tavaron's birthday holiday

Post 23


*Kyra laughs and offers Paul a plate with an egg-bacon-muffin-thing, which is now cold*

D'you have a microwave?

*She starts cleaning up*

Tavaron's birthday holiday

Post 24

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

*Paul nods and warms up his 'muffin' in the microwave*

Didn't I just tell you you shall stop cleaning?

*he chuckles*

*Tavaron enters the kitchen, wearing a short skirt, a blouse, the bracelet from Eli and Lucy and the locket she got from Paul.
She yawns and then smiles at Anezka. They greet each other and Tavaron walks to Paul and Kyra*


*Paul kisses her*

Morning, kitty.

*he hands her his plate and gets another muffin which he warms for himself*

Kyra cooked today.

*Tavaron grins*

Great, thanks. I'll wake the cook later. He's still asleep, I just checked.

Tavaron's birthday holiday

Post 25


*Kyra laughs and continues to ignore Paul and clean up. There is just something that won't let her make a mess in someone else's 'house' then leave it for them to clean*

I didn't mind, I was up early.

Tavaron's birthday holiday

Post 26

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

*Tavaron smiles*

Well, thank you anyhow.

*Paul gestures at Kyra in mock annoyment*

Now look at that, kitty, the Lieutenant doesn't listen to me.

*he chuckles*

Thanks, Kyra.

*Anezka listens to what's going on and chuckles quietly, then walks to the others and brings back her plate, putting it into the dishwasher*

Tavaron's birthday holiday

Post 27


*Kyra laughs*

Hey, I have a reputation to live down to.

*She finishes the dishes and smiles*

I'm going to go for a walk. See you later.

Tavaron's birthday holiday

Post 28

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

*Tavaron chuckles and nods*

I see.
Ok, have fun, we'll see you later then.

*Paul and Anezka also say good bye.
Then Tavaron and Paul sit down to have breakfast while Anezka walks back to her room and quietly joins Jack in bed again. She decided that there will be enough time to go for a walk later and it's just too nice with Jack in bed.*

Tavaron's birthday holiday

Post 29


*Kyra takes Frankie for a walk but she doesn't go far before she lies down in the shade of a palm tree and falls asleep on the sand*

http://www.cdislands.com/photos_bvi/bvi16/xbv61626.jpg #

# Without any boats

Tavaron's birthday holiday

Post 30

Otus Nycteus

* Eli and Lucy get up after spending a very pleasant first night in their luxurious bedroom - far more luxurious than their suite at the Pantheon hotel, in fact - and have a shower. Yes, together, but the less said about that, the better for hamsters and DIA censors alike. *

* Anyway, when they emerge from their bedroom they're dressed far more casual than usual. *



* They make their way to the kitchen to have something to eat. *

Tavaron's birthday holiday

Post 31

Otus Nycteus

* When Eli and Lucy enter the kitchen, they are greeted by a man in a chef's uniform. Eli smiles at him, as does Lucy. *

Monsieur Escoffier? Enchanté.+ It's an honour to meet you, sir. Please allow me to introduce ourselves. This is Lucy Zhang, and I'm Eli Charognard.

* The chef returns their smiles and takes Lucy's hand, placing a kiss upon it. *

Enchanté, madame.

* He shakes Eli's extended hand and answers, with a distinct French accent: *

It's a pleasure, monsieur. But, if I may ask... Charognard? Do you have French blood in your veins?

* Eli smiles. *

Perhaps a little. I'm from New Orelans, in the United States.

* Escoffier smiles, understanding. *

Ah, le Quartier Latin. Almost as famous as that of Paris. Well, how can I be of service?

* Eli smiles. *

We'd like some breakfast, please. And we'd be honoured if you'd be willing to surprise us. Just one thing: I'm a vegetarian. I hope that won't be a problem?

* Escoffier smiles, too. *

None whatsoever, monsieur. Please, asseyez-vous. # Would you like tea, coffee or fruit juice?

* This time it's Lucy who answers as they sit down. *

We'd both like some tea, please.

* Escoffier nods and smiles, pours both of them a cup of tea and then walks over to the stove. Some virtuoso-style frying-panhandling later, he serves them up some crêpes with fruit. *


Bon appetit! @

* Eli and Lucy thank the chef and dig in with relish. *

+ 'Nice to meet you.'
# 'Have a seat.'
@ 'Enjoy.'

Tavaron's birthday holiday

Post 32

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

*Tavaron and Paul enter the tardis to get a bottle of water - the one they had with them on the beach is empty meanwhile. As they intend to go back to the beach again they are only wearing their swimming things.*


*they enter the kitchen and see Eli and Lucy.
Tavaron smiles*

Ah, good morning. I hope you slept well?

*Paul smiles, too*

Good morning ma'am, morning Eli.

*although he always likes calling people on their frist names it's still an unfamiliar feeling*

*Tavaron and Paul both get a glass of juice and sit down at the table to keep Eli and Lucy some company*

Tavaron's birthday holiday

Post 33

Otus Nycteus

* Eli and Lucy look up and smile as Tavaron and Paul enter. *

Good morning. Yes, we've slept very well, thank you.

* Eli smiles broadly as he says this. Lucy adds: *

Please, call me Lucy, if you like. What Eli told you yesterday goes for me, too.

* She smiles at Paul. *

How's the water?

Tavaron's birthday holiday

Post 34

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

*Paul smiles broadly*

Thank you, Lucy.

*he looks out at the sea, then back at Lucy*

The water is very nice. It has the right temperature. At least for me. But just lying on the beach is nice, too.

*Tavaron nods*

That's right. But we should also have a walk in the forest later. Or tomorrow.

Tavaron's birthday holiday

Post 35

Otus Nycteus

* Eli nods. *

Yes, we'd like to explore the island a little, too.

* He finishes his crêpes and Escoffier serves both him and Lucy a fruit salad. *


* Lucy smiles at the chef. *

Thank you. Those crêpes were delicious.

Tavaron's birthday holiday

Post 36

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

*Paul has a look at the food*

Yes, looks good. Our cook was Kyra this morning.

*Tavaron nods*

But that was good, too, wasn't it?

*Paul nods*

It was, yes... but back to the actual topic: yes, we should maybe all go and have a look around. Kyra has left for a walk in the morning already.

Tavaron's birthday holiday

Post 37

Otus Nycteus

* Eli looks surprised. *

Kyra can cook? Now *that's* a talent she kept well-hidden.

* Both he and Lucy chuckle. He nods at Paul's remark. *

Yes, maybe we should. She has Frankie with her, I assume?

Tavaron's birthday holiday

Post 38

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

*Paul chuckles, too*

We didn't know it either. Yes, Frankie is with her.

Tavaron's birthday holiday

Post 39


*Kyra is sleeping remarkably peacefully on the hard sand. The sun has moved to warm her, and Frankie is asleep next to her in the shade. Kyra wakes briefly every now and then, but lets the peaceful silence lull her back to sleep*

Tavaron's birthday holiday

Post 40

Otus Nycteus

* Eli smiles. *

Well, shall we go look for them, then?

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