FrontPage Archive - August 2009

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3 August 2009

A man performs to applauding puppet hands.The Claque: Art Appreciation Or Nuisance? - Paying the audience to applaud might seem like a practical solution to the performer.

® The Russian Language - It is a highly-structured member of the Slavic family of Indo-European languages.

® Cleaning Brass - In times gone by, this was a task that would be carried out by junior members of the household staff.

QOTD: The surest sign that a boy fancies you is that he doesn't talk to you but keeps riding past on his bike and pulling wheelies.

4 August 2009

A crying baby.Getting Enough Sleep as a Parent - Routines, common sense and basic psychology are crucial in order to achieve this.

The Ironic Death of Arthur Flegenheimer - This gangster's last words were pored over by writers and fortune hunters alike for years.

® William Henry Harrison - The ninth US President died a mere 32 days after his inauguration, where he had caught pneumonia.

QOTD: "If you can dream it, you can do it." - Walt Disney … It may not look dangerous but the more I think about it the worse it gets.

5 August 2009

Junk mail.Unwanted Mail - How to avoid receiving seemingly harmless but often extremely annoying unsolicited post.

® Winking and its Social Implications - We usually wink to show someone we're just kidding, though there can be more to it than that.

® Les Dawson - This British comedian was as well-known for his distinctive piano-playing as for his deadpan delivery.

QOTD: I'm still trying to find an effective indicator of "stop talking now!" to end the long and one-sided calls from my mother

6 August 2009

A tiger with slippers on its ears.Little Black Sambo: A Controversial Book - Few books have attracted as much controversy as Helen Bannerman's story published in 1899.

® An Introduction to Pharaonic Egypt - The Nile Valley in Egypt was home to one of the earliest and longest-surviving of ancient cultures.

® The Lord of the Rings - An overview of Tolkien's classic trilogy, including spoilers for those of you still intending to read it!

QOTD: Why on a clock face using Roman numerals is the number 4 written as IIII rather than IV?

7 August 2009

Earth, angrily waving a placard.The Case for Despair - Do we have the wit or wisdom to tackle global warming, population growth and over-consumption?

® Flora Sandes - During the First World War this English nurse risked her life to fight for the cause of a people she barely knew.

® Selecting, Taming and Training a Budgie - When a single bird is kept as a pet, it will build a strong bond with a caring and attentive owner.

QOTD: That's a ridiculously simple idea which has made me wonder why I've been trying to colorize pictures of Bruce Forsyth and Rolf Harris.

10 August 2009

Artist's impression of the virus.The Human Herpes Viruses - The viruses of the family Herpesviridae are responsible for much woe among humans, chickens and monkeys.

® Formula One Racing in the 1960s - This was a time of great change as the first generation of heroes was replaced by younger drivers.

® Diophantine Equations - Named after the Greek mathematician, Diophantus of Alexandria, who lived in the 3rd century.

QOTD: Your cat is obviously a talented life & design guru.

11 August 2009

Shakespeare plays the pipes.How Shakespeare Gave a Name to Irish Pipes - How the bard labelled an instrument that hadn't yet been invented.

® Pogo Sticks - A toy that has withstood the test of time, being largely unchanged since its invention in 1919.

® Mission Statements - If anyone asks you exactly what your business does, you may need to refer to one of these.

QOTD: Henry Ford was a brilliant engineer but, like many engineers, he was completely clueless about human nature.

12 August 2009

Diners sitting at tables on the pavement in Little Italy, New York.Crazy Joe Gallo - New York City gangster and racketeer 'Joey' was immortalised in a Bob Dylan song.

® German Pronunciation - German is the official language of Germany, Austria, Liechtenstein, and one of the languages of Switzerland.

® The Human Respiratory System - We breathe in and out between 15 and 25 times a minute, but how does this automatic process work?

QOTD: What's your little victory for the day? … Mine is eating a bowl of tomato soup for dinner without spilling on my white top!

13 August 2009

A ferry passing under the Brooklyn Bridge.The Story of the Brooklyn Bridge - Once the longest suspension bridge in the world, it spans New York's turbulent East River.

® Pond Life in the UK: Introduction to a Microcosm - These places are veritable 'jungles', teeming with the strangest of creatures.

® Torque or Moment - When you turn a screwdriver or use a ratchet you are applying (if not necessarily caring about) the concept of torque.

QOTD: The strange thing is that I used an anti insect spray - the others with me didn't and they don't seem to have been bitten … Maybe I'm just tasty!

14 August 2009

A hand turning the dial on a washing machine.How To Do The Laundry Properly And Efficiently - Excellent 'homespun' advice that will take you to clean clothes nirvana.

® Cake Recipes - There's no greater component of a ritual Sunday teatime than cake, so here are some lovely recipes to try out.

® How to Pronounce Italian - Italian has a very simple phonetic pronunciation system, so it can be learned very quickly.

QOTD: It's a wedding ring. Technically they're not grooves, they're ruts.

17 August 2009

Tiffany (Martine McCutcheon) wonders whether her baby monitor might prevent her from missing the end of EastEnders.Reusing Baby Equipment - Some excellent tips on how you might put obsolete equipment to sometimes novel use.

® The Second Amendment to the US Constitution - 26 words have been the final word on US firearms regulation for over 200 years.

® Baked Potato Toppings and Fillings - The humble baked potato isn't exactly what you'd call fast food, but there couldn't be anything easier.

QOTD: I find these posters allmost as irritating as the motavational ones . You know the type , a photo of waves crashing against a cliff under it written ' To discover new horizons you must first leave the shore ' or some such drivel .

18 August 2009

Illustration of Grace Gifford staring at an altar.Grace Gifford's Wedding - Married and widowed on the same day, Grace Gifford dedicated her life to her late husband's cause in Ireland.

® The Scots Leid - It's close to English but it's not simply a dialect; Scots is to English what Dutch is to German.

® The Decline and Legacy of the Samurai - The people of Japan soon became nostalgic about the heroic warriors of the past era.

QOTD: If I've remembered my Latin right, I think the title translates as 'Hope in onions'.

19 August 2009

A security alert.Unattended Luggage - A modern philosophical dilemma occurs the moment you attend to your suitcase.

® Russian Crazy Sevens - Despite its name, this card game originated in Springfield, Massachusetts in 1998.

® The Lava Lamp - This oozy symbol of spaced-out 1960s kitsch is still regarded as a contemporary piece today.

QOTD: Not a fan of death classical myself, though I'm partial to thrash coral and new wave string quartet metal...

20 August 2009

A black and white silhouette of a bickering couple.The Great Divorce: A Novel by CS Lewis - This could be seen as a theological work, but at its heart it's really a fantasy.

® William the Conqueror - Also known as William the Bastard, he's remembered as one of England's most powerful kings.

® Clotted Cream - Thick, rich and golden, clotted cream is probably the best-known delicacy of Devon and Cornwall.

QOTD: How do you deal with house spiders?

21 August 2009

The BBC's House Detectives in front of Ditherington Flax Mill.Ditherington Flax Mill - This Entry makes the case for the mill being the most important building in Shropshire, if not the world.

® Great Radio Shows - In its heyday, before the mass production of TV sets, radio was the link for everyday families with the wider world.

® The Main Street of America: Route 66 - Immortalised in song, it's one of the most celebrated roads in the world.

QOTD: I'm the only competent driver in the world...

24 August 2009

A Star Trek phaser in actionStar Trek: Phasers - The phaser's name is derived from PHASed Energy Rectification replacing the primitive projectile-based gun.

Michael Morpurgo: Children's Author - According to some, Morpurgo is 'one of the greatest storytellers alive and well in the 21st Century'.

® The Lion of Chaironeia - A giant statue erected in Central Greece in about 300 BC which commemorates the dead who fell in a battle.

QOTD: Just decided I could take a break for the length of the next song my randomiser came up with....and it was a 17-minute one

25 August 2009

An artist's impression of a patient suffering from meningitis.Meningitis - The bacterial form of this illness tends to be potentially life-threatening though in its viral form it's usually relatively benign.

Anthony Comstock and the Death of Ida Craddock - Comstock's desire to enforce Victorian moral codes had tragic consequences.

® Making Tea in the Australian Bush - Brewing a cuppa in a billycan can add a kind of picnic atmosphere to the occasion.

QOTD: Deliberately blocking someone from in front or charging up from behind is rude whether you are on foot, in a swimming pool, on a bike, in a car or on a spaceship.

26 August 2009

A cup of cake.A Cup of Cake - We've heard of cups of tea and coffee but but never a cup of cake. Well, until this Entry that is.

Urge Incontinence - This describes the urgent need to pass urine due to untimely contractions of the bladder muscle.

® Sir John Soane Museum, London - Born to a bricklayer in 1753, by the end of his life, he was one of Britain's wealthiest collectors.

QOTD: I've been to paradise but I've never been to Leeds.

27 August 2009

Sir Bobby Robson.Sir Bobby Robson - Best-known as manager of the England football team, he also established a cancer research charity.

Stress Incontinence - The involuntary loss of urine upon any activity, such as coughing, that puts pressure on the bladder.

® Ancient Mayan Cultures - The cultures of Central America are recognised as one of the great early centres of human civilisation.

QOTD: There's a lot to be said for being an ugly duckling.

28 August 2009

Illustration of bits of coloured sea glass being washed up on to the shore.Collecting Sea Glass - Sea glass is variously described as mermaid's tears, shards, beach glass and flotsam or jetsam.

Osama bin Laden - It is difficult to assess the 'real' Osama bin Laden due to the many myths that surround him.

® What's the Point of Astronomy? - Some of the earliest human inscriptions and paintings have illustrated the stars above us.

QOTD: Make a tomato/pepper sauce 'base' and freeze it. … And then STEP AWAY FROM THE CELERY it's evil...


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