A Conversation for The Manifesto for the Campaign to rename Thursday, "Thing"
New code for Thingite Roster.
Shea the Sarcastic Posted Oct 8, 2002
The 170 -1 proud Members of Clan Thingite
Clive the flying ostrich - Warlord
acidbath - Grand Visier
Parrferris - Minister of Defence (and
Occasional Offence)
Amy - High Priestess of Thing and
General in Charge of External
The Gook - Sir Loin, Master at Arms
Inkwash - Speaker of the Underpass
Shea the Sarcastic - Captain of the Thingite
and Honourary Spork
HappyDude - Camp Follower
Mike - (Temporary) Commander Thingite Suicide
Average Joe - Thingite Tactical Advisor
M'Alice - Keeper of the Sacred Ale
Sad, Mad or Bad - Bearer of Pennants
Uncle Heavy - Sergeant Major / Witchfinder
Lady Elly - Assistant GV/Commander Amazon Division
Thing - Guardian of the Sacred Thorn
St. Redfish - Director: Thingite Intelligence Agency (TIS)
Jon Quixote - Official Suggestor of Good Ideas
Ekki Ekki Ekki - Chieftain of Clan McThing
Acolyte Hezher - High Chocolater Pixie
Minister of Occasional Tables
Hiram Abif - Imperial Architect of all Things Thingy
Eris - Resident Deity
Sir TJ - Royal Protector of the Thingite Wit
and Kight Errant of the Thingite Cause
Katie of the Redheads - Donna and Mother
St Trin - Official operator (Thingite Legionaire)
Mr.Mike - Thingite Sandwich Maker
Sir EvilRoy - Maestro of the Thingite Orchestra
and Knight Errant of the Thingite Cause
E G Mel - The Maker of Small Electric Gadgets
Queen Alamsy - Thingite Guard of Smilies
Ice - Thingite Neuro-Surgeon
Yeliab - Thingite Engineer
ABI (!!!) - Captain of Reconnaissance
Frankie Roberto - Thingite Propoganda Chief
Joe AKA Arnia - Head of R + D for the Thingite War Machine
Dastardly - Principle Dragoon of the Thingite Legions
Busterbone - Warden of the Pound; Lobber of dogs.
Cheesestraws - Official Thingite Mascot (Artichoke)
aka - Head Eater of Cheesecake and
D. Pres. for Flicking Rubber Bands.
Dien - Lord-Seneschal (and-Master-of-Werewolves)
for the Court of Thing
Annette - Official Chinchilla Trainer
Pu Dendal-Shrubbery - Head Researcher on
Thingite Calendar
(A horse called) Bazooka Joe and His Amazing
Travelling Side Show aka Dave - Magnificent Steed,
Bearer of Thingites and Devourer of Carrots
Cyberspook - Grand Inquisitor of Disgruntled Cat Toys
and Lover of Small, Vicious, Feline Acupuncturists
Joanna, Princess of Darkness - Thingite Star Gazer
Peregrin - Official Falconer of the Thingite Legions
Twinkle - Official Thingite Teleportationist
Angelecon - Angelic Warrior Creator of Crystalic
Weaponry for the Thingite Legions
Shorty - Tamer/Trainer of Kremlin
Phreako - Official Pigeon Trainer
Tuarinn Chaplin - Minister for General Sillyness
w85 - Thingite Master of Ceremonies
fred_smith - Professor of Surreal Weaponry
ephirielX - Resident Thingite Psychologist
for all Things Thingy
Rootitoot - Thingite Trumpet Herald
Ottox - Official Thingite Nemesis
Demon Drawer - Adjutant of the Genuine
Irish Thingite Council
Granny Weatherwax - Matriarch of the Thingites
and Mother in Law from Hell
Ex-Rambling - Trainer of the Thingite Monster Moths
(Parrot trooper)
Ford Focus - Thingite Wizard ( Diviner of Dark Magics!)
Thing - Thingite Gat
Engländer - Thingite of No Things
Bluecat7 - Thingite Handler of Condiments
fords_prefect - Drinker of Tea
Joe - Priest of Bovine-Related Rituals
Bina-baby - Wearer of All Things Purple
Dr E Vibenstein - Doctor of Thingism
Mr Plato (and cat:Cyril) - First Lieutenant
of Un-Opened Cans of Whuppass
Sulk - Faithful Hound of Mr Arthur "Two Sheds" Jackson,
Grand Visier of Thing
Dreamchild Warspasam - Minister for
Unnecessary Macho Posturing
lemodog - Captain of Every Wibble of the Year
I'm still thinking - Peerless Master of the Gunblade
Sam Wolf, and ob the smiley face -
Thingite Alterer of Calendars
Infinity - Thingite Grand High Witch
Pablo ferral - Thingite Distributor of Bar-Snacks
Plastic Squirrel - Worrier of Pigeons
Tabitca - Official Thingite Cat
Fred the Badger - Official Thingite Bartender
Croz T Scout - ThingNet System Administrator
The Doctor - Head of Confusion
St Niwt - Amphibious Warden for
the Thingite Asylum (Karnt Spel.)
kirikugi - Thingite Tea and Chocolate Digestive Server
March Hare Commander of the Thingite Lemmings
Vidmaster - Warrior Prime of the Thingite Cause
Casey - Bomber Squadron Leader
Luvndaisies - Thingite Sergeant of Meaningless Numbers
SnowGoddess169 - Thingite Philosopher and Sorceress
Bubbles - Wandering Theoretical Mind
Batty - Thingite Adawehi of Nuyagi
Ex Libris Draconium - Official Thingite Librarian
and Scaled Beastie
MaW - Thingite Dance Troupe Choreographer
Iron Griffin - Soul Forger and Thingite Weapon Smith
some bloke who tried to think of a short, catchy,
pithy name and spent five sleepless
nights trying but couldn't think of one
- Thingite Poet of Doom!!! and Fluffy Bunnies
FABT - Commander in Chief of Twiglets and Special Operations
Mookie - Thingite Arbiter of Infinite Wisdom and Justice
Increase Mathers - Cause of Awkward Silences
in the Court of Thing
Captain Zog - Thingite Ambassador to the little people
Avenging Washcloth - Thingite Athletics Supporter
Engels42 - Thingite Minister of Leaky Ethics and Spiffyness
Jiffajoffa - Thingite Minister of Bizzare and
Confusing Conversations
Lifson - Thingite Webmaster
Cabman Green - Official Thingite Inhaler of Nasty Exhaust
Fumes and Other Noxious Substances
Strider - High Chair of the Peoples Front of Thingies
Rat - Official Thingite Bloke
Knifee - Thingite in Charge of Stuff You Shouldn't Run With
Dragonfly - Official Unofficial Thingite
Ernie (formerly Brian) - The Happy Little Elf
Who Was Born on a Thing
Eggy - The Thingite Purple Monkey Dishwasher Fanatic
Mrs Slartibartfast - Lower-Upper-Middle Management
Manager of Stray Brain Cells and All Things Spazzy
doreiwolf - Thingite Patron, Defender of Wibble,
Pagan Younger and Official Pooper Scooper
Smilodon Prefect - Brillo Pad Superintendant
of the Thingite Army
Iago - Thingite Odd Beast (Of Monty Python Fame)
Michele - Purveyor of Oscillating Gyroscopes
and Thingite Postmistress General
Ripper - Veteran Soditite Specialist and
Navigator of High-Speed Inanimate Objects
(Including But Not Limited to Walls and Bus Stops)
Balsac - The Wrinkled Retainer
Candi - Mistress of Titters
Clelba - Spigot Nodulator
Lady Scott - Thingite Metalurgist and Offical Spork Engraver
Sergeant Mushroom - Sergeant Mushroom
Cybermuz - Thingite/L.A.H. Liason Officer
Carl - Official undead zombie chicken of Thing (ex partie)
Leeneh - Bornonthing
Ba'alzamon - Lord of the Underworld,
and all things Dark and Slimy
Yar Kramer - Summary Summoner
Elle - Thingite Espionage Agent
Galen - Official Banisher of Sodit
One Large Sperm Whale - Oceanic Activities Officer
in Charge of Water-Proof Spork Accessories
and Shiny Gardening Tools
TORG - Lord High Slapper of Wrists and
Knitter of Belly-Button Fluff
Mr Inertia - Thingite Ponderer of Laziness and
Giver-Outer-er of Excuses for Being Lazy
GreyDesk - Official Thingite Spokesperson
to/from the Questions Only Thread
THE KID - Romancer of the Realm of The Ridiculous
Neobrad - Thingite Biro Consultant
Kaz - Thingite Musical Trivia Anorak and
Follower of Richard Marx-ism
Mr Legion - Secretary of Evil for the Thingite Cause
Fadookie the Froody - The Shah of Great Boo-hally,
Vice President of the Department of Vice and Strife,
Coveter of Llamas, Newbie Extraordinaire
Vicki Chicki - Community Playgroup Leader to The Thingite Clan
KerrAvon- Thingite in Charge of Revoltionary Misspelt Graffetttti
Sir Stu - Thingite Cook
Sir Culdasac - Master of the Thingite Monkey Army
Alex - Thingite Ambassador of the Irony of the Smile
GingerElle - High Empress of Rich Tea Eating
and Curator of the Official Fruitcake
Doc Shinryuu - The Great and Powerful Towel Mage
peter the girl - Thingite Peter Gabriel namesake and
correspondent to teddybears and white mice
AndyG - Thingite Scanner of Subterrainean Surfaces
Yankee Shoes - Chief Subliminator of Thingite Espionage
Vroomfindel - Thingite of Title-Related Indecisiveness
and Unofficial Changer of the Mind
Pinniped - The Dark-Eyed Nemesis of
Very Nearly All Things Piscine
NihilistMan - Enforcer of Good and Righteous Aroma
to that of Your Cheese, the Honourable
Crown Duke of Sillywaddle
GingerElle - High Empress of Rich Tea Eating and
Curator of the Official Fruitcake
winter rae - Zen Controller of Strategy and Reconnaisance
Captain A.J. Rimmer - Deputy, Vice-Minion Maintenance
Repairman of Thingite Stuff
mezzy5 - Thingite Weather Dragon
Hyp_huff - Thingite Minnyster of Educashun
Jedi Jade and Thras - Patron Punk Jedi
Typolifi - Grand Nofficer of the 5th Wibble Taskforce
Peet - Pedant to the Stars
Crazy Man - Wearer Of The Crazy Indiana
"Who's Yer Daddy?" Pants
Utter Bewilderment - Thingite Preacher
Auralyra - Thingite Ambassador to Fools, Keeper of the
Thingite Greenhouse and Official Spurner of Broccoli
Beatnik - Relatively Official Minister of
Anything Saturated with Caffeine
Daro Frink - Sub personality of Daro. In charge of
co-ordinating the voices in your head
Redz - Thingitty Thing, The Thing Thing's Sister
British Bulldog - Extreme Orangutan of the Dark Side
Ineffable -
Somewhere-Or-Another, In
ddombrow - Official Thingite Teddy Bear
RhoMuNuQ - Thingite Link to Psueudophysical Reality
Amy Pawloski - Thingite Official
Mufflewhump Giver-Outerererer...er...er...
Tubaman - Official Thingte Kleptomaniac
Terran - The Gabble-Less, Except On Weekends
Zok Zimmerman - The Offical Bellhop of The Thingites
and Poobah of the way of the Spork
RYU - The Lord Of The Light Dragons
New code for Thingite Roster.
Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic. Posted Oct 8, 2002
New code for Thingite Roster.
Captain Zog, Thingite Ambassador to the little people, back from his wanderings at last Posted Oct 8, 2002
New code for Thingite Roster.
Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic. Posted Oct 10, 2002
the best things come to those who wait. Look again now...
oh and just cos I'm good like this I also chucked in an update that (hopefully) explain a little bit more to new applicants about choosing a title and so on - save us having to explain it each and everytime someone new turns up plus it reduce the time then between them turning up and getting gabbled.
New code for Thingite Roster.
Lady Scott Posted Oct 11, 2002
Yay! updates!
(too bad I didn't read all the backlog before I updated it at 167-1, and had to do it all over again at 170-1 )
New code for Thingite Roster.
Shea the Sarcastic Posted Nov 11, 2002
The 183 -1 proud Members of Clan Thingite
Clive the flying ostrich - Warlord
acidbath - Grand Visier
Parrferris - Minister of Defence (and
Occasional Offence)
Amy - High Priestess of Thing and
General in Charge of External
The Gook - Sir Loin, Master at Arms
Inkwash - Speaker of the Underpass
Shea the Sarcastic - Captain of the Thingite
and Honourary Spork
HappyDude - Camp Follower
Mike - (Temporary) Commander Thingite Suicide
Average Joe - Thingite Tactical Advisor
M'Alice - Keeper of the Sacred Ale
Sad, Mad or Bad - Bearer of Pennants
Uncle Heavy - Sergeant Major / Witchfinder
Lady Elly - Assistant GV/Commander Amazon Division
Thing - Guardian of the Sacred Thorn
St. Redfish - Director: Thingite Intelligence Agency (TIS)
Jon Quixote - Official Suggestor of Good Ideas
Ekki Ekki Ekki - Chieftain of Clan McThing
Acolyte Hezher - High Chocolater Pixie
Minister of Occasional Tables
Hiram Abif - Imperial Architect of all Things Thingy
Eris - Resident Deity
Sir TJ - Royal Protector of the Thingite Wit
and Kight Errant of the Thingite Cause
Katie of the Redheads - Donna and Mother
St Trin - Official operator (Thingite Legionaire)
Mr.Mike - Thingite Sandwich Maker
Sir EvilRoy - Maestro of the Thingite Orchestra
and Knight Errant of the Thingite Cause
E G Mel - The Maker of Small Electric Gadgets
Queen Alamsy - Thingite Guard of Smilies
Ice - Thingite Neuro-Surgeon
Yeliab - Thingite Engineer
ABI (!!!) - Captain of Reconnaissance
Frankie Roberto - Thingite Propoganda Chief
Joe AKA Arnia - Head of R + D for the Thingite War Machine
Dastardly - Principle Dragoon of the Thingite Legions
Busterbone - Warden of the Pound; Lobber of dogs.
Cheesestraws - Official Thingite Mascot (Artichoke)
aka - Head Eater of Cheesecake and
D. Pres. for Flicking Rubber Bands.
Dien - Lord-Seneschal (and-Master-of-Werewolves)
for the Court of Thing
Annette - Official Chinchilla Trainer
Pu Dendal-Shrubbery - Head Researcher on
Thingite Calendar
(A horse called) Bazooka Joe and His Amazing
Travelling Side Show aka Dave - Magnificent Steed,
Bearer of Thingites and Devourer of Carrots
Cyberspook - Grand Inquisitor of Disgruntled Cat Toys
and Lover of Small, Vicious, Feline Acupuncturists
Joanna, Princess of Darkness - Thingite Star Gazer
Peregrin - Official Falconer of the Thingite Legions
Twinkle - Official Thingite Teleportationist
Angelecon - Angelic Warrior Creator of Crystalic
Weaponry for the Thingite Legions
Shorty - Tamer/Trainer of Kremlin
Phreako - Official Pigeon Trainer
Tuarinn Chaplin - Minister for General Sillyness
w85 - Thingite Master of Ceremonies
fred_smith - Professor of Surreal Weaponry
ephirielX - Resident Thingite Psychologist
for all Things Thingy
Rootitoot - Thingite Trumpet Herald
Ottox - Official Thingite Nemesis
Demon Drawer - Adjutant of the Genuine
Irish Thingite Council
Granny Weatherwax - Matriarch of the Thingites
and Mother in Law from Hell
Ex-Rambling - Trainer of the Thingite Monster Moths
(Parrot trooper)
Ford Focus - Thingite Wizard ( Diviner of Dark Magics!)
Thing - Thingite Gat
Engländer - Thingite of No Things
Bluecat7 - Thingite Handler of Condiments
fords_prefect - Drinker of Tea
Joe - Priest of Bovine-Related Rituals
Bina-baby - Wearer of All Things Purple
Dr E Vibenstein - Doctor of Thingism
Mr Plato (and cat:Cyril) - First Lieutenant
of Un-Opened Cans of Whuppass
Sulk - Faithful Hound of Mr Arthur "Two Sheds" Jackson,
Grand Visier of Thing
Dreamchild Warspasam - Minister for
Unnecessary Macho Posturing
lemodog - Captain of Every Wibble of the Year
I'm still thinking - Peerless Master of the Gunblade
Sam Wolf, and ob the smiley face -
Thingite Alterer of Calendars
Infinity - Thingite Grand High Witch
Pablo ferral - Thingite Distributor of Bar-Snacks
Plastic Squirrel - Worrier of Pigeons
Tabitca - Official Thingite Cat
Fred the Badger - Official Thingite Bartender
Croz T Scout - ThingNet System Administrator
The Doctor - Head of Confusion
St Niwt - Amphibious Warden for
the Thingite Asylum (Karnt Spel.)
kirikugi - Thingite Tea and Chocolate Digestive Server
March Hare Commander of the Thingite Lemmings
Vidmaster - Warrior Prime of the Thingite Cause
Casey - Bomber Squadron Leader
Luvndaisies - Thingite Sergeant of Meaningless Numbers
SnowGoddess169 - Thingite Philosopher and Sorceress
Bubbles - Wandering Theoretical Mind
Batty - Thingite Adawehi of Nuyagi
Ex Libris Draconium - Official Thingite Librarian
and Scaled Beastie
MaW - Thingite Dance Troupe Choreographer
Iron Griffin - Soul Forger and Thingite Weapon Smith
some bloke who tried to think of a short, catchy,
pithy name and spent five sleepless
nights trying but couldn't think of one
- Thingite Poet of Doom!!! and Fluffy Bunnies
FABT - Commander in Chief of Twiglets and Special Operations
Mookie - Thingite Arbiter of Infinite Wisdom and Justice
Increase Mathers - Cause of Awkward Silences
in the Court of Thing
Captain Zog - Thingite Ambassador to the little people
Avenging Washcloth - Thingite Athletics Supporter
Engels42 - Thingite Minister of Leaky Ethics and Spiffyness
Jiffajoffa - Thingite Minister of Bizzare and
Confusing Conversations
Lifson - Thingite Webmaster
Cabman Green - Official Thingite Inhaler of Nasty Exhaust
Fumes and Other Noxious Substances
Strider - High Chair of the Peoples Front of Thingies
Rat - Official Thingite Bloke
Knifee - Thingite in Charge of Stuff You Shouldn't Run With
Dragonfly - Official Unofficial Thingite
Ernie (formerly Brian) - The Happy Little Elf
Who Was Born on a Thing
Eggy - The Thingite Purple Monkey Dishwasher Fanatic
Mrs Slartibartfast - Lower-Upper-Middle Management
Manager of Stray Brain Cells and All Things Spazzy
doreiwolf - Thingite Patron, Defender of Wibble,
Pagan Younger and Official Pooper Scooper
Smilodon Prefect - Brillo Pad Superintendant
of the Thingite Army
Iago - Thingite Odd Beast (Of Monty Python Fame)
Michele - Purveyor of Oscillating Gyroscopes
and Thingite Postmistress General
Ripper - Veteran Soditite Specialist and
Navigator of High-Speed Inanimate Objects
(Including But Not Limited to Walls and Bus Stops)
Balsac - The Wrinkled Retainer
Candi - Mistress of Titters
Clelba - Spigot Nodulator
Lady Scott - Thingite Metalurgist and Offical Spork Engraver
Sergeant Mushroom - Sergeant Mushroom
Cybermuz - Thingite/L.A.H. Liason Officer
Carl - Official undead zombie chicken of Thing (ex partie)
Leeneh - Bornonthing
Ba'alzamon - Lord of the Underworld,
and all things Dark and Slimy
Yar Kramer - Summary Summoner
Elle - Thingite Espionage Agent
Galen - Official Banisher of Sodit
One Large Sperm Whale - Oceanic Activities Officer
in Charge of Water-Proof Spork Accessories
and Shiny Gardening Tools
TORG - Lord High Slapper of Wrists and
Knitter of Belly-Button Fluff
Mr Inertia - Thingite Ponderer of Laziness and
Giver-Outer-er of Excuses for Being Lazy
GreyDesk - Official Thingite Spokesperson
to/from the Questions Only Thread
THE KID - Romancer of the Realm of The Ridiculous
Neobrad - Thingite Biro Consultant
Kaz - Thingite Musical Trivia Anorak and
Follower of Richard Marx-ism
Mr Legion - Secretary of Evil for the Thingite Cause
Fadookie the Froody - The Shah of Great Boo-hally,
Vice President of the Department of Vice and Strife,
Coveter of Llamas, Newbie Extraordinaire
Vicki Chicki - Community Playgroup Leader to The Thingite Clan
KerrAvon- Thingite in Charge of Revoltionary Misspelt Graffetttti
Sir Stu - Thingite Cook
Sir Culdasac - Master of the Thingite Monkey Army
Alex - Thingite Ambassador of the Irony of the Smile
GingerElle - High Empress of Rich Tea Eating
and Curator of the Official Fruitcake
Doc Shinryuu - The Great and Powerful Towel Mage
peter the girl - Thingite Peter Gabriel namesake and
correspondent to teddybears and white mice
AndyG - Thingite Scanner of Subterrainean Surfaces
Yankee Shoes - Chief Subliminator of Thingite Espionage
Vroomfindel - Thingite of Title-Related Indecisiveness
and Unofficial Changer of the Mind
Pinniped - The Dark-Eyed Nemesis of
Very Nearly All Things Piscine
NihilistMan - Enforcer of Good and Righteous Aroma
to that of Your Cheese, the Honourable
Crown Duke of Sillywaddle
GingerElle - High Empress of Rich Tea Eating and
Curator of the Official Fruitcake
winter rae - Zen Controller of Strategy and Reconnaisance
Captain A.J. Rimmer - Deputy, Vice-Minion Maintenance
Repairman of Thingite Stuff
mezzy5 - Thingite Weather Dragon
Hyp_huff - Thingite Minnyster of Educashun
Jedi Jade and Thras - Patron Punk Jedi
Typolifi - Grand Nofficer of the 5th Wibble Taskforce
Peet - Pedant to the Stars
Crazy Man - Wearer Of The Crazy Indiana
"Who's Yer Daddy?" Pants
Utter Bewilderment - Thingite Preacher
Auralyra - Thingite Ambassador to Fools, Keeper of the
Thingite Greenhouse and Official Spurner of Broccoli
Beatnik - Relatively Official Minister of
Anything Saturated with Caffeine
Daro Frink - Sub personality of Daro. In charge of
co-ordinating the voices in your head
Redz - Thingitty Thing, The Thing Thing's Sister
British Bulldog - Extreme Orangutan of the Dark Side
Ineffable -
Somewhere-Or-Another, In
ddombrow - Official Thingite Teddy Bear
RhoMuNuQ - Thingite Link to Psueudophysical Reality
Amy Pawloski - Thingite Official
Mufflewhump Giver-Outerererer...er...er...
Tubaman - Official Thingte Kleptomaniac
Terran - The Gabble-Less, Except On Weekends
Zok Zimmerman - The Offical Bellhop of The Thingites
and Poobah of the way of the Spork
RYU - The Lord Of The Light Dragons
Cybercat - Cleaner of Strange and Metallic Objects
Chauncey - The Startled Gazeebo
The Omniscient One - Guardian of All Thingite
Knowledge and Wisdom
Ralph the Wonder Llama, Supreme Commander
of all Killer Llamas
Darth Zaphod-Incurably Disgruntled
Shaver of Hairy Dragons
Oberon2001 - Holder of the Royal Knickers,
Low-Lord Chicken Soup Jump-Start Mechanic
Rajimom - Duchess of Sodit
Z Phantom - Bringer of Boring and Dull Books
quid animus esse - The Unmentionable Is Almost Here
And It Makes Me Want To Cry, Dear Thingites,
Please Go To This A857937 And You'll
Know The Reason Why
Zhora - Lover of Sailors and Mountaineers,
Purveyor of Tea and Shortbread
to the Thingite Army,
Holder of an Emergency Can of Irn Bru
JustAnotherNumber - Lord High Praetor of Thingite-ica
Mr Blue Sky - Thingite Official Window Opener
and Part-Time Caretaker
finnjim - THE Teacher of the Thingite Clan
New code for Thingite Roster.
Shea the Sarcastic Posted Nov 19, 2002
The 188 -1 proud Members of Clan Thingite
Clive the flying ostrich - Warlord
acidbath - Grand Visier
Parrferris - Minister of Defence (and
Occasional Offence)
Amy - High Priestess of Thing and
General in Charge of External
The Gook - Sir Loin, Master at Arms
Inkwash - Speaker of the Underpass
Shea the Sarcastic - Captain of the Thingite
and Honourary Spork
HappyDude - Camp Follower
Mike - (Temporary) Commander Thingite Suicide
Average Joe - Thingite Tactical Advisor
M'Alice - Keeper of the Sacred Ale
Sad, Mad or Bad - Bearer of Pennants
Uncle Heavy - Sergeant Major / Witchfinder
Lady Elly - Assistant GV/Commander Amazon Division
Thing - Guardian of the Sacred Thorn
St. Redfish - Director: Thingite Intelligence Agency (TIS)
Jon Quixote - Official Suggestor of Good Ideas
Ekki Ekki Ekki - Chieftain of Clan McThing
Acolyte Hezher - High Chocolater Pixie
Minister of Occasional Tables
Hiram Abif - Imperial Architect of all Things Thingy
Eris - Resident Deity
Sir TJ - Royal Protector of the Thingite Wit
and Kight Errant of the Thingite Cause
Katie of the Redheads - Donna and Mother
St Trin - Official operator (Thingite Legionaire)
Mr.Mike - Thingite Sandwich Maker
Sir EvilRoy - Maestro of the Thingite Orchestra
and Knight Errant of the Thingite Cause
E G Mel - The Maker of Small Electric Gadgets
Queen Alamsy - Thingite Guard of Smilies
Ice - Thingite Neuro-Surgeon
Yeliab - Thingite Engineer
ABI (!!!) - Captain of Reconnaissance
Frankie Roberto - Thingite Propoganda Chief
Joe AKA Arnia - Head of R + D for the Thingite War Machine
Dastardly - Principle Dragoon of the Thingite Legions
Busterbone - Warden of the Pound; Lobber of dogs.
Cheesestraws - Official Thingite Mascot (Artichoke)
aka - Head Eater of Cheesecake and
D. Pres. for Flicking Rubber Bands.
Dien - Lord-Seneschal (and-Master-of-Werewolves)
for the Court of Thing
Annette - Official Chinchilla Trainer
Pu Dendal-Shrubbery - Head Researcher on
Thingite Calendar
(A horse called) Bazooka Joe and His Amazing
Travelling Side Show aka Dave - Magnificent Steed,
Bearer of Thingites and Devourer of Carrots
Cyberspook - Grand Inquisitor of Disgruntled Cat Toys
and Lover of Small, Vicious, Feline Acupuncturists
J'au-æmne, Princess of Darkness - Thingite Star Gazer and Official
Person In Charge Of Making Something Official Looking
Peregrin - Official Falconer of the Thingite Legions
Twinkle - Official Thingite Teleportationist
Angelecon - Angelic Warrior Creator of Crystalic
Weaponry for the Thingite Legions
Shorty - Tamer/Trainer of Kremlin
Phreako - Official Pigeon Trainer
Tuarinn Chaplin - Minister for General Sillyness
w85 - Thingite Master of Ceremonies
fred_smith - Professor of Surreal Weaponry
ephirielX - Resident Thingite Psychologist
for all Things Thingy
Rootitoot - Thingite Trumpet Herald
Ottox - Official Thingite Nemesis
Demon Drawer - Adjutant of the Genuine
Irish Thingite Council
Granny Weatherwax - Matriarch of the Thingites
and Mother in Law from Hell
Ex-Rambling - Trainer of the Thingite Monster Moths
(Parrot trooper)
Ford Focus - Thingite Wizard ( Diviner of Dark Magics!)
Thing - Thingite Gat
Engländer - Thingite of No Things
Bluecat7 - Thingite Handler of Condiments
fords_prefect - Drinker of Tea
Joe - Priest of Bovine-Related Rituals
Bina-baby - Wearer of All Things Purple
Dr E Vibenstein - Doctor of Thingism
Mr Plato (and cat:Cyril) - First Lieutenant
of Un-Opened Cans of Whuppass
Sulk - Faithful Hound of Mr Arthur "Two Sheds" Jackson,
Grand Visier of Thing
Dreamchild Warspasam - Minister for
Unnecessary Macho Posturing
lemodog - Captain of Every Wibble of the Year
I'm still thinking - Peerless Master of the Gunblade
Sam Wolf, and ob the smiley face -
Thingite Alterer of Calendars
Infinity - Thingite Grand High Witch
Pablo ferral - Thingite Distributor of Bar-Snacks
Plastic Squirrel - Worrier of Pigeons
Tabitca - Official Thingite Cat
Fred the Badger - Official Thingite Bartender
Croz T Scout - ThingNet System Administrator
The Doctor - Head of Confusion
St Niwt - Amphibious Warden for
the Thingite Asylum (Karnt Spel.)
kirikugi - Thingite Tea and Chocolate Digestive Server
March Hare Commander of the Thingite Lemmings
Vidmaster - Warrior Prime of the Thingite Cause
Casey - Bomber Squadron Leader
Luvndaisies - Thingite Sergeant of Meaningless Numbers
SnowGoddess169 - Thingite Philosopher and Sorceress
Bubbles - Wandering Theoretical Mind
Batty - Thingite Adawehi of Nuyagi
Ex Libris Draconium - Official Thingite Librarian
and Scaled Beastie
MaW - Thingite Dance Troupe Choreographer
Iron Griffin - Soul Forger and Thingite Weapon Smith
some bloke who tried to think of a short, catchy,
pithy name and spent five sleepless
nights trying but couldn't think of one
- Thingite Poet of Doom!!! and Fluffy Bunnies
FABT - Commander in Chief of Twiglets and Special Operations
Mookie - Thingite Arbiter of Infinite Wisdom and Justice
Increase Mathers - Cause of Awkward Silences
in the Court of Thing
Captain Zog - Thingite Ambassador to the little people
Avenging Washcloth - Thingite Athletics Supporter
Engels42 - Thingite Minister of Leaky Ethics and Spiffyness
Jiffajoffa - Thingite Minister of Bizzare and
Confusing Conversations
Lifson - Thingite Webmaster
Cabman Green - Official Thingite Inhaler of Nasty Exhaust
Fumes and Other Noxious Substances
Strider - High Chair of the Peoples Front of Thingies
Rat - Official Thingite Bloke
Knifee - Thingite in Charge of Stuff You Shouldn't Run With
Dragonfly - Official Unofficial Thingite
Ernie (formerly Brian) - The Happy Little Elf
Who Was Born on a Thing
Eggy - The Thingite Purple Monkey Dishwasher Fanatic
Mrs Slartibartfast - Lower-Upper-Middle Management
Manager of Stray Brain Cells and All Things Spazzy
doreiwolf - Thingite Patron, Defender of Wibble,
Pagan Younger and Official Pooper Scooper
Smilodon Prefect - Brillo Pad Superintendant
of the Thingite Army
Iago - Thingite Odd Beast (Of Monty Python Fame)
Michele - Purveyor of Oscillating Gyroscopes
and Thingite Postmistress General
Ripper - Veteran Soditite Specialist and
Navigator of High-Speed Inanimate Objects
(Including But Not Limited to Walls and Bus Stops)
Balsac - The Wrinkled Retainer
Candi - Mistress of Titters
Clelba - Spigot Nodulator
Lady Scott - Thingite Metalurgist and Offical Spork Engraver
Sergeant Mushroom - Sergeant Mushroom
Cybermuz - Thingite/L.A.H. Liason Officer
Carl - Official undead zombie chicken of Thing (ex partie)
Leeneh - Bornonthing
Ba'alzamon - Lord of the Underworld,
and all things Dark and Slimy
Yar Kramer - Summary Summoner
Elle - Thingite Espionage Agent
Galen - Official Banisher of Sodit
One Large Sperm Whale - Oceanic Activities Officer
in Charge of Water-Proof Spork Accessories
and Shiny Gardening Tools
TORG - Lord High Slapper of Wrists and
Knitter of Belly-Button Fluff
Mr Inertia - Thingite Ponderer of Laziness and
Giver-Outer-er of Excuses for Being Lazy
GreyDesk - Official Thingite Spokesperson
to/from the Questions Only Thread
THE KID - Romancer of the Realm of The Ridiculous
Neobrad - Thingite Biro Consultant
Kaz - Thingite Musical Trivia Anorak and
Follower of Richard Marx-ism
Mr Legion - Secretary of Evil for the Thingite Cause
Fadookie the Froody - The Shah of Great Boo-hally,
Vice President of the Department of Vice and Strife,
Coveter of Llamas, Newbie Extraordinaire
Vicki Chicki - Community Playgroup Leader to The Thingite Clan
KerrAvon- Thingite in Charge of Revoltionary Misspelt Graffetttti
Sir Stu - Thingite Cook
Sir Culdasac - Master of the Thingite Monkey Army
Alex - Thingite Ambassador of the Irony of the Smile
GingerElle - High Empress of Rich Tea Eating
and Curator of the Official Fruitcake
Doc Shinryuu - The Great and Powerful Towel Mage
peter the girl - Thingite Peter Gabriel namesake and
correspondent to teddybears and white mice
AndyG - Thingite Scanner of Subterrainean Surfaces
Yankee Shoes - Chief Subliminator of Thingite Espionage
Vroomfindel - Thingite of Title-Related Indecisiveness
and Unofficial Changer of the Mind
Pinniped - The Dark-Eyed Nemesis of
Very Nearly All Things Piscine
NihilistMan - Enforcer of Good and Righteous Aroma
to that of Your Cheese, the Honourable
Crown Duke of Sillywaddle
GingerElle - High Empress of Rich Tea Eating and
Curator of the Official Fruitcake
winter rae - Zen Controller of Strategy and Reconnaisance
Captain A.J. Rimmer - Deputy, Vice-Minion Maintenance
Repairman of Thingite Stuff
mezzy5 - Thingite Weather Dragon
Hyp_huff - Thingite Minnyster of Educashun
Jedi Jade and Thras - Patron Punk Jedi
Typolifi - Grand Nofficer of the 5th Wibble Taskforce
Peet - Pedant to the Stars
Crazy Man - Wearer Of The Crazy Indiana
"Who's Yer Daddy?" Pants
Utter Bewilderment - Thingite Preacher
Auralyra - Thingite Ambassador to Fools, Keeper of the
Thingite Greenhouse and Official Spurner of Broccoli
Beatnik - Relatively Official Minister of
Anything Saturated with Caffeine
Daro Frink - Sub personality of Daro. In charge of
co-ordinating the voices in your head
Redz - Thingitty Thing, The Thing Thing's Sister
British Bulldog - Extreme Orangutan of the Dark Side
Ineffable -
Somewhere-Or-Another, In
ddombrow - Official Thingite Teddy Bear
RhoMuNuQ - Thingite Link to Psueudophysical Reality
Amy Pawloski - Thingite Official
Mufflewhump Giver-Outerererer...er...er...
Tubaman - Official Thingte Kleptomaniac
Terran - The Gabble-Less, Except On Weekends
Zok Zimmerman - The Offical Bellhop of The Thingites
and Poobah of the way of the Spork
RYU - The Lord Of The Light Dragons
Cybercat - Cleaner of Strange and Metallic Objects
Chauncey - The Startled Gazeebo
The Omniscient One - Guardian of All Thingite
Knowledge and Wisdom
Ralph the Wonder Llama, Supreme Commander
of all Killer Llamas
Darth Zaphod-Incurably Disgruntled
Shaver of Hairy Dragons
Oberon2001 - Holder of the Royal Knickers,
Low-Lord Chicken Soup Jump-Start Mechanic
Rajimom - Duchess of Sodit
Z Phantom - Bringer of Boring and Dull Books
quid animus esse - The Unmentionable Is Almost Here
And It Makes Me Want To Cry, Dear Thingites,
Please Go To This A857937 And You'll
Know The Reason Why
Zhora - Lover of Sailors and Mountaineers,
Purveyor of Tea and Shortbread
to the Thingite Army,
Holder of an Emergency Can of Irn Bru
JustAnotherNumber - Lord High Praetor of Thingite-ica
Mr Blue Sky - Thingite Official Window Opener
and Part-Time Caretaker
finnjim - THE Teacher of the Thingite Clan
Emmi - Thingite Official Origami Crane Maker
Nastykoala - Grand Thingite Master and
Cause of Chemistry Lab Fiascos
Wuytvandriver - Head of Insanely Fast Driving
Blood Angel - Thingus the Thingite Crusader
Jedi Apprentice - Very Depressed Thingite
New code for Thingite Roster.
Shea the Sarcastic Posted Nov 19, 2002
I never had it on my roster ... he wasn't gabbled officially ... and I *always* wait for the gabble ...
New code for Thingite Roster.
Lady Scott Posted Nov 19, 2002
I thought sure he and Tac were both on it for a couple of days....
But if you say not, then I guess he wasn't!
Key: Complain about this post
New code for Thingite Roster.
- 161: Shea the Sarcastic (Oct 8, 2002)
- 162: Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic. (Oct 8, 2002)
- 163: Captain Zog, Thingite Ambassador to the little people, back from his wanderings at last (Oct 8, 2002)
- 164: Shea the Sarcastic (Oct 9, 2002)
- 165: Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic. (Oct 10, 2002)
- 166: Shea the Sarcastic (Oct 11, 2002)
- 167: Lady Scott (Oct 11, 2002)
- 168: Shea the Sarcastic (Oct 11, 2002)
- 169: Shea the Sarcastic (Nov 11, 2002)
- 170: Shea the Sarcastic (Nov 11, 2002)
- 171: Shea the Sarcastic (Nov 19, 2002)
- 172: Shea the Sarcastic (Nov 19, 2002)
- 173: paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant (Nov 19, 2002)
- 174: Lady Scott (Nov 19, 2002)
- 175: Shea the Sarcastic (Nov 19, 2002)
- 176: Lady Scott (Nov 19, 2002)
- 177: Shea the Sarcastic (Nov 19, 2002)
- 178: Lady Scott (Nov 19, 2002)
- 179: Shea the Sarcastic (Nov 19, 2002)
- 180: Lady Scott (Nov 19, 2002)
More Conversations for The Manifesto for the Campaign to rename Thursday, "Thing"
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