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Found Posted Feb 13, 2003
hello I'm the latest clone of Doikk Natz only under my own RL name.
As you can probably read if you look back somewhere down this conversation, you'll see that I play the trumpet now in the Oxfordshire County Youth Orchestra; the piano
since I was 5, and I sing
I'm an ex- Westminster Cathedral chorister.
The school I go to isn't too good for music so I need somewhere where music is generally valued to talk to people.
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h2g2 Musicians Guild Posted Feb 13, 2003
Hi Greg
I've added you to the Guild members list (under your new name). If you'd like to be added under an oldname, just let me know
Danny B.
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Tyrseil -- Ignoti et quasi occulti Posted Feb 14, 2003
1.) I'm a (bass) trombone player. Roughly 4 years so far, and no end in sight! I try to stick with the calling, but baritone(or euphonium) is a pretty small step to play. I can hit a few notes on Bb tuba, but I doubt anyone would want to hear them. I sing bass, but I'm only good enough to bug my friends :P
2.) Composer -- Bach, for his Cello Suites. Wagner's operas. Robert W. Smith's excellent overtures and general band tunes.
Band -- Pink Floyd (post-Barret era) and Barenaked Ladies. I like some alternative, a lot of the psychadelic late 70s stuff, and mostly classical.
3.) Can't say I do!
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Farlander Posted Feb 14, 2003
hi there, researcher 219212!
i play the trombone too, cheers! and for about four years as well.. well, if you can't be good, then be loud, i say! (the conductor's been trying to get me to switch to bass for yoinks, but after i last cut myself and bled big time, i've been doing everything in my power to avoid it)
hey, if you're new... you know, you can change your name? as in, you don't have to be 'researcher 219212' forever. all you have to do is go to 'preferences'... it's all there.
anyway, nice meeting you. blast on!
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h2g2 Musicians Guild Posted Feb 14, 2003
Hi 219212
Welcome to the Guide - there is a badge at A434648, although you'll need to write something on your Personal Space before you can use it. If you need a hand doing that (or anything else), feel free to drop by my space (U182633) and ask any questions you may have
And it's worth following Farlander's advice as well (hi, Farlander )
Danny B.
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Farlander Posted Feb 14, 2003
hi danny. finally got my badge pinned up and all - didn't dare show my face in here before that!
hey, you think, maybe with all the people we already got in here, we could start our own internet h2g2 orchestra? not only would it be a complete unrivalled farce, but we'd be inventing a *totally* new genre of music as well...
cheers, mate!
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Tyrseil -- Ignoti et quasi occulti Posted Feb 15, 2003
I'm not having trouble changing my name, I just got modded for it. Set it to "Tyrseil -- Ignoti et Quasi Occulti", which means unknown and partially hidden.... 3 hours later, got a form email saying I had violated the policies, etc. Appealing it, because the house rules they stated never mentioned anything that the name violated (foreign languages not allowed in posts, URLs, but never said names).
Thanks for letting me in!
Farlander -- I'm aware how to do that, but thanks for the sentiment. And honestly, how did you cut yourself on a bass? The most I've been able to do is pinch my finger in the slide. Are there jagged chunks of metal sticking out?
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Just Justin... (ACE) Posted Feb 16, 2003
Hi.. I was wondering if I can join the Guild...?
I play quite a few instuments... - the clarinet (2 years of lessons), The piano (about 4-5 years lessons), Percussion (Timpani,/ Xylophone/Vibraphone/Glock/Drum Kit/etc...)(about 3 years)
My favourite band would have to be Pink Floyd, and I'm into 60's, 70's and 80's music... (don't really like new music...)
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Farlander Posted Feb 17, 2003
i'm famous for my ability to sustain injuries in whatever occupation i am engaged in. i was playing this giant of a yamaha, which has *two* triggers... which, if you've mathematically figured it out, means that i only had my index, ring and pinky fingers holding up the thing. doesn't help any that i have the tendency to slam my slide into first position rather violently. what happened was that on that one occasion, the fleshy bit of my hand (as in, below the pinky) was protruding well into Slide Territory. so when my slide came in... drip drip drip. (it's a good thing it happened during rehearsal, and *not* performance) unbelievable, isn't it, but yes it happened.
i've learnt since then to stick to my *own* yamaha.
was the trombone your first instrument?
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Tyrseil -- Ignoti et quasi occulti Posted Feb 17, 2003
Ah, I know what you mean. I play a Yamaha YSL - 613 bass, which has the set up you describe. Independent... F trigger for thumb, Db trigger for the middle finger. It's always worthwhile to make sure you keep your fingers out of the way
Yes, trombone is my primary. Played straight as a beginner, got a trigger w/ F attachment in my second year. Now, in my 4th, I've started playing bass with 2. It's an experience. My upper range has actually *increased* (Up to Bb 4 ledger lines above fairly consistently, C and D playable but crap tone), but I can't play in it for nearly as long as I used to. Lower range I'm working on, I have good tone till I hit the pedal (fundamental) tones.
What kind of yamaha do you play? I have a yamaha...644 I think... trigger that's served me well.
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Farlander Posted Feb 17, 2003
i play a silver standard yamaha with no triggers (i've just about had enough of the bass!!! plus the Db trigger was consistently stuck) ... can't remember the model!!! (i think it's ysl-354). i don't know what model the bass is, because i refuse to touch it now, but when i played it last time i used to use my own standard mouthpiece on it 'cos the bass mouthpiece was just too big for me. (of course the bore was not the same, but it's wonderful how one can improvise...) my highest note remains high f (as in, the f above your b flat), current lowest is a growly e (4 leger lines down). unfortunately, because i have rather short arms, 7th position is a bit of a problem for me if i'm trying to get my slide out there fast.
yeah, robert smith is great, ain't he? certainly better than *swearingen*... lol.
ps: the euphonium *is* a great deal easier to handle than a tuba... plus it sounds really good when you're playing smith.
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Tyrseil -- Ignoti et quasi occulti Posted Feb 17, 2003
"As in the F above your b-flat"
Are you serious? The F two octaves above standard 4th line F on the staff? That's an incredible range for a 4th year player, if you can hit it consistently. In fact, that's a great range for most professional players.
Ever tried "Bolero"?
YSL - 354 sounds right... One of the best straight horns available, heard people compare it to the Olds Ambassador series of years past.
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h2g2 Musicians Guild Posted Feb 17, 2003
*elbows way past nattering trombone players*
Hi J.J.
Welcome to the Guild There is a badge at A434648, which I'm glad to see that Farlander has worked out
Incidentally, there *is* an H2G2 symphony orchestra at A426908. It's run by Njan (U47349), but I guess he has other things on his mind at the moment (see this week's H2G2Post for details... ) Maybe you could offer to help out..?
Danny B.
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Renee6612 - resurrected Posted Feb 17, 2003
Hello! I play the piano (and have for five years), clarinet (my third year; I'm in my school's Wind Ensemble and Jazz Band), and a bit of guitar (two chords). I sing, but not very well, and not within hearing range of any other people! My favourite band is The Beatles; I also listen to a bit of Neil Finn and some classical music by assorted composers. I'm not as familiar with classical music as I'd like to be, but I'm trying to learn as much as I can. I think it's great that there are so many musical people here!
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Viojen 2*16+1+3+6=42. Fencing-it's escrime! Posted Feb 17, 2003
Now that Eliza (renee) (my cousin) has used some kind of one-upmanship I suppose I'll finally join. I play violin and dulcimer, a little piano, and I sing. I like classical music, particularly baroque and contemperary. Bartok. (If I don't have to play it. His stuff can be HARD) I'd have a suggestion, but I need to read some backlog first.
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Farlander Posted Feb 18, 2003
hello, viojen! yeah, bartok's great, isn't he. it's great finding someone else who thinks that way. what have you played?
danny: re h2g2 orchestra - you serious? do they actually *get together* and play, or do they, like, go into voice conferencing mode, and blat together? if it's the latter, i'd love to be a part of the noise; if it's the former.... whoo, well... unless i discover the secrets of teleportation, participating would be a serious, serious problem...
tyrseil: 'Bb above your F' - 'consistency'... well, that's the key word, isn't it? i can hit it fairly consistently if there isn't too big a jump (like, say, middle - c5 - f to the high f)... and if my mouth isn't too tired. that's not exactly to my credit, is it?
and no, i haven't tried 'bolero' - i've been playing in a concert band ever since i picked up the trombone, and half the time i'm stuck playing the bassline 'cos nobody else wants to tackle the accidentals or low notes
(went to a concert a couple of weeks ago where trombonist seth quistad played sequenza v. it was fantastic )
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h2g2 Musicians Guild Posted Feb 18, 2003
So... Welcome to Renee and viogen You'll find the Guild badge at A434648.
The H2G2 orchestra... well, I'm not really sure *what* they do (I'm a guitarist, so there's no place for me in an orchestra )
I'd have a look at A426908 or pop over and seen Njan at U47349 to see what sort of threads and events the orchestra are involved in or aiming for Good luck
Danny B.
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Viojen 2*16+1+3+6=42. Fencing-it's escrime! Posted Feb 18, 2003
I've played the Bartok Roumanian Dances (although not very well). They were for an audition that I didn't end up doing, so I never polished them. And some duets for 2 violins. There's 44 published in 2 volumes, vol. 1 (1 and 2) and 2 (3 and 4), originially intended for 4 volumes. They're based on folk songs he heard, transcribed,and arranged. Very fun to play those. Mostly I like to listen to them.
Danny-move to Connecticut. At Hartt (music school) there is a guitar orchestra for the community division (everyone that's not a college student). THey have octave, 2 octave, alto, bass, and regular guitars (all acoustic). Actually quite neat.
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- 501: Found (Feb 13, 2003)
- 502: h2g2 Musicians Guild (Feb 13, 2003)
- 503: Found (Feb 13, 2003)
- 504: Tyrseil -- Ignoti et quasi occulti (Feb 14, 2003)
- 505: Farlander (Feb 14, 2003)
- 506: h2g2 Musicians Guild (Feb 14, 2003)
- 507: Farlander (Feb 14, 2003)
- 508: Tyrseil -- Ignoti et quasi occulti (Feb 15, 2003)
- 509: Just Justin... (ACE) (Feb 16, 2003)
- 510: Farlander (Feb 17, 2003)
- 511: Tyrseil -- Ignoti et quasi occulti (Feb 17, 2003)
- 512: Farlander (Feb 17, 2003)
- 513: Tyrseil -- Ignoti et quasi occulti (Feb 17, 2003)
- 514: h2g2 Musicians Guild (Feb 17, 2003)
- 515: Renee6612 - resurrected (Feb 17, 2003)
- 516: Viojen 2*16+1+3+6=42. Fencing-it's escrime! (Feb 17, 2003)
- 517: Renee6612 - resurrected (Feb 18, 2003)
- 518: Farlander (Feb 18, 2003)
- 519: h2g2 Musicians Guild (Feb 18, 2003)
- 520: Viojen 2*16+1+3+6=42. Fencing-it's escrime! (Feb 18, 2003)
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