Roving Reporter: Quick Picks - New to h2g2

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Each week, The Roving Reporter profiles one of the many delightful meeting places that thrive in our community, from pubs and cafés, to churches and parks, or on occasion, presents a series of Quick Picks, pointing out some of the little gems and unique out-of-the-way locations.

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This week: Quick Picks -- a number of new establishments have started up recently, so we're going to show you a few of these to check out. Look for a full feature again next week.

Crossed Purposes Pub

The Crossed Purposes Pub just opened last week in the Village de la Vavoom. Run by Kasia, the pub serves a variety of drinks and food, including an original German Weissbier and european cuisine. The oak bar is in the Commons Room, which has a marble and ebony decor with a stone-tiled floor, with a choice of chairs or bean-bags for lounging. There is also a hearth area with couches and two fireplaces, plus a full billiards room.

Despite the fact that the pub has only been open for about a week, it has already become a fairly busy place. So stop by, and don't worry if you don't know how to play billiards -- Kasia will be happy to teach you.

Musicians' Guild

The Musicians' Guild, Fragilis presiding, has been around for just a few weeks, but already has an impressive group of musicians as part of its family, representing a large array of instruments and interests in the field of music.

The Guild has an ambitious mission, including holding concerts at h2g2, contributing to and writing entries on various music-related topics for h2g2, having discussions on various aspects of the field, and cataloging the best music entries at h2g2.

If you are a musician, or merely a music aficionado, consider joining the guild and adding a little music to our lives.

The Musicians' Guild is also affiliated with another recent addition to h2g2 -- the Muse Home.

Muse Home

Approaching its third week in existence, the Muse Home (AKA, the Community of Muses) is run by Dragonfly, and is patterned off the structure of the Guardian Angels. The Muse Home attracts artists of all types to be ambassadors for their art form to the rest of the h2g2 community.

The Muse Home is planning to open a series of arts venues, and has already opened the Uterpe Concert Hall for Woodwinds. A number of other locations related to the Muse Home have quickly sprung up, including Urania's Astronomy Observation Tower and Balcony", the Church of Erato for Lovers of Lyrics and Lovers of Love, plus a godly place for a drink, gossip, and darts at the Bar Bacchus. And finally, you can check out the works of the Muses at the Muse Achievements page.

Procrastinator's Society

Starting just last week was the Procrastinator's Society. It had apparently been planned for some time, but Goshoogoshoogosh didn't get around to it until just now.

Not very many people have joined the Procrastinator's Society so far (the head of the Church of Weekendism stopped by), but they probably will when they get a chance.

There are plans to have events and trips, as well as an annual meeting, but none of those have been firmly established yet. So when you get caught up with other stuff, you might want to stop by and see if any more details have been posted.

General Hospital

A little over a week ago, Joe AKA Arnia established the h2g2 General Hospital, something that has been greatly needed in the h2g2 community. With the recent need for hospital services in handling the 'illnesses' of Virtual Prez candidates, as well as the importance of being prepared for anything that might happen in a community of this size, a good hospital is essential.

While it isn't much to look at yet, the hospital is a busy place with a host of services including:

In addition, there are a number of support areas in the Hospital, including:

... and oddly enough...

By the way, as you wander through the Hospital, watch out for the rogue live orchestra which seems to show up at odd times and places.

- Redbeard

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