A Conversation for H2G2 Waterworks: The Sewers

Styx the Black Rat but not just any black rat

Post 181

The Krylma Leader

*A hissing sound can be heard from the pipe. A small snake slithers through pipe 42 and lands on the floor. The snake sees all of the ants (and, in particular, the Queen Rat-Ant). The snake hisses something up the pipe. A few minutes later, a dark smoke blows through the pipe, landing right in front of the snake. The smoke turns into the cloaked figure of the Krylma Leader who picks up the snake and looks around, with an armed snowzar*

Okay, who kidnapped my...Amy? Styx? You two kidnapped my friends?

*A hurt expression creeps across the face of the Krylma Leader. His face then turns to one of rage*


Styx the Black Rat but not just any black rat

Post 182

The Fish

*Scratches head....*

*Is impressed at the journey that amy has just taken smiley - smiley*

*Thinks about eating roses.... smiley - bigeyes*

*decides not to... smiley - sadface*
smiley - smiley
smiley - fish

Styx the Black Rat but not just any black rat

Post 183

The Fish

*contemplates his possition in life, and whether "he're" is a good place to be at this time .... *

smiley - fish

Styx the Black Rat but not just any black rat

Post 184

The Krylma Leader

*KL has picked up the tied up rat-ant queen (despite all of the bites administered by the armies of ants). KL looks at Styx and Amy again, extremely sad*

This was just mean, Amy. Not even I sink as low as kidnapping someone elses pet.

*KL would continue but tears well up in his eyes. He turns and just whimpers to himself quietly. The fact that the ants are still biting isn't exactly cheering him up, either*

Styx the Black Rat but not just any black rat

Post 185

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

Ha! Those tears are whatever the equivalent of crocodile tears are in lizards.

Look behind yoooo!

Styx the Black Rat but not just any black rat

Post 186

The Krylma Leader

*Sniffs a little and turns around. Sees some terrifying monster that he won't bother to describe*

Oh my. A terrifying sewer monster.

*Turns to Amy*

What, so you're going to kidnap some of my friends, sentance others to being drowned, and murder me just for the fun of it? I was underestimating when I said this was low, Amy. This is almost as bad as when those Atlanteans were throwing stones at me just because I was a Krylma. They had no reason, it was just because I was a Krylma. I can still hear them. "Hey, guys, it's on of those Krylma spawn."
"How can you tell?"
"Only the Krylma and the Atlanteans can do that kind of biological technology, and we haven't done it in years. Just look at his eyes, he isn't normal."
"You're right, let's stone him!"

*KL sighs*

It doesn't matter, I guess. No matter how much I do with my life, I'll always be remembered as a supervillain, never as Minos.

Styx the Black Rat but not just any black rat

Post 187

The Fish

*Goes off to talk to monsters....

Minos... wasn't he the guy that used to live above a barber shop?

smiley - smiley
smiley - fish

Styx the Black Rat but not just any black rat

Post 188

Styx the Rat

Styx not here

This rat nest has no rats. Earlier this thread, Styx says rats leaving this rathome because of monsters eating rats

*Ratcommander Jenner and squadron of twenty armored rats burst in from old rat exit grab ratantqueen*

*ten rats scurry out with queen, rest of rats turn at exit pipe and wait with Jenner at front*

Styx the Black Rat but not just any black rat

Post 189

The Fish

... So,

(talking to monsters)

... what breath freshner do you use? ...

smiley - fish

Styx the Black Rat but not just any black rat

Post 190

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

*Amy leaves to go down the pub*

Styx the Black Rat but not just any black rat

Post 191


*Several regulars from the F&F come outside to see what is going on. Most assume that it is some sort of hallucination brought about by inhalation of fumes from the Fuel that was spilt last week and disappear back inside again.*

Styx the Black Rat but not just any black rat

Post 192


*The rats scream in horror as three huge rose bushes, weilding thorns like machetes, spring at them and try to drink their blood.*
Did I get a chance to tell you that the sewer-roses have been mutated by the sewer chemicals and now are entirely carnivorous, and very hungry too...

Styx the Black Rat but not just any black rat

Post 193


Slipped your mind, I dare say.

Styx the Black Rat but not just any black rat

Post 194

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

The rats can't be screaming because they left the building some hours ago.

Carnivorous roses? How passé. smiley - winkeye Doughnut eating subterranean roses are a much cooler concept.

Styx the Black Rat but not just any black rat

Post 195


Though possibly less scary (unless you're a doughnut)

Styx the Black Rat but not just any black rat

Post 196

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

h2g2 is a very scary place for doughnuts generally.

Sewers v Rats

Post 197


"ten rats scurry out with queen, rest of rats turn at exit pipe and wait with Jenner at front" - if they turned at the exit pipe and did not exit, then the roses can still get 'em. smiley - tongueout

Sewers v Rats

Post 198

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

Believe me, there are no rats left. Styx and I have moved them to a place of safety and will look after them from now on. I hope that either your roses like eating monsters (or your monsters like eating roses).

Sewers v Rats

Post 199


Don't worry - in this place, everything enjoys eating everything. smiley - smiley

Roses v Rats

Post 200

Styx the Rat

Remaining rats in kevlar armor

*several warriors get ripps in their ears very painful*
*in commotion of attacking rose bushes, rats vanish through exit, ratant queen with first group* emergency exit slopes sharply down then up again*
after U bend, Ratcommander Jenner turns and pulls plug on last earthwork* exit pipe floods with blackwater*
*quick stop to put healing mud on wounds*
*rats leave sewer for good*
*new Rathome location not disclosed*

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