A Conversation for Yoome 2

A2059436 - Yoome 2

Post 61



Ok fine,sorry just ignore the number,its so i can edit in a minute.

Ok ill do it but you lot have to give me reasonable stuff realising im not as smiley - scientist as you.......

Ok i will change it to pin instead and on the footnote will write personal identification number?
My IQ just increased 0.00001 point!
smiley - rofl

Ok then i will do that,and thanks for staying subscribed!

Please help me but dont get too smiley - scientist because i wont understand/get smiley - grr frustrated and end up getting in a huff......


A2059436 - Yoome 2

Post 62


all done....

By the way my bits at the end keep on coming off!

Also i came on here via pc earlier and i think you lot need to realise that after seeing that just by clicking a few icons above your message you can add bullet points,and loads of stuff.......but digiboxes dont have that,everything needs to be typed......

And in return we also have to use the up button until we can get to where we want to go on the screen.

But anyway yes i have written it.......

A2059436 - Yoome 2

Post 63


Ive checked the spellings on most of it,but looking at it,it looks fine,but it feels bunched together when editing it,,,,,(i have never read it other than while editing)

so hopefully it wont look too bunched together....

And as i said,if theres anything else tooo smiley - scientist you will have to explain it and tell me exactly where to put it....this includes mc=548476+5747547548547=not mc but something else LOL!

No seriously though,because alot of people who read this might not understand it very well.....

A2059436 - Yoome 2

Post 64


Hi Dozdim.
This entry has had quite a bit of feedback smiley - smiley. It is a shame you appear to have a connection that makes editing difficult smiley - sadface.

I've read it a couple of times, but don't think I can offer much constructive criticism that hasn't already been made. It is a subject I don't know much about, and cannot use myself - it is a little esoteric, but no more so that the entries on UK pubs. Sorry it doesn't interest me, smiley - goodluck with finding other scouts willing to help you work at it.

Pimms smiley - stout

A2059436 - Yoome 2

Post 65


hi,im having problems with a feedback form im making,please can you help?Its at A2095689

Im really having troble,thanks for posting here

A2059436 - Yoome 2

Post 66


ok cheers lettuce,atleast you were honest in saying u got no idea what the hell it is...thanks!

Yeah i gave up on the idea of asking more scouts to come here,because when i first joined i got moody with some,so they will either give me criticism or tell me to f*** off.

A2059436 - Yoome 2

Post 67

AK - fancy that!


If you want I would be willing to go throguh this entry and do all of these changes, and then post the guideml here...

Actually from what I see most of the changes to be made would be just changing it to guideml anyway...

I have no idea why I'd be willing to do this...smiley - laugh... but, yeah,

A2059436 - Yoome 2

Post 68

AK - fancy that!

btw- do you know why it is called Yoome 2? Why's there a 2 and whats "Yoome"?...

A2059436 - Yoome 2

Post 69

AK - fancy that!

(Unless its something like You To Me (Yoo 2 Me ) in which case I get it)

A2059436 - Yoome 2

Post 70



A2059436 - Yoome 2

Post 71


well in rthe ads it says will yoo talk 2 me?

So,but i think its cos the company is yoomedia,they might have had a yoome 1 on another thing or something?

I have no idea.

I dont really want to put it in guide ml,as i have done it quite well in plain,dont the eds do that anyway?

A2059436 - Yoome 2

Post 72


The subs *can* put it in guideml for you, but quite frankly we have enough work to be doing without doing things the author could do but can't be bothered. If you have severe problems with guideml, that's one thing, but if you can do it you should.

smiley - panda

A2059436 - Yoome 2

Post 73

AK - fancy that!

Really, Dozdim, it'll look better in guideml. trust us.

A2059436 - Yoome 2

Post 74

Loup Dargent

YooMedia have been playing a lot with the "yoo" in their title...smiley - biggrin They also have YooPublica as indicated in their website http://www.yoomedia.com/home.shtml...

[This link used to be accessible through the digibox by the way and might still be accessible that way]]

So yep, "Yoo" is for "you" [as in "the users"] and it's supposed to make the users feel like they have an input in the company's decisions...smiley - whistle


One factual mistake in the entry by the way...smiley - smiley

>The company (Yoomedia) launched in early February 2003, and has been on ever since, but not without problems.<

Nope, it was not YooMedia which was launched early 2003 but their site Yoome2... as far as i remember YooMedia was already around months before the end of Leisure District as their representatives were trying to convince us that the new site would be far better than the now defunct LD...

I haven't checked in depth their website for ages, but i have the feeling that YooMedia had already some kind of involvment in the running of LeisureDistrict in 2002...

Unless you meant smiley - space>The company (Yoomedia) launched the site in early February 2003, and it has been on ever since, but not without problems.< smiley - space of course...smiley - smiley


The suscribing bit:

>The Chat packages (plans) are pay monthly etc...<

Perhaps it would be a good idea to explain that the suscription is paid through the Telewest bill [it was in my days anyway]... Which was/is the reason why PC users couldn't/can't access the site...


>Leisure District was all free, which is why it went bankrupt in early 2003.<

LeisureDistrict was a free service yep... but there were some stuff we had to pay if we wanted to use them... Like ringtones of course and some games if i remember well..

Also, the fact that it was [mainly] free was _only_ one of the reasons why the company which owned LeisureDistrict [e.district if i remember well] went down/changed name...


>Yoomedia looks to be staying on Telewest and Eurobell for the foreseeable future.<

Yoomedia is not Yoome2... Yoome2 is only one of various Yoomedia's business ventures...smiley - smiley


I hope that helped...smiley - smiley

loupsmiley - fullmoon

A2059436 - Yoome 2

Post 75


sorry i havent ben on for a while!

A2059436 - Yoome 2

Post 76


cheers mate,erm i never looked at ringtones and the games were free.....

But then i did come to it about two weeks before it ended so.....

A2059436 - Yoome 2

Post 77


I ave alot of problems with guide ml,mainly the fct that it dont like me and it wont work for me because it likes you lot better but still please dont expose the fact that guide ml dont like me!

I cant do new lines or anything in guide ml, i would probably be able to do it better if i was at a pc since you already have the buttons for most of the guide ml stuff, but i dont so i find it hard...

A2059436 - Yoome 2

Post 78

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

Loup has made some suggestions for amendments that are not dependent on using GuideML, dozdim. smiley - smiley

Let us know when you've finished with the entry.

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

A2059436 - Yoome 2

Post 79


Uh Huh, well ive been off ill, and i have problems with Guide ML and i have loads of conversations to delete, and argh!

Hold on slow down right what have i got for suggestions?
Hmm we have,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,yoomedia?


A2059436 - Yoome 2

Post 80

AK - fancy that!

apparently its the compnay that made Yoome

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