A Conversation for Yoome 2

yoome vs LD

Post 1


LEISURE DISTRICT never worked very well either...the telly would freeze so you'd have to unplug it and start again,log in etc...but that was half the funsmiley - biggrin and it was free.smiley - cool

and you could be as rude as you wanted in privatesmiley - biggrin

yoome vs LD

Post 2


Very True!
Help me get this in the guide then!

yoome vs LD

Post 3

Blackberry Cat , if one wishes to remain an individual in the midst of the teeming multitudes, one must make oneself grotesque

good entry
never knew much about either except they were often mentioned by digibox users
best of luck in completing this smiley - ok

yoome vs LD

Post 4


would love 2,how? :0)

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