Yoome 2

3 Conversations

An Introduction

Yoome 2 is a service exclusively for subscribers of Eurobell or Telewest1 that use the Interactive services.
Yoome 2 provides games, mobile phone ringtones, and a chat service.
The company (Yoomedia2) launched Yoome 2 on Telewest in early February 2003, and has been on ever since, but not without problems.
Yoome 2 chat has chat rooms to suit a lot of people, ranging from teenagers, parents in need of chatting to other parents or just the plain old gossipers.
Yoome 2 has forums3 that also suit all needs, the forums work in the same way as the guide system on here, they wont always accept your messages, and it will take 12 hours for your message (if accepted) to be posted on Yoome 2 forums.
The forums dont go into many groups, as there are a lot of main groups, then sub-groups.
A bit like the chat rooms.
Yoome 2 also provides a great private chat room creator.
Here subscribers either have cyber4 or (very rarely) chat about something else. The chat room creator is for private chat and you need maxchat to access it. You must have all the people you want to invite already on your friends list.


All pictures are through links and are property of their respective owners, they are linked for demonstration purposes only.

The Main Area On Yoome 2

One Of The Forums


When you take out a subscription to Yoome 2, you will have to choose what plan you want, and then you enter your details and you are registered.
You must remember though that you will always need your pin 5 at hand whenever you try and register or log in.
Yoome 2 has two different plans (subscriptions), they are as follows;


This will grant you
  1. Access to all chat rooms
  2. Access to all forums
  3. Access to private chat
  4. Access to private messaging

This is the main plan (subscription), it is aimed at over 18's but you can set it for any age if you feel the need to.


This will grant you access to controlled chat rooms6.

It will grant you

  1. Private messaging
  2. Under 18 forums
  3. Under 18 rooms

Other plan information

The Chat packages (plans) are pay monthly but due to old payment plans Yoomedia shut down Yoome 2 then restarted but still have not solved their problems, so you should pay once a month.
All the under 18 things mean that you cannot access chat rooms for adults only, or chat rooms where swearing is allowed.

Other Services

The games section of Yoome 2 involves games such as Barred, Find Freddie and Chess.
Most of them are pay for as long as you play, but there are one or two that are free.
The Mobile Pad is not very good for ringtones as it only has a section of ringtones that the crew of Yoome 2 likes.


Yoome 2 overall is slow and doesnt always work, it is rumoured to be closing down to make way for a new chat service after Leisure District went in february 2003. There are alot of rumours about the reason for this, spreading from bankruptcy to them changing to become Yoome 2!

Leisure District has been sorely missed by users of Yoome 2 and Eurobell subscribers who havent even went on Yoome 2.
Leisure District did provide more things, these including;
  1. cyber pets
  2. electronic greetings cards
  3. free chat
  4. games
  5. forums
  6. joke forums
  7. poetry forums
  8. competitions
  9. and a Mobile Pad

But the main difference between Yoome 2 and Leisure District users is, you could message anybody even if they werent on your friends list in Leisure District, where as on Yoome 2, you have to search for your friends, send them an invite, wait for them to accept, and only then can you send them a message.
This has therefore put alot of users off of Yoome 2.
Leisure District was mostly free, which is why it went in early 2003.
Yoome 2 is exclusive on Eurobell and has returned to Plymouth and other parts of the country after closing due to problems with payment. As mentioned under the packages.
Yoomedia looks to be staying on Telewest and Eurobell for the foreseeable future.
Eurobell still havent found a replacement for yoome 2.

1Telewest is another name for Eurobell, Telewest bought out Eurobell and has now taken over its services, both names are still used to help recognition.2Yoomedia Homepage3Forum is another word for message board.4Cyber, short for Cyber Sex, basically this is when you post "Dirty Comments" to each other on the screen while touching themselves.5Pin means Personal Identification Number, all users of Telewest are given one when they sign up, they then have to enter it whenever making purchases (such as movies from Front Row etc)6Controlled chat rooms cover rooms such as teen rooms, and todler rooms, in all controlled chat rooms there is no adult language (swearing) allowed

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