A Conversation for The Café

Almost forgot

Post 101


You forgot to give me a doughnut... now thats impossible... me would have thought... ~grin~

Almost forgot

Post 102

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

If I didn't give you a doughnut, then who ate the one I slipped you under the table?



Almost forgot

Post 103

Zebedee (still Pool God after all these years)

That wasn't for me then?

Almost forgot

Post 104

Garius Lupus

Could you please freshen up my tea please?

Yes, Afgncaap5, I am following you around. I guess it's hard to follow a detective without being detected. Although, since we tend to be on H2G2 at different times of the day, perhaps you are following me! Let's test this theory. If you post *after* this post, then you have followed me.

Um, Irving, didn't you say there were 3 oaks outside? I see 5 now.

Almost forgot

Post 105

TechnicolorYawn (Patron Saint of the Morally Moribund)

Thanks, Irv
*drinks smiley - ale of coffee, then tries (and completely fails) to nonchalantly drag several tons of gold outside*

Almost forgot

Post 106


Wow, those are neat "for here" mugs! Thsoe are new, aren't they? I think I would've noticed them back when the forum was just called "The Counter." Yeah, back when I was ransacking the place, and . . . never mind. Can I have a "for here" Usual?

*Wonders what price Nidhogger, the mightiest dragon of Norse mythology, would think of this never ending cup*

BTW Garius, you are mistaken, as I am sure that you are following me! Watch, you're going to post after me, see?smiley - smiley


Post 107


i leave the cafe for a couple of days and now people are stalking each other and other people are stealing gold mugs...
give me a cup of coffeesmiley - smiley


Post 108


Well, it's actually better than the little fiasco that occured here around Christmas and New Year's. I mean, people were setting up chemistry sets! They were pilfering and plundering!

I think I need another scone. And a blueberry italian cream soda. Can I have some,please?smiley - smiley


Post 109

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

Afgncaap5, don't look now, but you seem to be following yourself.

::steps behind the IIEM (Infinite Improbability Espresso Machine) and grants some more wishes::



Post 110


Good. I think. Maybe with two of me, it'll be easier to loose Gary. Or will it be easier?

*Thinks back to the time machine incident at the donut stall, and decides that it may be wise to wait a while before going through that again.*


Post 111

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

*staggers in coughing (pneumonia IRL)*

Tea ... Irv, aren't you going to put some signposts in
that FOREST of oak trees outside?

*cough cough cough cough* I'm post-infectious
*COUGH cough cough*


Post 112

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

Okay, here's the sign for Blue Bottle's Fearsome Forest



Post 113

Garius Lupus

May I have a tea, please. I visited the forest and found it quite to my wolfish alter-ego's liking.

I see my point was proved. Afgncaap5 posted after me, so he is following me (as well as himself). Maybe, we should just combine forces and follow someone else together.


Post 114


Well, that forest may appeal to a wolf, but how about an adventurer?


I'll check it out. BUt Gary? I still think that you're following me. So there.

*Sips Usual before walking to the forest*


Post 115

Garius Lupus

Ok, ok, right now I really am following you.

*sips tea and follows A to forest*


Post 116


But I just came back to the forest. So where'd he go?smiley - smileysmiley - fish Irv, are you planning on doing anything about the forest?


Post 117

Garius Lupus

Hello, A. Have I finally caught up with you? I think Irv stepped out for a while, so it's self-serve for now. I wonder where he keeps those special cups ....


Post 118

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

Well, it's really all bluebottle's fault. He threw these genetically enhanced acorns out the café window while playing an ecoterrorist in a Bond adventure (I don't really know, but it seems fun) and now we've got this forest that grows majical coffee beans. So the flavor of the month is Roasted Majic and I'm keeping the forest because the beans are really good. Oh, and I'm moving this forum:


Majick Beans?

Post 119

J Murphy

-=GEts himself a refill after waking from his nap... and looks outside to find a bunch of trees=-

Wow.. Majickal trees. You think the Majic coffe would let you fly if you had a happy thought? OR maybe the coffe grounds dried out into dust??? hm....

-=grabs a filter full of coffe grounds and starts testing them for thier beneficial properties with parts of his junior chemistry set.=-

Majick Beans?

Post 120

The Brain

Wo, Hi, nice coffee smiley - bigeyes

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