A Conversation for The Café

What I really, really want

Post 61

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

I do. But no doubt strangely, I believe it is only fair to not let on what I know. You may get assistance from his wife, Monsey, queen of the fish.

What I really, really want

Post 62

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

The usual is bottomless. It refills itself and remains conastantly at the temperature at which you most enjoy it. This isn't some liquid almost but not quite entirely unlike tea, this is magic, so it really works!

What I really, really want

Post 63


Can I have a smiley - coffee of it?

What I really, really want

Post 64

The Brain

smiley - bigeyes

What I really, really want

Post 65

Sir Fragalot

Can I have an ANSI-standard cuppa coffee, please?

What I really, really want

Post 66

Sir Fragalot

That's a bulking c(_)!
My father once told me the vapour of cold coffee makes one pretty..
Since I only found out the truth some year later, I guess I'm both stupid and ugly!
*Goes to sit sulkingly in the corner*
*mutters something about dsmiley - fishmn good coffee*

What I really, really want

Post 67

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

*smugly showing off while Ferrari munches sugarlump gratefully*

I know about NM tooo, but am not telling.

Sir Fragalot, I don't think you're stupid... Butisn't this caff a nice place to be when it's gray rainy and cold out? *Looks happily at steamy windows*

What I really, really want

Post 68

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

smiley - winkeye

What I really, really want

Post 69


Actually, this is a pretty nice place for any weather. BTW, like I said earlier, I don't want you to tell me what "NM" stands for, I'm jsut making a list of people who do/may know. Now, this Usual is, surprisingly enough, tasty. However, I must have a cinammon role to go with it. And some cheesecake. Can I have some please?smiley - smileysmiley - fish

What I really, really want

Post 70

Sir Fragalot

Thanks lovely lady..
And indeed I quite like the atmosphere in here!
Unfortunately it's time for my 'beauty sleep' soonsmiley - winkeye, and have had too much coffee already.. I'm off.. hope to see you all later!
smiley - hsif Chris

What I really, really want

Post 71


raspberry cheesecake is delicious...
has lil been restored to duchess-ness?

What I really, really want

Post 72


We should petition for backwards fish. Meanwhile, I should ask Mayor Mercury if I can still have a fish after all of the trouble that I'm causing.

*Sips Usual calmly*

What I really, really want

Post 73

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

No Duchesshood yet. I don't think I have the energy
to keep up with Irv, though, if he's going to leapfrog
from one geographical thread to another.

Anyway, it's kind of nice to just sit here in the warm and
drink cocoa and be a member of the masses.

What I really, really want

Post 74

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

I've nt been leapfrogging yet. You've been great company though, lil!

One cinnamon roll, and a backward fish smiley - hsif

What I really, really want

Post 75

Sir Fragalot

I should never spend my early mornings on statistics! Can I get a cup of consolation here? One lump of sugar please.
Btw, be careful with the backward fish. They feed on sea monkeys!
Whatever you do, under no circumstances enter the sea monkey forumsmiley - smiley..
smiley - hsif Chris.

What I really, really want

Post 76


We can't unless you give us the link....

What I really, really want is coffee

Post 77

kats-eyes (psychically confirmed caffeine addict)

*stumbles in, only half awake*
Sir Fragalot, we seem to have a wish and a "pastime" in common, I spent the last month on statistics *yawn* ...
is there a nice strong latte macchiato sitting around, waiting to be drunk by me?
smiley - winkeye
I swear, tonight I won't work - I'll read all the threads I missed instead smiley - bigeyes!

What I really, really want is coffee

Post 78

Sir Fragalot

OK, let me rephrase that. The forum you do NOT want to enter belongs to the article of Seamonkeys (A252596), and at this moment is hosting an ethical consideration of sea monkey care. Well, sort of anywaysmiley - winkeye.
kats-eyes' : statistics is the magic of turning measurements into results. Unfortunately the only result I seem to be getting is significant migrainesmiley - smiley. Hope your magic works out!
smiley - hsif Chris

What I really, really want is coffee

Post 79

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Ah, Sir F, it's the magic of turning measurements
into the facts you wanted in the first place! smiley - winkeye

*snuggling deeper into booth corner*

What I really, really want is coffee

Post 80


migling with the masses eh?
haha iw can i get a french vanilla coffee thats hot, but not burn-the-roof-of-my-mouth hot? bad experience this morning....

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