Things my name is on - New Page

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SoloMostly MineContributionsScoutedUniversity SolosUpdated
My first blob... for my first accepted entry. Thanks Amy!

Solo Efforts

These are all of my accepted solo effort entries. A smiley - star next to the title suggests that it got an editor's choice. A smiley - earth after the title shows it has a reference to Ohio in it. If it is in italics, it means that I liked the entry - though if it's not, that doesn't mean I disliked it. In each point, the entries are ordered by how I liked them against the other entries in that category. The first one is the one I liked best in that category.

I did a lot of biographies. Biographies are good, usually easy to research, easily structured, simple and sequential. I'd suggest biographies to any new person looking to write for h2g2. You may also notice I have whole chunks of entries about certain subjects - for instance, I once chose to do a bunch of entries about the Wright Brothers, then baseball, then US Presidents1, then Ohio, etc... that's another thing that makes researching easier. Immersing yourself in a general topic at once makes it easier to research a few aspects. By the end of the baseball project, I could nearly write a whole entry in one sitting because I already knew what I needed to write from references and notes in other areas. It's a useful thing.

Those are just the easy ones, though... the ones I'm not proud of. I like the ones that are fun (there are three, by my reckoning) and specific. I'm trying to do more of those...

Collaborative Efforts


UnderGuide Polished Entries

These are entries that I have polished (though some of them are under the guise of the UnderGuide Editors Persona) for h2g2's UnderGuide-

A fist holding a red scarf punches the air in time with the whole stadium to 'Hang on Sloopy'.

Ohio Entries

Ohio is the state I come from and live in, and I love the place, so I've written a few entries on it. Most of my entries have a reference to Ohio in them somewhere11, or would not have been written if I were not an Ohioan, but the following entries I consider to be about Ohio.

Format lifted from Mikey the Humming Mouse - Thanks Mikey!

Last updated the last time I wrote an entry

1I've found that the easiest way to get an editor's pick is to write about a US President.2This is, I think, my best entry of all time... so far.3Apparently the first entry successfully written and accepted because of a challenge at Challenge h2g2. Jimster told someone to do it, so gosh darnit I did! It is also the first entry on a US President, and my longest entry to date.4Not the crowning achievement I thought it would be, but not bad nonetheless.5Who did the part about Gettysburg.6These are not in order of which I like 'em.7This was not included in my baseball legends University Project. It was originally, but I cut it and pushed it through PR later.8Which was incidentally the very first entry processed through the Update Forum.9The third entry to go through the Update Forum. I'm billed as the editor of it, but I wrote most of it.10I originally had this as a solo entry, but updated it when Bels passed away, adding new information that he had written long before.11Probably a majority. I'm not about to count this.12Actually a New Jerseyan, but had a lot of land in Ohio and the city I live around is named for him.

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