A Conversation for ARSE Page of Protest

Ms. Bearded H2G2 2000

Post 121

Fenchurch M. Mercury

Wow, I'm so happy to have so much support!

And might I say that if I win the Ms. Bearded H2G2 2000, I will make the world a better place by showing OTHER women how to grow and maintain beards! smiley - winkeye

And the weekly newsletter is still being put together smiley - winkeye

Ms. Bearded H2G2 2000

Post 122

The Ghost Of TV's Frink

Ok, what about my license plate frame?

Ms. Bearded H2G2 2000

Post 123


at this rate Fenchurch you might ought to consider calling it a YEARLY newsletter LOL!!!! smiley - winkeye

Ms. Bearded H2G2 2000

Post 124


"Here I am, brain as big as a planet, and they want me to...". You need to read my journal entry, "Gossip from Kirby", TM!

And yes, we all know Bill Gates is watching you. Who do you think signs our paychecks?

Ms. Bearded H2G2 2000

Post 125


I've heard a rumor that all Australian Navy ships carry a ewe onboard as a mascot. Is this true?

"Australia: where the men are men, the women are men, and the sheep are scared!" -anon

Ms. Bearded H2G2 2000

Post 126


Done and done! I'll submit an article for rejection RIGHT NOW, proposing our lovely Ms. Fenchurch as the OFFICIAL "Ms. Bearded H2G2 2000"! With any luck, you should be officially rejected by the year 2000, Fenchurch!

smiley - smiley


Ms. Bearded H2G2 2000

Post 127

Fenchurch M. Mercury

Okay, Okay, I'll work on a newsletter, I promise. All of you can contribute- just send in your info, articles, personal thoughts/experiences, etc. concerning spitting. smiley - winkeye

Mrs. Bearded H2G2 2000? Wow, I can't put my awe to words... I love you guys *tear falls*...

Ms. Bearded H2G2 2000

Post 128


Articles concerning spitting? Hmmm... I can think of a few. Where we put 'em for ya? As journal entries?

You're a shoo-in for M.B.H.2000, Fenchurch! What other bearded lady could compare? Surely none have cultivated the art of spitting, nor have done the public a world of good by standing up for our rights to spit!

Ms. Bearded H2G2 2000

Post 129

Fenchurch M. Mercury

Yah, Journal entries are fine. Scratch the weekly newsletter thing...let's say... bi-monthly. Yeah. smiley - winkeye

Ms. Bearded H2G2 2000

Post 130


"if ya scared, says ya scared!"smiley - winkeye


Ms. Bearded H2G2 2000

Post 131


HEY NM!!!!.....I got one thing to say to you..........
i don't know why but i felt i just had to do that to you smiley - winkeye
monsy smiley - fish

Ms. Bearded H2G2 2000

Post 132


Good enough, Fenchurch! I shall endeavor to put forth an article on "Spit Bubbles", and include tips on their manufacture, usage, and esthetics.

I've also decided to form a society you may appreciate: "The World-Wide Studious Layabout Society". For those of us who's goals tend to that direction. We can swap tips on how to accomplish our goals- i.e. how to keep a roof over our heads and bread in our bellies and still do nothing but pursue our distractions...

Speaking humbly, I am a past master of such. smiley - smiley

Ms. Bearded H2G2 2000

Post 133


Hey!!!!! I wasn't talkin' to youze...did I say I wuz talkin' to youze? I wuz talkin' ta Fenchurch!

( He**.....I KNOW you ain't scared.......but I think I am now...a little!smiley - winkeye)


Ms. Bearded H2G2 2000

Post 134


Oi!! (in reference to Towel Masters comment on Aussies).

That's Kiwi's you are talking about. We Aussies tend to
dream of Beer (not that you can necesserily (sp?) have
sex with beer ;-P



Ms. Bearded H2G2 2000

Post 135


Anybody know that a synonym for spitting is 'Fluimen' ? It's dutch but it sounds much more mysterious when foreigners use it.
Try to pronounce it if you can smiley - winkeyesmiley - smiley

And by all means enlighten my on the subject of fluimen, finally a chance to learn something new ?!?!?!?


Ms. Bearded H2G2 2000

Post 136


Izzit pronouced "flew-ee-men"?

"Hey, I think I'm gonna fluimen on that guyz head 20 stories below!"


8-0 ------------------------------------------ *:-|

"Damn pidgeons!"

Ms. Bearded H2G2 2000

Post 137


I'm gonna Fluim
I am Fluiming(remember Rod Stewart ? Same thing only different..)
He/she Fluims
They fluim
He/she has Fluimed

O.K. SO IT'S DUTCH remember ? It's supposed to be the hardest language to learn except for Chinese...
O BOB there's those Chinese again, that's a completely different forum..bug off ppllllleeeeeeaaaaaasssssseeeeee.....

And I NEVER smoke Marijuana !!!


Ms. Bearded H2G2 2000

Post 138


*looks at the posting above her with a bit of skepticism*
monsy smiley - fish

Ms. Bearded H2G2 2000

Post 139


If you want my fluimen, and you think it's sexy, c'mon sugar let me know!

Mare-iguana? What do moon lizards have to do with anything? And why would anyone want to smoke them?

Hmmm... I'm befuddled.

Ms. Bearded H2G2 2000

Post 140


i couldn't tell you.....they are much better slow roasted with a touch of garlic smiley - winkeye

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