A Conversation for ARSE Page of Protest

Groveling 101

Post 101

Fenchurch M. Mercury

It's amazing - the two best grovellers known to h2g2 conversing! What will become of this???

As for my page, I had a "softball Fenchurch" cartoon... I think I'll take a photo I recently got and do some whiskering...Viola! It'll be up soon.

Groveling 101

Post 102

The Ghost Of TV's Frink

Ahh...the days long gone when Fenchurch wasn't afraid to admit her softball/facial hair addiction......

SPIT (the old fashion kind before computers allowed us to get so graphical)

Groveling 101

Post 103

Fenchurch M. Mercury

I'm not afraid!!! I'm not! I just grew so accustomed to it that I forgot some people may not know about it, that's all. I'm putting the pictures up RIGHT NOW, for your information!!!

hehe sorry I get a bit defensive about the whiskers sometimes.

Groveling 101

Post 104

The Ghost Of TV's Frink

personally, i think you shaved your entire head, including facial hair, and cannot admit it to anyone, least of all yourself......

Groveling 101

Post 105

Fenchurch M. Mercury

NO! That's not true!! I love hair!!!! That's crazy!

Go, look at the pictures, I'just trimmed it a bit, now it's a goatee like you suggested in the first place...that's all.

Groveling 101

Post 106


ermmmm........Fenchurch...just popped over to check out these pictures you were speaking of and found that the link is bogus....it takes you nowhere.....might just be h2g2 acting up on me but thought i would check just to be sure smiley - smiley
p.s. i am preparing for my next grovel just in case it was h2g2 and not you who messed up the link smiley - winkeye

Ms. Bearded H2G2 2000

Post 107


Yes! I have seen the pic with facial hair, and I think Ms. Fenchurch is the most absolutely ravishing bearded woman I've ever had the pleasure to peruse. Therefor, I suggest we get a jump on all the other bearded females on H2G2 and announce for Fenchurch for "Ms. Bearded H2G2 2000"! What say, Fenchurch? Are you game?

Ms. Bearded H2G2 2000

Post 108


I can't see it neither smiley - sadface

No fair...

Ms. Bearded H2G2 2000

Post 109

Sandwich Maker

Me either......grrrr.....


Ms. Bearded H2G2 2000

Post 110


Look at the very bottom of her page.

smiley - smiley

You will soon be gazing upon bearded beatitude...

Ms. Bearded H2G2 2000

Post 111

Fenchurch M. Mercury

I say - I'll fix the link. Sorry about that, the beard sometimes affects my HTML skills. Monshari, no need to grovel, it was me...

And...well...err.... I don't think there are any other bearded ladies on H2G2. hmmm...

Ms. Bearded H2G2 2000

Post 112


Phwoarrr...nothing warms the cockles than a women with a healthy chin of hair. As Cap'n Flashheart said, "Hello Bridesmaid, like the beard. Gives me something to hang onto...Woof!" smiley - winkeye

Ms. Bearded H2G2 2000

Post 113


No other bearded ladies, eh? Then you're a shoo-in! None of that annoying competition stuff! We'll just announce, and you win! How's that for easy-come?

smiley - smiley

Just to stay on topic:




Ms. Bearded H2G2 2000

Post 114


A shoe-inn ?

My toe hurts...(and I have this terrible pain in all the diodes down my left side)...

Ms. Bearded H2G2 2000

Post 115

The Ghost Of TV's Frink

Hmmm...seems to me the original point to growing the whiskers was to frighten opposing batters.....instead it seems to have caused lots of heavy panting.

Oh well, any distraction will work. But no charging the mound!

Ms. Bearded H2G2 2000

Post 116


I still think that people have disregarded my complaint-posting of about two days ago...I mean this IS ARSE isn't it ??????

Ms. Bearded H2G2 2000

Post 117


And by the way : 'Do androids dream of electric sheep ?' I don't. Maybe Aussies do...

Ms. Bearded H2G2 2000

Post 118

The Ghost Of TV's Frink



Ms. Bearded H2G2 2000

Post 119


actually towelmaster, the complaint forum is on my page....this is the allright spit everywhere page smiley - smiley

Ms. Bearded H2G2 2000

Post 120

The Ghost Of TV's Frink

...and I'm still waiting for my ARSE weekly magazine....

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