A Conversation for ARSE Page of Protest

15,000 researchers

Post 1

The Cow

You can double that, now.

15,000 researchers

Post 2

The Cow

Oh, and my link don't work. Try putting a U infront of me and Jimi X's U nos.

15,000 researchers

Post 3

Fenchurch M. Mercury

Got it fixed... sorry that took so long smiley - smiley

30,000 researchers

Post 4

The Cow

smiley - fish Thank you smiley - fish

30,000 researchers

Post 5


The 30,000 researchers is actually 40,000 now. Sorry, just doing the public service thingy. smiley - smiley

30,000 researchers

Post 6

Fenchurch M. Mercury

I'm so amazed people still come here. smiley - smiley I'll go fix it...

30,000 researchers

Post 7


Well I was just sort of passing trough. smiley - smiley

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