A Conversation for ARSE Page of Protest

stoP shiT dragers iD

Post 341

Dizzy the Void

Oh ah.

stoP shiT dragers iD

Post 342


painting his toenails?...reminds me of the time NM fell asleep and i did his hair, added makeup to his face and painted his finger and toe nails smiley - winkeye...he was rather fetching smiley - winkeye....what was funnier was that he forgot to take it off his toes so he felt a bit feminine at work the next day smiley - winkeye hehe!!
monsy smiley - fish

stoP shiT dragers iD

Post 343

Dizzy the Void

His, Monsy? Or hers? Fenchurch seems to be a gal's name...

stoP shiT dragers iD

Post 344


EErrrmmm....I think Fenny was planning on painting YOUR nails, YK!!!!

Just don't do what I did(see "Monsy" above!smiley - winkeye)

Thanks, Monsy!smiley - bigeyes


stoP shiT dragers iD

Post 345

Dizzy the Void

[Deep, Homer Simpson-style voice] If you paint my tonails, then I'll paint yours! [whips out paintball gun]

stoP shiT dragers iD

Post 346


Better keep your head up, Fenny!!!! YK's gunnin' for ya'!!!smiley - smiley

I've gotta' run now....don't know what color he's usin'....might clash with my outfit!!(he-he!)

smiley - fishNM

stoP shiT dragers iD

Post 347

Fenchurch M. Mercury

Are you suggesting I'd EVER get near YK's FEET? GACK! smiley - winkeye

Could I join?

Post 348

Silly Willy

Hello, I was wondering if it's too late to join? I can spit and I do so regulaly.
smiley - silly

Could I join?

Post 349

Dizzy the Void


[Mackenzie] Eh. You've joined this?

[YK] Er, yeah. Back when "Sometime this year" was different from "Sometime this millenium" or before that, even...

Could I join?

Post 350



Yes....anyone may join at any time! I'm sure Fenny would be most aggreable!smiley - winkeye

Must say...it's a bit slow around here as of late, though!smiley - biggrin

smiley - fish~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~smiley - hsif(caught it!...uuuugh! disgusting!)


Could I join?

Post 351

Dizzy the Void

[YK] I haven't noticed that the rule's still there. Of course, I haven't opened any new accounts recently. smiley - bigeyes

Could I join?

Post 352

Silly Willy

The rule is still there!
And thanks for letting me in!
smiley - silly

Could I join?

Post 353


Aackhptuii ----------------------------------------------X

Could I join?

Post 354

Dizzy the Void

[Mackenzie] Well, at least we're here.

[YK] smiley - silly ------ [BONG!]

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