A Conversation for ARSE Page of Protest
World-Wide Layabouts
Fenchurch M. Mercury Posted Aug 9, 1999
Yes... once upon a time, I was a certain Fenchurch Marston Mercury, but alas, I felt it was too much of a name to bear, and although every now and then someone does call me by the full and proper name, the "Marston" is now but an echo of a name long past.
World-Wide Layabouts
TowelMaster Posted Aug 9, 1999
The only decent way to rename me, the TowelMaster is to call me Master(Towel really sounds quite silly). Because I do not wish to force you to call me Master you may all call me TM.
As for AWMWL47(sp.) ; I understand the adolescent, I understand white and I understand male but what's with the 47 then eh...?
By the way ; Is it allright if I try to be Clintonesque too..? Does that mean I get all the interns...? Does it mean they will name a library after me? Funny that, you never really hear much about those presidential libraries after they've been founded...
Oh well :
World-Wide Layabouts
FairlyStrange Posted Aug 9, 1999
If you want to be Clintonesque, be my guest! I'm afraid he already got all the interns, though.
As far as libraries, you may, most definitly have one. It's bound to be more interesting than most of the ones we already have!
World-Wide Layabouts
Dizzy the Void Posted Aug 9, 1999
What's with the 47? I just like the number 47. AND CHANGE THE NAME ON THE LIST TO AWAMwl47!!
Also, Enigmaniacs' username used to be an image.
ONE MORE THING before I wander off to play "Rebel Assault II": where'd you get the Marston bit, Fenchurch?
World-Wide Layabouts
TowelMaster Posted Aug 9, 1999
You're SOOOoooo touchy lately AWAMwl47 ! Do you eat well, how do you feel, have you seen a doctor lately, please tell us more oh AWAMwl47,
As you can see I'm practicing my AWAMwl47's.
World-Wide Layabouts
msmonsy Posted Aug 10, 1999
you know towelmaster.....what i think the best therapy for YK 47 would be is to just ignore him and continue with our little abbreviation here......or we could just change it to AK 47 but then that might just give him a little more ammo
World-Wide Layabouts
msmonsy Posted Aug 10, 1999
unfortunately i must say yes, he is an american.........please don't take him as the norm after all I am an american too and look at me......
World-Wide Layabouts
TowelMaster Posted Aug 10, 1999
Myohmyohmyohmyohmyohmy...tsk tsk tsk...and to think there is only a couple of thousand miles and a vigilant husband that keeps us away....
World-Wide Layabouts
FairlyStrange Posted Aug 10, 1999
That's ok. Just pretend I'm not here. Watch out, or I'll sick AK-47 on you guys....eerrmm.....oops.....I'm sorry. That's YK-47, isn't it?
Oh well....I guess you guys are safe, for now......till I figure out how to arm this weapon!
World-Wide Layabouts
FairlyStrange Posted Aug 10, 1999
Meanwhile....back on subject, lest the drift get the better of us.....
:-Þ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~========..(now how'd that get there!?)
Elivis Spitley
Baron_Shatturday Posted Aug 10, 1999
(to the tune of "Rock-a-Hula", for "Blue Hawaii")...
"HooooOCK, a loogie Baby!
HoooooOCK, a loogie Baby!
HoooooOCK, a loogie Baby!
I need a spitoon baby!
My mouth is full of stuff!
Or I'll blow mucus on the carpet,
Baby, that'll be rough!
HooooOCK, a loogie Baby!
HooooOCK, a loogie Baby!
HooooOCK, a loogie Baby!
Yes! I will join the fight... today.
Researcher 48942 Posted Aug 10, 1999
If referring to Scotch it is most definately whisky
Dizzy the Void Posted Aug 10, 1999
Change it to "AWAMwl47" or I'll spit 1024 times! Or maybe I'll say "No spitting" 1024 times! Or possibly "¤AWAMwl47¤"! Whichever is more irritating!
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World-Wide Layabouts
- 161: Fenchurch M. Mercury (Aug 9, 1999)
- 162: Fenchurch M. Mercury (Aug 9, 1999)
- 163: TowelMaster (Aug 9, 1999)
- 164: FairlyStrange (Aug 9, 1999)
- 165: Dizzy the Void (Aug 9, 1999)
- 166: TowelMaster (Aug 9, 1999)
- 167: msmonsy (Aug 10, 1999)
- 168: TowelMaster (Aug 10, 1999)
- 169: msmonsy (Aug 10, 1999)
- 170: TowelMaster (Aug 10, 1999)
- 171: msmonsy (Aug 10, 1999)
- 172: TowelMaster (Aug 10, 1999)
- 173: msmonsy (Aug 10, 1999)
- 174: FairlyStrange (Aug 10, 1999)
- 175: FairlyStrange (Aug 10, 1999)
- 176: Baron_Shatturday (Aug 10, 1999)
- 177: Researcher 48942 (Aug 10, 1999)
- 178: msmonsy (Aug 10, 1999)
- 179: TowelMaster (Aug 10, 1999)
- 180: Dizzy the Void (Aug 10, 1999)
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