A Conversation for ARSE Page of Protest


Post 181


Now What ?!?!? I've been up all night getting my AWAMwl47's in order and you threaten us ? Well thank you...and don't go changing your name again or I'll post

'The Researcher Formerly Known As AWAMwl47'

1024 times on one of your forums and start calling you TRFKAA.
And remember if everyone joins you'll have a lot to read...

TM(terribly mean)


Post 182

Fenchurch M. Mercury

Wow, a lot happens when I'm sleeping.

1) YK-47: 'Marston' came from an Agatha Christie play.

2) EY! What's wrong with Americans?!? Remember I have control over not only fish, but the names on the page. (psst! Monshari! I wonder if we could get him to grovel too!) smiley - winkeye


Post 183


2. Nicknaming an American AK-47(as was done several times so far) is AsKiNg for trouble...


Post 184

Dizzy H. Muffin

Change it to ¤AWAMwl47¤ or I shall say such 1024 times! I'll do it 16 times as an example...



Elivis Spitley

Post 185


monsy: At least don't eat anything that has a lot of mayonnaise in it.. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

TM: That's right! A dirty mind is a sure sign of fun!

Elivis Spitley

Post 186


Baron........i am soooo happy that you pointed out the mayo and :-Þ~~ connection to me....i needed another food that i could not look upon for days without getting somewhat queezy smiley - winkeye
as for a dirty mind.......is there any other kind for fun????? smiley - winkeye
monsy smiley - fish
Hey!.....YK 47.....haven't we been through this massive repeat post somewhere before???....where did it get you then?...i mean it seemed to do no good before so what makes you think it will be any different this time?? smiley - smiley

AK-YK and the Baron

Post 187


First......Baron, considering your little ditty there, I'd say you have WAY too much time on your hands!smiley - smiley

Now.....YK/AK......Whatever all those letters were....If posting all that silliness don't work, what are you gonna' do? Hold your breath 'till you turn blue?!?!

Sommbody give this boy a tranquilizer or something.......h**l shoot him with one of those darts....he needs serious help!!!!!smiley - smiley


AK-YK and the Baron

Post 188

Dizzy H. Muffin

Yew've got two days to change it to ¤AWAMwl47¤.

AK-YK and the Baron

Post 189


First....learn to spell...............

And if I don't?:-Þ~~


AK-YK and the Baron

Post 190


Monsy: Just doing my bit for the anti-condiment society. smiley - smiley

fairly strange: Yes, I have waaaayyyy too much time on my hands! I've been given ALL THE TIME IN THE MULTIVERSE by some supreme being or another, and I just don't know what to do with it! I thought I might as well make up parodies of Elvis songs as do anything else with it...

YK47: Hey, you came up with the weird name, dude! Now you deal with the CONSEQUENCES! As someone noted, at least we didn't hang you with the "AK47" moniker- overdone, and not at all the thing to give an amerkan boy, anyway. smiley - smiley

AK-YK and the Baron

Post 191

Fenchurch M. Mercury

Only I can change it, Only I can change it!!! Na-na-na-na-na!!! smiley - smiley

That is all.

AK-YK and the Baron

Post 192


Yea!....and she ain't changin' it! So there YK 47 smiley - winkeye
monsy smiley - fish

AK-YK and the Baron

Post 193

The Ghost Of TV's Frink

I'm guessing the Powers That Be could change it, if they weren't getting a big kick out of this instead. Since this forum is on the front page, perhaps they could change the name to "The Plight of YK47"

spit spit spit
(still low-tech all the way)

AK-YK and the Baron

Post 194


they wouldn't dare spoil our fun like that smiley - smiley
YK 47, just learn to live with the name change, it really is not that bad. it has a good beat and you can dance to it smiley - winkeye
monsy smiley - fish

AK-YK and the Baron

Post 195


And just think, with a name like YK47, you can get in on the Y2K explotation! Introduce yourself with a name like that and you can charge EXPERT consultant fees to tell 'em all: "I don't know."

I've a bud who does that...

AK-YK and the Baron

Post 196


yea...see, we are just doing you a favor here, you should be grateful to us and especially to Fenchurch for this honor of being named YK 47 smiley - smiley
monsy smiley - fish

AK-YK and the Baron

Post 197


That's right, YK! You should GO RIGHT AWAY and ADD YOUR VOTE to those for FENCHURCH for MS. BEARDED H2G2 2000!

smiley - smiley

AK-YK and the Baron

Post 198


Ahh.. Chuckle... I've just hopped back on this page
after a job change (upward movement in my company
and therefore lots of work, not much play) and this is
such a relief - I thought I was going mad because I have
probably the most warped sense of humour in my
division and then I read all these posts and a wave of
relief rushes over me as I realise that I am amongst
company that is as warped (or even more warped) than


: P------------------------------------*SPLAT*

Mr 47 - You have 33 hours left to carry out your
threat - I bet that you don't carry it out.

AK-YK and the Baron

Post 199

Dizzy H. Muffin

You'd win. I will NOT say ¤AWAMwl47¤ 1024 times. I will say, "Katsup is not a vegetable!" 1024 times! WAAAAAAAAA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

Also, I did NOT come up with YK-47! That was a sniveling little git! [thud]

AK-YK and the Baron

Post 200


But ketchup/catsup/katsup is NOT a vegetable. It's a fruit...close relative of citrus(note the "sections" next time you cut a tomato)

It is also a close relative of "nightshade", which is a highly poisonous plant. This is why it wasn't eaten until the late 1800's to early 1900's.

So keep in mind, all of you who have tomato sauce on your "authentic" Italian food.......When the original recipie was invented, they didn't eat tomatoes!(and modern "pizza" was invented in the Italian "barrios" of Chicago!Real Italian pizza is only vaguely similar!)

Just some food for thought.smiley - winkeye


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