
Apart from running around purporting to be Sir Head I am actually a 23 year old (at this time) of the male side of the species Homo Sapien and thus a sapient life form. I am currently residing in Sydney (Australia) and have a comfortable job in a large multinational company. I am in that growing industry of IT however my education involved an unusual degree (Consumer Science) that involved Food Science & Technology, Nutrition, Marketing and Management (and I ended up in IT...). My after hours activities include Indoor and Outdoor Cricket; Soccer; Long Distance Running; Reading; Hiking; Movies; TV watching; Cooking and all sorts of other things. I am a huge fan of Douglas Adams, Terry Pratchett, Monty Python, all sorts of British Comedy, Sci Fi and Crime/Spy novels. When I am not running around being Sir Head I go under the name of Andrew Mihulka.

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Researcher U39391


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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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