The h2g2 Post 21.09.06

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Posted: 21st September 2006



Whether the weather

What a changeable summer we have had this year. First we had flaming June which saw me fit to melt for a fair few weeks. Then, just when it would have been nice to have reasonably dry days, August provided us with some of the heaviest rain ever recorded. Now we are basking in the warmth of an Indian summer - which suits me just fine as, at the time of writing this, I am preparing for my town's annual Jaarmarkt. If last year is anything to go by I shall possibly spend quite some time stuck in the people bottleneck caused by a plethora of stalls all vying for the 'best' pitch at the centre of town and the visitors wanting to check out the alternative ends of the market.

This time around my DJ shift doesn't start until 7pm as the local have hired a Doe Maar cover band to kick off the proceedings. I doubt that I will get home much before 7am, however, as it really is the night the whole town swings - although the colour should be orange, not red as in the UK, if anyone decides to actually paint it! Please turn the pages of The Post quietly this morning as I probably have a hangover...

Finally we say a fond farewell to Beth, one of our esteemed members of the h2g2 Editorial Staff, as she heads off for a new life in Canada in just over a week's time. As an honorary member1 of The Canadian Researchers' Club may I welcome Beth to her new home.




















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1OK, ok - I just helped Lonefaery to set it up.

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