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Upcoming and Proposed Meets

East Midlands Meet 3! Saturday 23rd September

Burton-on-Trent Beer Festival, the Town Hall 2006. We'll be meeting at the Town Hall around 1300 (meet by the flower beds next to the main entrance). If you're dropping stuff off at mine first, we'll be aiming to leave there around 12.30. All those that want to come along to what are rapidly becoming legendary Bernard Cribbins fests should come and register their interest and collect further information on directions and attendees!

h2g2 Autumn London Meet 2006! 21st October

Over the years, h2g2 researchers (people just like you!) have held a number of get-togethers - usually once a year during the summer and once around Christmas... However after several conversations started after the H2G2 Summer meet 2006 the collective minds of H2G2 have decided to break with tradition and hold an autumn meet (as opposed to a Winter meet), and thence a 'spring meet' in the future to replace the 'summer meet'. It's a great excuse to meet up with fellow h2g2 enthusiasts, share in a drink or two and discover who is going to fail most astoundingly in the traditional H2G2 Pub Quizz - it'd be great if you could come along and join us! Head over to Sign Me up to the H2G2 Autumn London Meet 2006! and put your name down!


The h2g2 University

After a two-year absence, it's back - the h2g2 University, where you can create projects on your own specialised subjects...

New Clubs

The campaign for real cheese

Do you like cheese? Do you like it handmade? Well then this is the place for you. It is just a bunch of people who like cheese and want it to be handmade.


The society of revivers

HooToo as many know is a place of dead threads they clog up the bandwith and do nothing for society. So what happened if these dead threads were revived? A story is needed to explain this.


The h2g2 London Thing

The h2g2 London Thing is a sort of directory of useful London-related stuff available on h2g2. There's not all that much to it so far, but it's a start.


The Underground Campaign for the Internet

The Internet holds much power. And, for some inexplicable reason, there is nobody officially running it! Imagine the power, the knowledge that could come from ruling the internet! Imagine all the Flash games that we could play!

We are the undergound movement plotting to take over the Internet, and:



The FootiNooti Society

The slogan with the ability to gently nudge growly researchers back into the spirit of cooperative and mutual discussion. With the potential power to prevent the painful demise of clever and civilised debate, smiley - peacedove 'FootiNooti!' smiley - peacedove is a watchword, a friendly prod, a plea.


Are you forming a new club? Why not pop over to the Classified Ads and let us know! You can also promote your group by writing an introductory piece and submitting it to The Post for extra publicity and potentially more members. Just use the link at the bottom of this page.



The Post Links Page points you towards the best of h2g2. Everything from information and campaigns to eating and drinking venues, virtual lands or clubs.

The Post Archives are a repository for all things Post related. Divided into easy-to-use categories, they get bigger at a frightening pace. Well worth a visit, whether to re-read a favourite article or catch up on something you missed.


All entries for this feature should be mailed to The Post Box.

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