Escape Pod Dreams - 133
Created | Updated Sep 21, 2006
The Limited Edition Issue

It is an odd thing that people parrot whatever is spat at them by the PR and advertising hacks, to the point where 'givng the public what it wants' becomes 'giving the public what we already gave them'.
The business world is full of SPECIAL EDITIONS, Limited Editions and numbered editions. What used to occur with lithographs because the quality would erode after too many copies off the stone began to occur with Hummel figures, and later Cabbage Patch Dolls and Matchbox toys. It occurs with SUVs that roll off the assembly line in massive doses and it occurs with fizzy drinks, like Pepsi, and candy bars, like Hershey's. Shoes, boots, jeans and baby carriages. Hamburgers, CD compilations, DVD remasterings of old animated films by Disney, and, and, and, WATER, all come in Special Editions, Limited and numbered editions. All eminently collectable, in an effort to copy the frenzy and the lucrativeness of the scramble for OLD COKE when the Cola company decided to discontinue the original formula for carbonated sweetened battery acid back in the Seventies. The business world wants to create feeding and buying frenzies. It just doesn't know how. They happen spontaneously, for no good reason, which is apropos considering that they usually involve impulse items.