Sport, mechandising and mob behavior.

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Why is it so important for fans to recognize each other? They all look alike.

It was mentioned in one of the local Texas papers a week ago that the University of Texas, Austin, has sold more mechandise and made more from licensing it's colours and tradmark than any other university or college engaged in the sports merchandising game in the USA.

I said something to a customer about the absurdity of a bunch of people not only wanting to pay to watch a bunch of hyperthyroid types ramming into each other on an Astroturf field, but pre-game and post-game, wanting to wear the team colours and even replicas of their favourite player's uniform and numbers. The customer said,"It's natural. My three year old and six year old sons are wild about UT."
One wonders why.

Okay. I wear Converse Chuck Taylors. By choice. They are perhaps not the most appropriate feetware for work, play and church, but they are accepted as an iconic item. I've worn them on and off (stop laughing) since I was in High School. They are the prototypical sports, music and art footware amongst a certain crowd. I mean, everyone knows that Joey Ramone wore Chucks while Johnny wore dime store Keda. Hardly anyone remembers Chuck Taylor anymore or why Converse would want his face or his signature on their AllStars high top sneakers or basketball shoes. But they've been consistent sellers since their introduction. Back in my neighborhood when I was a teen, they were known as "hard rubbers" and any cheap knock-off or other athletic shoe was treated with derision. It was all some kids wore until they graduated to wedgies or workboots. I wear them for odd reasons. They're not cheap. I can get much less expensive ware at the discount store. I just like the way they look and feel. Plus, they are instantly recognizable. Air Jordans have changed styles a dozen times since they were first introduced, but Chucks, no matter what colour or pattern, remain the same.

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