The h2g2 Poem
Created | Updated Sep 21, 2006

The Wee Man
I love to sit outside at night,
I do it often without light.
The scent of Roses fills the air,
Just peace and quiet; not a care.
But wait a minute – what is that?
It's noisy – it can't be a cat.
The snuffling noise is all around,
I scan about upon the ground.
Then of a sudden I can see,
A Hedgehog, really close to me.
He seems to feel that I'm no threat;
But how much closer will he get?
To me he looks so very small;
And has me totally in thrall.
He grubs around so very near;
And does not seem to have a fear.
He can come closer if he will;
If I keep very, very still!!
Oh wow, that was a great surprise.
A Hedgehog right before my eyes.
I've never seen the like before;
And right outside my kitchen door.
I wonder if he has a mate,
'cos if he has, that would be great.
The next night I decided that
I'd put out food – as for the cat.
So at the right appointed hour,
The food supplied, the ground I'd scour.
And sure enough the Wee Man came,
He really does seem awfully tame.
The dish he made for straight away,
Under the archway, dark and gray.
Another snuffling – this is great,
He really seems to have a mate.
But no! there's hissing going on,
He does not like the other one.
As time goes by it seems to me,
The Wee Man is the boss you see,
The other Hedgehog keeps behind,
To see what there is left to find.
When of the cat food I put out,
He's left some for her hungry snout.
A little later in the year,
No Hedgehogs – have they gone I fear.
Then came the lovely snuffling sound;
And there they were upon the ground.
The Wee Man and his Wife I see,
With little ones; I numbered three.
They disappeared without a trace,
This garden is a wondrous place.