A Conversation for Red Dwarf

The Red Dwarf Bridge

Post 341


According to the skutter colonel, an 'AU' is a completely different distance to an 'au'...

The Red Dwarf Bridge

Post 342

Commander Xerxes Thamian Meridian

Look, the bug will be useful for first re-establishment of communications, but not very practical in the long run. Taking the bug is a good idea, but the dwarf needs engine upgrades, and if we can mine stuff we get ores to sell. And I don't think the bug has much storeage space for ores.

The Red Dwarf Bridge

Post 343


Well we'll have to use the Bug eventually...

The Red Dwarf Bridge

Post 344


..and it IS a transport vessel...

The Red Dwarf Bridge

Post 345

Lou, (Listy) Not around too much, don't be offended if I don't reply.. I'LL TRY!

For smeg's sakes, as the most senior type person on this crew we are taking the bug, my decision is final.

Sorry colonel, but Oberon and Krytie have a point...

The Red Dwarf Bridge

Post 346


So shall I help the skutters beginning stocking the bug with supplies Ma'am?

The Red Dwarf Bridge

Post 347

Lou, (Listy) Not around too much, don't be offended if I don't reply.. I'LL TRY!

Yeah, why not. Shall I give you a hand?

The Red Dwarf Bridge

Post 348


If you wouldn't rather be having your morning sugar puff sandwich Ma'am?

The Red Dwarf Bridge

Post 349


*Walks down to hangar*

The Red Dwarf Bridge

Post 350

Commander Xerxes Thamian Meridian

Ok Listy, I'll stay here and look over the ship.

The Red Dwarf Bridge

Post 351

Lou, (Listy) Not around too much, don't be offended if I don't reply.. I'LL TRY!

*eats sandwich and runs to hangar*

The Red Dwarf Bridge

Post 352


*Over comm. to colonel*

*Colonel we will need you on the surface. You know the lifeforms the culture, what they value... I don't even know if I'll be able to translate their language... Who are the people?

The Red Dwarf Bridge

Post 353

Lou, (Listy) Not around too much, don't be offended if I don't reply.. I'LL TRY!

*over comm*

What do these people even do?

The Red Dwarf Bridge

Post 354

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

*staggers in*

The Red Dwarf Bridge

Post 355

Ace Rimmer [pretending]

*runs in*
What the smeg is going on, whats wrong with the engines?

The Red Dwarf Bridge

Post 356


*enters from Starbug...*

Ah Mr. Rimmer you're back!!!

May I ask how you did an exam three million years from Io, sir?

The Red Dwarf Bridge

Post 357

Ace Rimmer [pretending]

I hitchiked...
Now what is going on?

The Red Dwarf Bridge

Post 358

Commander Xerxes Thamian Meridian

With respect sir, I thought I told you in the hanger bay.

The Red Dwarf Bridge

Post 359

Ace Rimmer [pretending]

But how/why did the engines die?

The Red Dwarf Bridge

Post 360

Commander Xerxes Thamian Meridian

They died? Sorry, sir but I didn't realise that they had died.

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