A Conversation for Silver Sword - Heroville Town Square

"Rx & Bombardier"

Post 461


: Write, I had meant. Oops.

"Rx & Bombardier"

Post 462


[Anole]: I'm fine, just help me rolocate my arms, legs, shoulders, and fingers.

"Rx & Bombardier"

Post 463


[Sharp]: "Although dazed, they would seem," he says, adjusting his monocle "To for the most part be remaining attached to your person. This is fortunate then. I do not know if this town has any sort of reliable surgeon, or any other 'man-of-repairs' of the person. If needs be, and perhaps a more ghastlier situation, god(s and/or goddesses) forbidding that it would happen - but if such were the case, that a necromancer might need to be called for."

*Shudders a bit, then tries to help Anole up, so that he may the quicker regain his bearings, etc.*

"Rx & Bombardier"

Post 464


[Sharp]: "Here, I've almost got the plumbing set to rights. You'll probably be wanting to hang on to a copy of this key. It's to the shower-room. & if you thought it was easy to rig pipes through a living tree,- without damaging any of the roots, or waterlogging the not living parts,- think again."

*Recalls a few weeks back, and then to the month or two before that, and the drip-drip noise that kept generating out of a damp-spot at one part near the wall on the ceiling.*

"You could probably do with being able to have a good wash up, to get all that soot off yeh. It still fills from a basin though. I'm going to have to rig a machine to fetch the buckets for a person, by them turning a crank or something, so that they do not have to. The stream is kind of a ways away. Might want to have it encased in a protective wooden shell,- kind of low to the ground. there's enough for one bath or two,- then it will probably have to get refilled. Kind of a dumb design, I know. Pinched for time. Could collect rainwater in barrels too, maybe..."

*Goes off to write some of that down in his notes in the workshop, then returns to hand Anole a set of towels.*
"If you can come up with any ideas to make the shower work better, you can give me a shout. There isn't really a boiler room proper yet. I think I will need a bit of help from LeRue, to build one of those. Ironworking, you know?"

"Rx & Bombardier"

Post 465


[Anole] *slowly sits up and inserts his arm back in its socket.*
"That really hurt."

"Rx & Bombardier"

Post 466


*Off to the side and at the edge of the workshop where it adjoins into the building, Sharp makes a quick small note of this, and adds material for making bandages on to the list of things to buy*

"Rx & Bombardier"

Post 467


[Sharp]: *Then he heads back to the workshop, to try reassembling the smashed clock*

If he cannot, then alternatively,- he might go about trying to make something else from its pieces.

"Rx & Bombardier"

Post 468


[Anole]: *reconnects the rest of his joins and makes a note not to mix fireweed powder with bombweed*

"Rx & Bombardier"

Post 469


[Sharp]: "I could not fix the clock that had been dismantled,- its parts were just a bit too intricate. There are three more spares left in addition to the main one. Perhaps I can construct you something from its left-over clockwork pieces later. A hot bath is good for sore muscles, I know that much. You probly have a better idea of which salves to go for in this case than I anyway. I have some work to do. After you have rested up, or whatever other measures deemed necessary,- there is a strange plant which blew in from a seed in the backyard. Might be of interest to you, which is why I didn't pull it out outr of the ground; [I] left it to grow."

"Rx & Bombardier"

Post 470


: Outr? What sort ofa careless smiley - silly typo am I about to make next? Sheesh.

"Rx & Bombardier"

Post 471


*Several strongarms type looking guards of foreign looking official and garb force Sharp out of his shop and they make him come with them.*

Deposited quite rudely on the doorstep in his place, is a confused and bewildered brother of his.

[Ion]: "What the?! Oh. A shop, so that's what he's been up to."

*wanders in*

"Rx & Bombardier"

Post 472



"Rx & Bombardier"

Post 473


[Anole]: *wakes up and looks over the counter to see Sharpe forced out*
"Eh, what's goin.... "
*a slab of ceiling falls and hits him on the head knocking him out*

"Rx & Bombardier"

Post 474



"Rx & Blambadier"

Post 475


*Sharp's brother shrugs and then disappears in a puff of incontinuity*

The same guards who threw Sharp out heft him back in.

*He is deposited rather rudely face-first into the shop, and then an attache case is dropped on top of him.*

"Anole? I've been traveling. They got mad at customs but I smuggled in some rare potion ingredients, actually- it was more they make you pay a fee then wrap it up in some peculiar way. See?"

*He goes over to the store's co-owner and opens a bottle of smelling salts up, then wafts it over his nostrils*

"Oh wait, that was horseradish. Oops."

*Gets his monocle on and rereads the lables*

"Should be this one..."

*tries again*

"Rx & Blambadier"

Post 476

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

[Gandark] whats going on?

"Rx & Blambadier"

Post 477


[Sharp]: "My co-owner passed out Gandark. Business is a mess. I'm gone for a while, I come back and there's things everywhere? It's like a wind lizard got set loose in here. Anyway... I think it might require a new tool. But I am not sure what to call this... 'mop'? Does that sound good to you? I don't know, or does that sound a little strange?"

*Sharp Shrugs and picks up some fallen bottles placing them back on the counter.*

"Rx & Blambadier"

Post 478

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

[Gandark] yeah a mop ... or maybe some lightning bolts LOL smiley - laugh

"Rx & Blambadier"

Post 479


[Sharp]: "During one of my travels I'd heard of a bizar some place in another region where they'll sell things like bolts of lightning in a jar. Things that are probably for a one-time only use. Still, I'd be willing to pay a decent amount of coins just to get to see an item like that. Eh? So, what can I help you with? Any items you might be interested in purchasing?"

*Sweeps up broken glass from one of the displays. Cleans up some scattered debris.*

"Rx & Blambadier"

Post 480

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

[Gandark] Hey, yeah, I've seen those. There's a whole elemental set: Lightning-In-A-Jar, Fireball-In-A-Jar, Blizzard-In-A-Jar, but the most interesting one was Brain-In-A-Jar.

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