Created | Updated Jul 11, 2003

The Late Summer Radish
The Leeds Radish is a meet up of h2g2 researchers to be held on 25 August 2001 in Roundhay Park, Leeds, West Yorkshire, UK. The idea is to meet in the Wetherspoon's pub at Leeds City station between 1 and 2 (note: before 1 is allowed, after 2 isn't if you want to get the minibus.) After a gander at 'Tropical World' the group will repair to a local hostelry for drinks and a quiz.
This meet is notable for the fact that it will be two weeks before the researcher known as Bagpuss departs this sceptred isle for the New World; an important event, I'm sure you'll agree.
Please drop by the The Late Summer Radish page to find out more details.DragonCon Meet in Atlanta
DragonCon is in Atlanta, Georgia from August 31-September 3, Friday - Monday. There should be opportuntites for SEURG members and researchers from other areas to meet.
On Friday at 1:00PM, there will be a Rememberence for Douglas Adams in the British Programing Track, and David Prowse will be there.
For more details visit the Southeast US Researchers' Group Mark IIAlton Towers Meet
A sudden rash of UK meets has resulted in yet another one coming to our attention. You may need a tent for this one! All the details can be found Here... a firm date is still under negotiation, but think late September/early October.Aussie Meet-Ups!
Read all about the proposed Aussie meet-ups either in the Post Article or at the Australian and NZ Researchers page.Danish Meet-up
Our friends in Denmark are starting planning early for a proposed meet in Spring 2002! Visit the sign up thread or introduce yourself at the newly created Scandinavian Researchers Club.The next Dutch Meet
Plans are underway for a repeat of the succesful Dutch Meet. The date has been arranged for the weekend of the 26th to 28th of October to give attendees plenty of advance warning and time to enjoy the hospitality when they arrive! Thirteen have already signed up with one possible.
Abi is up to something!
More fun and games at Abi's Community Activities
There is still time to enter the Summer Meet-up Caption Competition. You better be quick though... it closes on the 27th August.
Raining cats and dogs? No! Warring cats and dogs more like! In the red corner: The Dogs, in the blue corner: The Cats
The WD-42 Boutique offers fragrance and answers.
One of the most popular venues at the moment appears to be 'The Blood of The Zaphodistas'. The cabins are filling fast!
The Post is pleased to introduce a new feature. The Post Page of useful Links hopes to provide you with all the essential links you will need within h2g2. Please do check it out and make your suggestions for further items to be included.
Calling All Students!
MaW wishes it to be known that Researchers who are also University students or University graduates may visit the University Nexus, where they can find Researchers who attend/attended the same University as them, or any other University they happen to be interested it. The page is new and very small, but it can become a large and useful resource if anybody's interested. Also, those who don't like the name are encouraged to suggest alternatives !
Help Required
Researcher PSG is still looking for help with his Project Card games. Why not visit the page and offer to write about your favourite passtime?
Crazy smiley!
Twinkle is having fun again. If you use Internet Explorer visit Catch the crazy smiley! and try to do just that!
Zaphod is still seeking euphemisms for 'being or going slightly mad', e.g. a sandwich short of a picnic, a few tiles missing from the roof, etc. Please visit Euphemisms for being slightly mad to add to the impressive collection which is building up!
The H2G2 Noticeboard
This was originally set up as an experiment by Titania and is proving to be a great success... so much so that we have included it in the essential links archive.
Marvin Needs Your help!
Visit the Grudge Match site where poor Marvin, everyones favourite Android is facing C3PO in deadly combat. All it would take is a quick vote to help him win!
h2g2 Pet Store
Visit aka's Pet Store, where you can finally acquire your favourite animal on h2g2 for your pages, excluding marine life. If you want or
, then visit the F.A.S., the Fish Adoption Scheme.
All entries for this feature should be mailed to shazzPRME. Please mark the subject 'Announcements'.