Aussie Meet-Ups!
Created | Updated Feb 24, 2003

Aussie Meet-ups 15/9/01... yes that is plural, it's a very big country you know!!!
Calling all Australian researchers - or anyone else in the country at the appropriate time...
For some time now a bunch of Aussie researchers have been holding polite discussion on such topics as:
- 'How sick we all are of hearing about all the other meet ups going on around the world.'
- 'Where we should hold our own meeting?' and
- 'Why the rest of the world seems to think all Australians drink Fosters when we wouldn't touch the stuff with a ten foot pole, except to load it onto a boat to ship it out of the country!
As has already been mentioned, Australia is a very big country and the logistics of organising one meeting place can best be summed up in Feisors' limerick:
We're hoping, here in Oz, for a Meet
A gathering of researchers would be neat
But distances great
And finding a date
Are making it no easy feat!
It was decided that simultaneous meet-ups was the only way we could arrange to do anything as, for example, Rocket Rod up in Broome in the far North West of the country is a couple of thousand kilometres and a couple of thousand dollars from either Sydney or Melbourne.
So far the following has been organised:
Carlisle Castle Hotel, Newtown
Corner of Albermarle and Probert streets
From 2-ish, Saturday 15th September.
Venue T.B.A
Venue T.B.A
There are other possibilities as well depending on numbers, which is why we need you to register here now:
Australian and NZ Researchers page and the attached thread:
Sign-up/discussion thread
We are still looking at ways of communicating between the various meet ups. We are also expecting someone from the Towers to attend... well they seem to make it to every other one that has been on...
Of course any day now they will also decide to send us a whole bunch of h2g2 t-shirts... HINT HINT.
I mean, given that the ABC seems to buy every programme the BBC has ever made, thus helping fund both the BBC and h2g2, it seems only fair they return something to us as a small token of appreciation.
In summary, go to the above thread and let us know you are interested, (or even that you are not interested). As an alternative you can leave a message on my home page if you so desire.
Cheers! Linus