The Late Summer Radish

8 Conversations


by Amy the Ant
in the style of Mark Rothko.


The Leeds Radish is a meet up of h2g2 researchers to be held on 25 August 2001 in Roundhay Park, Leeds, West Yorkshire, UK.

The Plan

There is a nice park in Leeds. It's called Roundhay Park. There are two pubs - one of which serves good food and is just opposite Tropical World which is a sort of mini zoo and much better than it sounds.

We'll all meet up at the railway station between noon and 2pm and go for a drink in the Wetherspoon's pub, which is near the back door of the station through the shopping mall.

At 2pm will will make our way by taxi to The Roundhay Fox: a pub opposite the gates of Tropical World on The Prince's Avenue, LS8.1

At this point we'll have a drink at the Roundhay Fox because it will be vitally important to drinks lots of fluids. Arrangements will be made to look after luggage.

At about 3.30pm, we'll cross the road and go to tropical world. Entry is £2.50. It is very hot inside - about 40 degrees. Jumpers will not be required. It takes about an hour to go around, perhaps a fraction more.

When we come out of Tropical World we'll walk down to Roundhay Park and play games. Staying back at the pub is also an option, although the short walk across to the other pub (The Manor House) is quite pleasant.

We must aim for at least some of us to be back at the Roundhay Fox by 6:30pm in order to grab some of the outside eating tables in the rear courtyard. These have patio heaters built into the brollies. Posh, eh?

We will have to order food or they will get shirty. Main courses range in price from £5.95 to £9.95 but the portions are large and you might get by with a starter - especially if you nick the chips off other people's plates. The Fish and Chips are to be particularly recommended. They come on a plate with knives and forks and everything! Leeds is a very sophisticated place.

We'll spend the evening there nattering and having quizzes etc. Abi has kindly raided Mark's drawer and found some half-chewed pens for prizes.

Options for getting back to the station or the Ant's Nest amount to a choice between a taxi or a No.2 bus. i will have the bus timetable with me.


Sadly unavailable on the day:

  • Kipper
  • Granny Weatherwax
  • Mr T.
  • Pegasus

The History of the Radish

Once upon a time, some researchers oop north formed a club called the Flat Cap and Mufflers Club (a flat cap being a cloth cap as worn by Andy Capp and a muffler being a woolly scarf. These things are typically northern - like black puddings and whippets).

They planned an outing in the Spring of 2001and called it the Spring Outing. But due to world-class prevarication it didn't happen until the Summer. So obviously they had to change its name, since Spring Outing was no longer appropriate, and their only sensible course of action was to rename it the Spring Onion2.

Thus an ancient tradition began and all future meets will be named after comedy vegetables.

1Anyone arriving later than this can either splash out for a taxi or catch the Number 2 bus. The bus stop is in New Briggate - find Marks and Spencers, walk uphill, cross the main road, second bus stop on the left, there's a bus every 10 minutes, ask for "Roundhay Park", when you see the pub on the left, ding the bell and get off at the next stop.2Spring onions are known as scallions or green onions in the US.

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