"Vision Is The Art Of Seeing Things Invisible" - Under Construction
"Why do stars shine?" asked Piglet..."They are full of wishes" Pooh replied... "Why can't we have blue jelly?"I asked my mother one day,
She patted my cheek with a smile and said.
"Because I can't make it that way."
I pondered about her answer
And jellies that I had seen
In all sorts of wonderful colours,
Orange, lemon and green.
Shimmering on a plate,
Would look like a star lit sapphire
At a Royal Garden fete."
To flatter my laziness of not having to search for their U numbers everytime I want to talk to them, here's a list of some great people I've found wandering around this site who've been kind enough to humour my Formula 1 talk once or twice...
Peregrin - The best bird of prey around..he's also a pretty great bloke
Mr T - Musical genius extrodinaire but definitely not cool
Bagpuss - Not just a saggy old cloth cat but a pretty great guy too...oh and he's a fellow Guisborian!
Menza - Not just on here because he gives me free at H2G2's greatest pub but also because umm...errr...he's Menza?
Ormondroyd1 - Humours me about my Ferrari obsession, just mention Bradford City to him and you'll see why!
Amy The Ant - Normally I wouldn't have ants down as high on my list of favourite things but Amy is definitely the coolest Ant I've ever met
Wumbeevil- What to say?
Dr E.Vibenstein - I first spoke to him over a year ago and he's still not become a doctor of medicine...
The Fish - He likes SHINY motorbikes and cars, need I say more!
And no page of mine could be complete without some sort of homage to SUBARU!!!2.

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stranger in town... | Jan 22, 2001 | Jun 13, 2020 |
On Behalf of the Guide Editors | No Posting | May 26, 2019 |
h2g2 Post 27.05.19 - Share and Enjoy | No Posting | May 26, 2019 |
The h2g2 Post 20.05.19 - In Glorious Ripley | No Posting | May 19, 2019 |
Post 13.05.19 - Still in Ripley Mode | No Posting | May 12, 2019 |
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."