The Cathouse

47 Conversations

A tiger
H2G2 needs a cathouse.

Lips and tongue, and the words 'say that again?'

I said:
H2G2 needs a cathouse.

Elephant in underwear
A cat looking for her ideal mate

For some reason I feel eminently qualified to run onesmiley - devilsmiley - blackcat

However, I have no idea how to go about building it.smiley - wah


SO . . .
For the time being I'm setting aside this space, for construction.
A beaver

Any architects, builders, decorators, or cats who wish to offer assistance will be gratefully supplied with smiley - choc, smiley - cappuccino or bowls of cream, and cushions in the sun.

Two people snuggling up to each other on a leopard skin sofa.A man's face in a paw print

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