The h2g2 University Nexus
Created | Updated Jan 28, 2003
Many Researchers on h2g2 are students at Universities around the world - or have been. The University Nexus aims to help Researchers find those who are or have been at their Universities, to compare notes, argue about what the best Halls of Residence are, talk about shared experiences when living out, or even to arrange to meet up for a few drinks. Researchers from all Universities around the world are of course welcome, and we aim to compile a definitive list, a list which is now becoming so definitive we're even including lecturers.
As the Nexus grows, it will be split into multiple Entries of more manageable size, organised by country and, if necessary, region and even University.
To have your name added to the list, please post in the latest "Add My Name" thread below with the following information: Researcher Number (yes, I know I can get that from the forum posts, but it does make it a lot easier this way), University, Country and time of graduation (if you haven't graduated yet, please say when you will graduate). If you wish, you can also say what degree you studied/are studying for, what Hall you were in, what societies you were a member of or on the committee for - anything relevant to University life. You can even tell us what grade you got if you want, although that's most certainly not compulsory - but if you have a First from Cambridge and you want to show it off, we certainly won't stop you.
That's enough of that, on with the list!
The Universities
La Trobe University, Australia
- U43948, graduating 2004, studying BA Outdoor Education. Lived on campus in 2002.
The University of Monash, Victoria, Australia
- U145910, studying a BA, majoring in Linguistics, graduating at end of 2002. Doesn't live on campus or drink beer, former Secretary of Science Fiction Writers' Club.
The University of British Columbia, Canada
- U191872, majoring in Applied Science: Electrical Engineering, living in Place Vanier, graduating 2003
McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
- U152404, studying a MSc graduating 2003, a member of the outdoors club.
The University of Aston, UK
- U186382, graduating 2005, studying Civil Engineering.
The University of Bath, UK
- U97644, graduating 2003, studying for BSc Business Administration. 2000/01 treasurer of Ballroom Dancing club, member of Archery club. Former member of hockey club and university film society.
The University of Bournemouth, UK
- U31911, graduating 2004, studying BA Interactive Media Production.
The University of Cambridge, UK
- U153452, graduating 2002, studying Maths. Interested in political theory (left wing anarchism), writes for a left-wing publication called Take Issue.
- U182633, graduated 1996 in Medical Science from Emmanuel College. PhD in heritary skin cancer from the pathology department in 2001.
The University of Durham, UK
- U161997, graduating 2004, studying BA Archaeology. Collingwood College.
- U180110, graduating 2002, studying Engineering (MEng)
The University of Glasgow, UK
- U55447, graduated 1996 with BSc in Physics, 2001 with PhD in Nanoelectronics. Was heavily into IO, West End pubs and the SF Society.
- U147883, graduated 1998 with BSc Molecular Genetics 2:1. Former member of IO, spent most of time in the Pontecorvo Building and saw other people rarely.
- U182177, graduated 1986 with BAcc. Has fond memories of Queen Margaret Hall and Glasgow University Theatre. Has more recently done evening classes at the University, including Japanese.
Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK
- U196968, studying for a PhD
The University of Huddersfield, UK
- U203393, graduated 1998 LLB(Hons) Law, then 2000 with postgrad LPC.
The University of Hull, UK
- U110315, graduating 2003, studying BA History.
- U113478, graduated 2002 with First Class BA Special Philosophy.
- U170714, lecturer in Psychology and Sociology.
Kingston University, UK
- U104826, BA Economics, graduated 1993.
Imperial College, London, UK
- U137089, BSc Biochemistry, graduated 2002.
- U200650, studying MEng Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence), graduating 2006.
King's College, London, UK
- U147883, PhD in Genetics (looking at tumours getting their own blood supply and becoming big and nasty), hopefully graduating in 2004.
University College, London, UK
- U147884, graduated 1999 with BA English
The University of Leeds, UK
- U152404, graduated 2000 having studied Mathematics. Currently at McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, graduating 2005.
The University of Nottingham, UK
- U55669, graduating summer 2003, studying BSc (Hons) Computer Science. First-year resident of Newark Hall on Jubilee Campus. Treasurer of Tai Chi Society in second year, President in third year, member of Archery Club and Juggling Society.
- U179945, graduated summer 2000 with MSci (Hons) (2:1) in Biochemistry and Biological Chemistry. Whilst in Nottingham I was a member of the Science Fiction Society, a member of University Radio Nottingham as a member of the committee in my first/second year, a DJ for four years and involved in many aspects of student radio (too many to name in such a small space), co-Science sub-editor of Impact (the student magazine) for '97 and general manager of Impact in '98, I was also a member of Jitsu for '96.
- U189000, graduated July 2002, with BSc (Hons) Computer Science. President of Science Fiction Society in final year. Currently studying for a PhD in something or other.
- U189084, graduated 1999 with 2:1 BSc(Hons) Computer Science. Now doing PhD in Electronic Publishing, due to finish late 2002. Irregular member of Science Fiction and Rambling societies.
The Open University, UK1
- U43530, studying BSc/BA (Open) History & Law
The University of Oxford, UK
- U94957, graduated 1993 from Oriel College with BA Chemistry
The University of Reading, UK
- U110916, graduating 2004, BSc Intelligent Systems.
- U179945, graduating 2003/2004, PhD student. Doctoral thesis title currently "Molecular Mechanisms undelying the Effects of Dietary Fatty Acids on Chylomicron Synthesis, Secretion and Composition". I am involved with Junction 11, the student radio station.
The University of Sheffield, UK
- U165955, graduated 1989 with BSc Maths.
- U157298, graduated 2002, BA Hons Business Studies. First-year resident of Halifax Hall.
The University of Southampton, UK
- U32373
- U40382
- U43530, LLB Law, BA History (possibly).
- U94902
- U94957 PhD in Organic Chemistry, finished 1997
The University of St. Andrews, UK
- U34159, graduating 2004, studying History.
- U196968, graduated 2001 with 2:1 in Physics with Photonics. Most notorious moment was Comic Relief 2001, when attended lectures dressed in chain mail and helm (all steel, weighed about 4 stone)
The University of Surrey at Guildford, UK
- U179952, graduated 1995 with BSc in Microbiology/Biotechnology. Spent quite a bit of time in Stage Crew.
The University of Sussex, UK
- U182771, graduating 2004, studying for BA Philosophy.
The University of Wales at Bangor, UK
- U55494 / U181300, graduated 1995 with MEng for the School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Systems.
The University of Warwick, UK
- U55642, graduating 2006, studying for an MPhys, member of too many societies, living somewhere in Rootes.
- U108409, graduating 2002, studying BSc Mathematics. Resident of Rootes H Block, member of Maths Society and Brass Society.
The University of Wolverhampton, UK
- U182112, graduating 2003, studying for BA in Illustration.
Metro State College, Denver, Colorado, USA
- U98816, graduating 2003/2004, majoring in English (Creative Writing), Minoring in History.
Radford University, Radford, Virginia, USA
- U50994, graduating May 2006 (or 'one of these days'), majoring in English, minoring in Music Performance. Part of the Honours Academy and a Highlander Scholar. Selected to be a Kirk Scholar but doesn't want to go to China, would prefer to go to the UK.