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Upcoming and Proposed Meets

Unofficial London Christmas Party January 2005

Discussions are already underway and the date has now been set as Saturday the 8th of January 2005. Still under consideration are possible venues so nip along to this thread to express your preference.

If you can manage this date then go straight to the sign-up thread or visit the Meet Page to contribute to the lively 'what shall we do' discussions.

Unofficial Spring Meet 2005

An unofficial Spring Meet 2005 is being discussed, possibly in Blackpool, possibly in April:
Spring Meet 2005


For those of you not already aware, for the past two years there has been a memorial lecture held at the Royal Institute in London, on Douglas' birthday. There is to be a third lecture in 2005, to be held on 10th March, which is an event you should not miss. This event, which commemorates Douglas' work and wider interests, also directly benefits the wildlife charities of which he was patron.

Further info can be found at A3009142


You've seen them in Austin Powers and James Bond, but if you were a supervillain, what kind of secret base would you have? Would it be a hollowed-out volcano? An undersea citadel? Maybe you'd be the first villain to build your lair on the moon? Get your thinking caps on and have your say in this week's Talking Point!!


I, Toy Box, am going to defend my thesis at last!

The day is the 3rd of December. Anybody willing to attend is most welcome - and
don't forget Reims is the city of smiley - bubbly!


The Hitch-Hiker's Guide To The Galaxy radio series has now finished and you can no longer 'listen again' although links are provided to buy the audio tapes.

The Picture Competition runs until the 15th December 2004 and you can still play the Hitchhiker's Guide Adventure Game written by DNA himself!. The Guide Entry Competition has been judged and the winners are available to read. All this and more on the Radio 4 site.


Do you sometimes feel like you are missing out? That there must be a really interesting thread somewhere onsite, but you just can't find it? Well, The Thread of The Day aims to bring you the most interesting, entertaining, or controversial thread of the day as well as a few typical sources of entertainment.

Service provided by U201647.


Not 'Done' yet!

Neil Diamond's 'Done Too Soon' consists of a list of people throughout history that died in the prime of life, either being killed while still very young (comparatively) or after having made a significant contribution to the progression of history. The lyrics include 25 names and it was my thought that we could write a small biography for each. You still have a chance to contribute to this project!
The 'Done Too Soon' Project is orchestrated by broelan

New Clubs

Are you forming a new club? Why not pop over to the Classified Ads and let us now!



The Post Links Page points you towards the best of h2g2. Everything from information and campaigns to eating and drinking venues, virtual lands or clubs.

The Post Archives are a repository for all things Post related. Divided into easy-to-use categories, they get bigger at a frightening pace. Well worth a visit, whether to re-read a favourite article or catch up on something you missed.


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02.12.04 Front Page

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Birthday banner by Jimster

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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