Talking Point: Design your Supervillain Hideout

30 Conversations

A tropical island, overlooked by a gigantic skull carved into the side of a mountain.

What if you were completely and utterly evil, like, really bad. Y'know, the sort of person who kicks puppies, is rude to old ladies and always leaves the seat up. Oh, and you might have the odd evil plan too, like World domination and stuff. Anyway, you can't go about trying to take over the planet from your bedroom or the garden shed (we know, we've tried). You need an abode that suits your status as the ultimate supervillain. You need... a secret base!

But what kind of base would you have? You can't just go to 'Lairs R Us' - you've got to pick a remote area that no-one would ever suspect of containing troops, missiles and a rather sexy den where you can greet your enemies.

We want to know:

  • Where would you have your lair? In a hollowed-out volcano? Under the sea? On the moon?

  • What special features would it have? Would you have a pool of trained sharks, or an army of Oompa-Lumpas?

  • What defenses would your base be equipped with? How would you make sure that your enemy can't ever get to you?

  • What kind of uniforms would your minions wear? (And yes, they do have to be clothed, it's our game and we're not having nudie minions walking around. Children might be reading!)

  • Remember - ventilation shafts are a must - you have to face your enemy some time!

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