A Conversation for Ask h2g2
My word! - have you seen the new Google Doodle, what?
Baron Grim Posted Dec 21, 2012
How odd. I wonder why US and Canada googles are ignoring it. Mexico shows it. France isn't.
Maybe Google just figured too many folks here in the US and Canada are taking the doomsday B.S. too seriously.
My word! - have you seen the new Google Doodle, what?
~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum Posted Dec 24, 2012
"...this morning. ...incredibly happy and festive, with lots of
colors and Christmas like characters and activities...can be found
worldwide today, December 24th, on Christmas Eve"
"...when I peak ahead at Google Australia, where it is already
Christmas day, I currently do not see a special holiday logo
for Christmas. Maybe Google will surprise us?"
My word! - have you seen the new Google Doodle, what?
~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum Posted Dec 28, 2012
Google.com and Google.ca
(but apparently not google.co.uk)
today are celebrating the 160th birthday
of the Spanish guy who built the cable car
that goes over the whirlpool below
Niagara Falls.
From Wiki:
"The Aero Car is suspended between two Canadian points,
though it crosses the Canadian and American borders
four times on a full trip."
From Utoob:
My word! - have you seen the new Google Doodle, what?
~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum Posted Dec 31, 2012
Dec 31, 2012
There is a large room crowded with characters, such as
a possible Capt Ahab and another man with a top hat and
a caped man, a Victorian woman, a girl in a red hood with
a howling wolf, google letters with legs, a lady at what might
be a synth keyboard, two gents at blackboards or darkened
windows (one with the Starship Enterprise flying by), a
young boy with toy cars and planes, Rodin's 'Thinker' sat
at a computer screen... but there is no ALT description
or any clue or identifier. Clicking on it takes me to an
old image from April 2012.
Anyone else seeing this or know what it is?
My word! - have you seen the new Google Doodle, what?
~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum Posted Dec 31, 2012
Repeated clicking takes me to other old doodles
all of which appear to have happened in 2012, so
I'm assuming it's the 'Google Year in Review'.
My word! - have you seen the new Google Doodle, what?
Baron Grim Posted Dec 31, 2012
Ah... it depends on where you click on the New Years Eve image as to which previous doodle from this year it takes you to.
I clicked on the image of the Enterprise in the upper left corner and it brought me to the 46th Anniversary of Star Trek doodle.
My word! - have you seen the new Google Doodle, what?
Baron Grim Posted Dec 31, 2012
They had so many interactive doodles this year. It's a good way to catch up on ones you may have missed or were just fun to play with anyway. Could be a good way to waste time today.
My word! - have you seen the new Google Doodle, what?
~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum Posted Dec 31, 2012
Here's a nostalgic bit of Americana I had missed.
My word! - have you seen the new Google Doodle, what?
~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum Posted Dec 31, 2012
I swear it wan't there before but now there's a
highlighted clickable link saying:
"Watch and Remember"
Which, dare I say , shows that the Google doodlers
are better graphic artists than they are TV producers.
That is meant merely as a qualitative observation and
not a blanket condemnation. At least their selection
of video clips has a wider range of whirled content
than is being shown in most of the nationalist biased
'year-in-review' collages being seen on TV.
My word! - have you seen the new Google Doodle, what?
~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum Posted Jan 1, 2013
Happy New Year!
Today's doodle is the same room with everyone gone.
Clicking on it takes you to an explanation which also
has a link to yesterdays with a complete review listing
many details I missed and claiming that it includes
samples from every 2012 doodle:
My word! - have you seen the new Google Doodle, what?
Geggs Posted Jan 9, 2013
Just spotted today's and told my brother-in-law. He absolutely loves the Tube.
My word! - have you seen the new Google Doodle, what?
Mol - on the new tablet Posted Jan 9, 2013
It's the London Underground!
I think this might be my favouritest ever ...
My word! - have you seen the new Google Doodle, what?
Beatrice Posted Jan 9, 2013
Oooooh, me too! I have a poster of The Great Bear in my office!
My word! - have you seen the new Google Doodle, what?
Alfster Posted Jan 9, 2013
Ah that Tube one is superb.
My word! - have you seen the new Google Doodle, what?
anhaga Posted Jan 9, 2013
Ah, another provincial one: the Tube one is only on http://www.google.co.uk/
My word! - have you seen the new Google Doodle, what?
Superfrenchie Posted Jan 16, 2013
Another mini-game today, in honour of the inventor of the ice-resurfacing machine.
My word! - have you seen the new Google Doodle, what?
~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum Posted Jan 16, 2013
Glad it's getting wider circulation.
This country is all abuzz about this one and
I had assumed it was only a Canadian thing.
My word! - have you seen the new Google Doodle, what?
~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum Posted Jan 17, 2013
I have discovered that if you resist clicking
to engage the 'game' and just let the doodle
do its doodling, that a lot of interesting things
will wander across the ice - including a polar bear.
Eventually, and it does take a while, the action will
come to and end and you are left with an empty rink.
Not unlike the recent months long lockout of the NHL
that cut the season in half and created economic hard-
ship and ruin for all manner of buzzinesses which depend
on 'the game' being played - bars, restaurants, hotels,
sporting goods wholesalers and retailers, bus and airlines,
TV stations, sports reporters, escort agencies, drug dealers.
It's been hell.
Key: Complain about this post
My word! - have you seen the new Google Doodle, what?
- 301: Baron Grim (Dec 21, 2012)
- 302: ~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum (Dec 24, 2012)
- 303: ~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum (Dec 28, 2012)
- 304: ~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum (Dec 31, 2012)
- 305: ~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum (Dec 31, 2012)
- 306: Baron Grim (Dec 31, 2012)
- 307: ~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum (Dec 31, 2012)
- 308: Baron Grim (Dec 31, 2012)
- 309: ~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum (Dec 31, 2012)
- 310: ~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum (Dec 31, 2012)
- 311: ~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum (Jan 1, 2013)
- 312: Geggs (Jan 9, 2013)
- 313: Mol - on the new tablet (Jan 9, 2013)
- 314: Beatrice (Jan 9, 2013)
- 315: Alfster (Jan 9, 2013)
- 316: anhaga (Jan 9, 2013)
- 317: Superfrenchie (Jan 16, 2013)
- 318: ~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum (Jan 16, 2013)
- 319: Baron Grim (Jan 16, 2013)
- 320: ~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum (Jan 17, 2013)
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